chapter 21

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We all jumped up as we heard a scream the vampires had calmed down so no more running like mad man or woman's.

We ran to the noise. What we saw was scray.

Anna was walking on the ceiling of the basement. Laughing and Chris sitting tied up to a chair.

"What happened? "Gregory asked. Crystal raced down the steps and tripped. Rudolph was in front of her. He was talked down the stairs. "Are you ok?" I asked Rudolph calmly.

He turned his head to look at me.

"Do you know how much this reminds me of the past?" Tony giggled at his 15 year old vampire friend. Rudolph slowly got up.

"You can't even walk! "Tony said like reading from a script.

"Who need to walk when you can fly?" Rudolph answered.

Tony ran to him to be lightly push out of the way. The rest of everyone was looking at them weirdly. Anna was sitting on the floor with Crystal's head in her lap. Gregory was hissing at his sister. Chris was being untied. Amanda walk back up and slammed the door shut. Rudolph laughed at his twins actions. He walk up the steps. We all followed.

It was dark..... i had an idea.

"How about we go and visit you home?" I asked. Tony looked happier than a clown. Rudolph nodded and ran to me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to me..... and we were off.

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