Story or not...?

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Hi my buddies, my pals, my followers...I have a real treat for you today. This is not a creative writing assignment actually, this is something i had time to do; surprising right?! Comment if you want this to become a story. Enjoy!


A bus full of highschoolers drove in the afternoon traffic. Natalie, otherwise known as Nat, sat at the back of the bus, alone, her nose stuck in a book. She was no longer conscious of what was going on around her; her emotions, her mind, her heart, were all absorbed into this book. She had fallen completely in love with Micah, the main character. He was in combat with the enemy, then pulled off a victory, but at the same time, was badly wounded himself. There was no one for miles and he lay face first on the ground.

She turned the page and screamed mentally, it was blank. She turned the next page; it was blank. She tore through all the rest of the pages; they were also blank. Flopping back in her seat, she sighed, removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. There's no way that the story ends right there, there has to be more, why?! After replacing her glasses on her face, she pushed aside a strand of auburn hair and looked at the back page of the book.

There were small letters written in bold on the corner of the page. It read:

                        "To those who have come this far

                         Your adventure is about to begin

                         Your character is needed

                         To have this story completed

                         Now hang on

                        For you are about to be gone from this reality

                        And into the world you love so greatly."

Nat's confusion was instantly replaced with terror as the adolescents around vanished and the world outside the bus changed. The bus lurched; she stood and holding the rail so tightly her knuckles turned white, she saw that the bus driver has disappeared as well. Looking ahead, a massive tree was rapidly getting closer. Before she was halfway down the bus, it side-swapped the tree, causing Nat to fall into the seats and the glass in the front windows to shatter. The vehicle toppled over onto its side and she was luckily on the other side of the bus. She slowly slid down and her converse hit the ground of broken glass below.

Shakily, she emptied her bag of unnecessary weight and slid the book she was reading into her backpack. Tossing it on her shoulder, she opened the emergency exit on the roof of the bus and stepped into the cold, dark world she recognized as the very place Micah had dueled. Wait, that doesn't mean...she turned and surely enough, there lay Micah, wounded and bleeding badly.

                                              I thought this looked a lot like Natalie...

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