chapter 19

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I heard something growl. I had the best dream. I woke on the  couch. My parents were not home. I din't expect them to be. They were acting less and less like parents now a days.

I looked around. I knew Tony, and the twins were probly in their rooms. I ran up the stair. I heard the growling again. Did ws have a dog...? no we din't. I walked into my sister's room to see both beds being used... Tony probably had a nightmare. I saw blond hair.

I walked up to my bed and pulled the covers off of what i thought was the young boy. In stead it was the girl frkm my dream. At that sight i ran to my brother's room. I saw Gregory lieing down by Chris. Neither had shirts. I saw Tony alone but the next thing was to wierd  not to mention.

Rudolph was on the floor....again without a shirt on.....does he just not like shirts? Amanda must have been behind me. The only thing that could have been growling was her.

I turned around to meet ruby eyes. They were blood red. She pined me to a wall. I screamed and felt something painfully enter my neck. "Help!!!!" I screamed.

I felt something hard and cold grabb my arm. Amanda flew off of me.... but it was to late.

The vampire had taken to much of my blood for me to live. I was in someone's arms. A new pair of fangs entered my neck. It hurt.

I must have fallen asleep because when i woke I was in bed. I saw a black haired boy sitting next to me. Who was he? His face turned and i relized that it was Rudolph.

"It was not Amanda. She was passest by a nother witch." He said. I look at him.

"I had to. If i din't you would have died."
Bæ what happened? I questioned. He looked at me. His eyes moved back.
Your part vampire now he said.......

I had just woken up. Rudolph's cold body was pressed next to mine. My heart was beating so heavily Rudolph's took a deep breath and opened his ruby eyes.

"What is the matter?" He asked.
I had a nightmare. ... i thought back..., it waz just easier to do.
It's ok nothing can happen to you know..... he answered.

He rapped his arms around my thin waist. His head was rubbing into my collerbone. It din't hurt me but he stopped a little later..... i feel into a deep sleep by my vampire. ..

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