chapter 4 (time for major confusion)

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(okay so to clear this up for yall its been almost a month and tony and loki have warmed up to each other, tony is slowly realizing he like likes loki but is scared to act on those feelings and loki is realizing he feels the same way. Sorry to confuse yall)

Tony looked around the room as he took a sip of the champagne he was drinking. HIs eyes locked with steveś and he immediately looked the other way ´crap´ he thought. Tony didn't think that he would be here. SHifting uncomfortably in his spot he started thinking of an excuse to leave.

¨Hey¨ said a voice he knew all too well. Tony looked up at steve and gave him a half-hearted smile ¨hey.¨

Steve took a sip of whatever he was drinking and continued ¨I was thinking we could go get some coffee since this party kinda sucks¨ 

He wasn't wrong about that part. ¨um I mean sure I guess¨ Tony said not really sure of what to do. Steve’s smile grew wider as he grabbed Tony's arm, dragging him towards the door.

Once they made it to the coffee shop Tony decided he should probably make this less awkward ¨so um, you didn't bring Barnes?¨

¨Nah he's not the party type,¨ he chuckled nervously, ordering them some coffee. Tony gave him a confused look but decided to drop it ¨go figure¨

Steve handed Stark his coffee and led them outside, leaning against the wall. This was just way too weird. Taking a sip of his coffee Tony attempted to make small talk with the super soldier until midnight rolled around the corner.

¨Well this wasn't as bad as I was expecting but I should get going¨ he said and turned on his heel to head back to his car. Steve grabbed his shoulder and whined ¨cmon tones just for a little longer?¨

¨No, I have things I need to do¨ he said, freeing himself of Steve's grip. He heard Steve sigh in defeat ¨can I walk you back then?¨

¨Fine whatever.¨ Steve cheered and took Tony's hand before heading back to his car.

¨Hey, thanks¨ Steve said, giving him a warm smile.

¨Don't push it¨ Tony answered, unlocking the car and opening the door. Just as he was about to get in there was a gun shot heard from down the street, he looked at steve who gave him the ´dont you fucking dare´ face before he got in his car and sped off anyway.

Once he arrived at the spot he got out the car only to see bucky with a gun in his hand

¨The fuck-¨ Tony growled, grabbing the gun from the mind whipped man who elbowed him in the stomach before slicing his side with a knife. Bucky struck Tony in the ribs before kicking him to the ground. Anthony groaned and got back up, elbowing the super soldier in the ribs and pushing him to the wall.

Steve showed but not a minute later and sighed ¨so um long sto-¨

¨save it rogers, you cant back him up every fucking time¨ he held the wound and spund bucky around, punching him in the face and busting his noise and taking the gun. ¨you can't just hope the bad part goes away just because you don't wanna leave him¨ Tony spat, 

¨I didn't think his dreams could trigger it, not like it's him anyway¨ Steve protested, holding bucky in his arms. Tony rolled his eyes and let out a sigh ¨that doesn't make it okay¨ he groaned, getting back in his car and driving home.

(If it wasn't clear, idfk what im doing)

Tony walked through the door more than pissed. FIrst he has to go to a shitty party, then steve tries to get on his good side and then he finds out hes just covering for his fucking boyfriend. HE groaned at the thought and layed down on the couch not bothering to take care of the bleeding.

Loki walked downstairs and went over to him, a bit of worry showing across his face. ¨Anthony?¨

Tony looked at him, sitting up and smiling at him ¨hi¨ he said, feeling a bit dizzy due to the blood loss.

¨Care to share?¨ Loki asked, looking down at the wound.

¨Stupid bullshit¨ He repiled, making a note to just never talk to steves fucking spangled ass again. LOki sat down next to him, putting his hand over the wound and healed it ¨can't have you ruining that suit now can we¨ he chuckled.

¨No sir we can not¨ Tony laughed, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest.

¨y´know it looks really good on you¨ Loki purred, obviously drunk. 

´ah great´ Tony thought ¨I know¨

He felt Loki's hand trail up his arm, moving to his neck and pulling his a bit closer.

¨I wanna take it off you~¨ he hummed, moving his other hand up and down tony’s leg.

¨No, you're drunk¨ stated stark, pushing loki's hands away. The god frowned and pulled tony into his lap ¨please~¨ he pushed his hips against tony's earning a soft groan from him.

¨you are drunk¨ he breathed out as loki's lips ghosted over his neck before nipping at the sensitive skin.

¨And you're hot¨ he purred again before lightly sucking on anthonys sweet spot and using his other hand to palm him through his pants. Tony shuddered at his touch and pushed him back ¨maybe if you still feel like it we can do this when you're s o b e r¨

¨but I want you noww¨ Loki whined, rolling his hips and wrapping his arms around the mortal’s waist so he can't escape.

Tony bite back a moan and growled, pinning loki's arms at his sides and getting up ¨go to bed¨

The god giggled before leaning forward and mouthing over tony´s crotch. He let a small moan slip as loki lapped his tongue over the spot. ¨Loki¨ he growled making him look up at him ¨you are drunk, go to bed¨ 

Loki whined again but leaned back on the couch with a pout.

Tony sighed and went upstairs, collapsing on his bed and covering his face with his hands. Why the god was drunk was beyond him since he thought he didn't like alcohol. No matter, he´d deal with that in the morning. Pulling a pillow to his chest, Anthony closed his eyes and let himself slip into a light sleep.

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