The Cursed Flute

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Taking a deep breath, Micah crept down the long, dark hallway of the mansion. No sound was audible;everything as silent as a grave. The family who lives here must not be home, he thought, or - nah, there's no way.

He shook the unpleasant idea of being in a haunted house full of corpses out of his head and continued on. A dim glow steadily became visible. Oh good, someone is up, he sighed with relief, the tension lifting off his shoulders.

A blinding flash was followed by a deafening 'crack' of thunder that rattled the windows. Micah jumped and made a break for the dim, welcoming light, only to find an empty kitchen.

"Hello?" he called.

There was no reply, only muffled voices. He followed the voices, ignoring his watering mouth and groaning stomach, to a door which was closed. He hesitated. He knocked. Nothing. After waiting for what seemed to be hours, he opened the door and saw an old movie playing on an ancient television set.

"Who'd be watching the Three Stooges on a TV like that nowdays?" he wondered.

He looked down the nearest hallway and saw another light.

"Whoever lives here must have a pretty expensive electric bill," he mumbled to himself, hoping that someone would be there. To his disappointment, no one was there. The light came from an empty bathroom.

What really struck him as odd was a short flute-like instrument resting on the floor. Bending over to pick it up, a chill ran down his spine and the area around him grew cold. As his fingers clasped around the flute, the light flickered. He paused, then slowly straitened up. He looked into the mirror. Staring back at him was not his reflection.

A dark haired girl with grey eyes and ashen white skin, covered in blood stared into his soul. Micah started, screaming and dropping the instrument.

"What is a young man like you doing out here?" she asked, her voice echoing with every word she spoke.

Micah screamed again and ran. Adrenaline thundered in his senses as he sprinted the direction he came from. In dismay, he realized he had turned the wrong corner and found himself at a dead end in a room full of rusted mirrors.

"Why are you running?" the girl's voice came back, this time sounding louder. Her reflection reappeared in the mirrors.

The room that was once pitch black was illuminated by a strange glow coming form the mirrors.

"I-I'm sorry if I bothered you, I'll be going now," Micah managed to hold back another scream and started backing away.

"No, please stay. I don't get company normally."

"I-I'm sorry but the-the tow-truck will be here soon and I can't miss him."

"Okay," the girl's voice sounded emotionless. "I guess I can wait another few years for somebody else to talk to me."

Micah turned to leave, but could not find the door. It had closed itself. Muffled thunder was heard in from outside.

"What is this place?" Micah asked. "Let me go, please."

"You do not know the story of this household?"

Micah shook his head, believing himself to be crazy to even attempt to talk to a ghost.

"Well then, I shall tell you," the girl remained expressionless and emotionless.

"Years ago, my family and I lived an ordinary life here, until one day, one of the girls discovered the Death Note."

"The Death Note?"

"It is a cursed note, only a certain type of flute can play it."

Something rolled up to Micah's feet. He shuffled back. It was the flute from the bathroom.

"One of the girls found the flute. She loved playing the flute. She even took lessons on how to play the flute," the girl continued, her voice seeming to multiply by the word. "It was all an accident. She played the flute for her family. She didn't know. It wasn't her fault. She played the Death Note. All who hear the Death Note die, except the player that is."

Micah scanned the room for any sign of the door. It was as if it disappeared. Sweat formed all over his body. His breath quickened.

"Do you want to know what happened to the girl?"

Micah wanted to scream no, but did not dare. It seemed as if the cold atmosphere became a haze and the world was being warped by and evil sorcerer. He found himself back in the bathroom, facing the mirror, everything as if it had not moved.

The girl reappeared in the mirror and showed him her bloody wrists and glanced at the bathtub. "She killed herself through her guilt."

Micah's eyes drifted toward the bathtub and he saw a faint silhouette of what looked to be a withered human body. He fled. His heart pounded against his chest, everything trembled, his senses wildly enhanced. Before he reached the door from which he entered the building, he heard a high-pitched,shriek from the flute. The police found Micah three days later, dead at the front door of the haunted building.


Hello my loyal readers and followers! I hope you enjoyed all these short stories and I hope you will consider reading my other stories and follow me if you already haven't. Thank you so much for the reads, votes and comments and I hope you liked my grand finally :)

Signing off,


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