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It is now 1987, Alexandra was constantly visiting the Baris residents and each time she visited the more irritated it drove Jozsef. He would always try to make a move on Judith even if she wasn't around, but the familiar voice and presence made him frustrated. How dare she try to stop him even if it means to kill his wife and daughter. Maria called Alexandra over to dinner which made Jozsef angry he started bickering at her; he wouldn't stop until he started throwing pots and pans at her causing the poor woman to have a nose bleed. Alex was already outside wearing a black leather jacket, blue/purple shirt, jeans, and combat boots. She made her way up to the doorstep and heard yelling and a big commotion going on between Maria and Jozsef. Maria's cries alerted her as she looked under the doormat that her friend had given her as she unlocked the door to see the scenery. Maria's nose was bleeding and Jozsef standing there yelling at her as he glanced over to Alex who was shocked and angry at the same time.

"What the hell did you do?" Alex asked.

"None of your fucking business to be here or seeing this shit! GET OUT!" He shouts.

"No. Not until I take you into the police."

"What's the police going to do? You said that you were going to kick my ass and that's the best thing for you to do is to call the police and arrest me?" He scoffed.

Alexandra bit her bottom lip and looked over to see Maria whimpering, she even saw Judith hiding behind the couch in fear too. She already had enough of this man and what he needed was to be taught a lesson.

"All right Jozsef. You wanna fight? Let's go!"

"Alex no! Please, you can't-"

"Maria...let me handle this. This motherfucker is going to regret messing around with me." Alex grumbled.

"Ha! A street fighter are you? I bet you punch like a little pussy cat when I snap you into two." Jozsef sneered.

"Bring it." Alex commenced.

Jozsef walked over and stared down at the woman he was going to fight in the house. He smirked as she stared at him stoically that he too did the same as the scoffed thinking she's not a good fighter to beat him.

"So much for your-"

Alex cuts off Jozsef before he could say another word when she punched him in the nose, grabbed a frying pan and swung it to hit the side of his forehead. He felled to the ground trying to stop the blood from pouring out as he got up stumbling back a bit. As Alex caught him and wrapped her arm around his neck, he tried to shove her off, but she wouldn't budge.

"Hmph! You only have a 10% chance to get me on the ground. Your as slow as a pig and I give you 5% for losing this bet." She said after throwing him against the side of the wall.

"Y-You little-" He was cut off by her hovering him as she smirked in a dark grimacing smile.

"I'm a little a bitch aren't I? What else do you have to say Jozsef?"


"Eh, I'm already in hell where I belong." Alex shrugged as she dragged him outside to her car and thrown him into the trunk before locking it.

She could hear him punching and yelling in the back as she rolled her eyes annoyed. Maria and Judith were shocked to see Jozsef trapped in there and beaten by their neighbor. No one was willing to stop him not until tonight that is.

"Alex, how did you..." Maria was lost with words as Alex smiled a little.

"I'll take it from here. Be right back."

Alexandra got inside of her car starting the engine and drove off leaving them stunned. She speeds straight to the police station as she parked on the side and written a letter to them to report Jozesf's scumbag behavior towards Judith and Maria. After she finished writing the letter, she got out and unlocked the trunk to see Jozsef was trembling and breathing heavily in sweat and blood on his face and clothes.

"Had enough? No? Good." Alex said.

She grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him out of the trunk before shutting it. As she swung Jozsef into the police station startling the policemen and other people that were in there reporting whoever they're sharing details to the police about. Before they could suspect who threw him inside, Alex had already left and gone back to check on Judith and Maria.

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