Dark Rainbows

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Here's a short story i threw together in 20 minutes off of a writing prompt about "dark rainbows"


                                                             A Plan Gone Wrong

"I don't think this is a good idea," Harry mumbled as Velvet transformed into a bat and flew up to the window.

"You say that every time."

"Yes, and it is a bad idea, every time."

"This kid has been following us around for days, surely he'd like to find out who we really are," Velvet told him, landing on the window sill and transforming back into a teen vampire. Her strait black hair hung down to her waist and the moon made her violet eyes shine.

"But what if the police pull up?" Harry asked, his blood red eyes scanning the empty and dark streets.

"They won't. Can't you have a little fun?" Velvet murmured.

"But if anybody sees a werewolf and a vampire sneaking into someone's house they're going to be quite alarmed."

"Which is why nobody is going to see me," Velvet grinned, her pointed canine teeth gleaming.

She tried the window but it was locked. "Dang it, so much for this being easy." She pulled out a hairpin from her pocket and began picking at the lock.

"What's taking you so long?" Harry whined.

"Shut up and maybe I'll pick this lock quicker," she hissed.

It took a while, but she soon managed to bypass the lock and enter the room. It was just like any typical teenage boy's room, messy and musty smelling. She looked at the sleeping form of the boy then to poster on a wall.

"Call of Duty Black Opps," she raised an eyebrow. Taking a step back, she noticed garlic near his bed and on the edges of the window from which she came in. "This guy knows nothing about monsters," she shook her head in disappointment. She glanced at a shelf that held movies, a majority of them horror or some sort of monster related film.

A sudden buzz and ding came from her pocket.

"Ah shoot!" she whispered, yelled, reaching in her pocket to turn her phone off. The brightness of her phone did not make a huge difference to the dark room. Because of her sensitive eyes, she always kept her brightness down all the way, which made it hard to show pictures and memes off of social media to friends that were not vampires.

The sleeping form stirred, but then lay still.

Velvet sighed then turned for a hasty retreat. Her foot snagged on a pair of jeans that were caught underneath a dresser. Not being the most coordinated vampire in the world, she fell prostrate on the bedroom floor.

The teenage boy jumped and sat upright.

"OW!" Velvet exclaimed.

"Who's in here!?" his deep adolescent voice shrieked.

Velvet slowly stood up and brushed her hair away from her white face. "Well this is awkward," she started, noticing he had no shirt on.

"What the heck is a teenage girl doing in here?" he asked.

"What's more important is why this room reeks of garlic?"

"That doesn't answer the question."

"This is the first time I've ever had this happen. Out of the millions of houses, you happened to be the lucky one," she smiled, stepping into the moonlight. "I'm Velvet." She held out her hand for him to shake.

The boy's face went from confused to horrified. "You-your-"

"You're supposed to shake my hand. I thought humans did this all the time, this should be a routine."

"A vampire?!"

"Give the boy a prize, he got it right," Velvet clapped her hands twice.

"Why are-are you still in-in here? How-how did you get in here?"

"Yeah, a few tips if you want to keep your room vampire free. One, if this were the seventeenth century, sure, I would have been shriveled up by garlic, but we've toughened up over the years. Same goes to silver, in the eighteenth century, vampires started wearing silver jewelry. What you need to do is use some sort of solar sunlight, because that's the only thing in the world that us vampires want to avoid. Because of our white skin, we get sunburned really badly. We also hate flashlights because it always seems that the first thing someone does with a flashlight is shine it in someone's eyes. We have very sensitive senses so if you really want to keep a vampire out, this place needs to smell worse or have really loud music playing. Also, get new windows, because it was way too easy for anyone to break into."

The boy just stood there, gaping.

"What's your name?"


"I told you my name is Velvet, what's yours?"

He stayed silent then mumbled, "Peter."

"Nice to meet you Peter, and sorry I woke you up. I was going to pull a prank on you but I ruined it. Instead I managed to scare the living moonlights out of you instead of shampoo constantly being squirted on your head or butter in your deodorant. Also, quit trying to get monsters to reveal their true selves, that would cause a massive slaughter and we don't need another one of those."

"Wait, so you aren't going to suck my blood?"

"Heck no! That's disgusting and hasn't happened since the Greeks. Anyway, I better be off," Velvet walked over to the window and jumped out, landing smoothly next to Harry.

"We better get out of the moonlight before anybody sees us," she told him, "especially your ears and tail."

They ran to the car which was parked in front of a house several cars down. After driving down the highway for quite some time, Harry pulled into the road that was only visible to monsters and they drove back into their dark town, where the sun never rose.

"Looks like the rain here is finally lightening up," Harry commented.

Velvet looked into the dark sky and saw a rainbow that was formed by the light of the moon.

"Look, it's a rainbow," she pointed at it.

"Now you're going to have bad luck," Harry smirked.

"I don't think my luck can be any worse."

Harry chuckled and nodded in agreement.

Velvet stared at the dark but rich colors of the rainbow for the rest of the drive home.

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