1. Normal Mornings

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"JEROME, WHY?!" I heard Mitch shout. They always wake me up by shouting their asses off. I swing my legs on the side of the bed and walk to my closet.

It's the middle of Summer so I picked out appropriate clothing. My lilac denim shirt and my violet denim shorts. As you can probably tell, I love clothing that has anything to do with denim.

I lazily walk into my bathroom and brush my blonde, wavy hair until it's silky smooth. (Wut?) I start putting little makeup on.

As I'm doing my lip gloss, my phone vibrates in my back pocket. I look at the ID and saw Preston's name.

'When you come downstairs, run straight to the kitchen. Mitch is going on a rampage. ;)' I laugh slightly and reply back.

'Thx for the tip. -_- I hate it when he does that. :3' Preston's like a brother to me, I could count on him for anything.

I silently creep down the stairs, listening to Mitch's screams. "JEROME, GET BACK HERE!" I smirk as I push the door open and run straight to the kitchen.

I open the fridge and grab a pack of Oreos. I walk back in the kitchen and stand in front of Mitch.

He stares at the biscuits. "You want one? CALM THE FUDGE DOWN!" He blinks. I shove one in his mouth. He sits on the couch and flicks through the channels.

"What the-" Rob started. I interrupted him. "I learnt he would do anything for food." I said with a Oreo in my mouth. "Okay..." Jerome trailed off. "I wanna go to Starbucks!" Sam shouted. Preston laughed and kissed her cheek. Did I mention those two were dating?

"Who's comin'?" I shot my hand up, along with Jerome & Lachlan. "Okie dokie lokie, LEZZGO!" Lachlan shouted. We hopped into Jerome's car and set off to Starbucks.

*Magical Time Skip To Starbucks :3*

We entered the building and the sweet, sweet smell of coffee came towards me. "Guys and gals, whatcha want?" Everyone said their orders. "That'll be 13.57, please." (I've never been to Starbucks, I just know it's kinda expensive!) Jerome and Lachy payed and we sat down.

"So, how's life?" I ask, making everyone laugh. "You know Chloe, I think Mitch is getting to you." Sam said. "What?" I ask. "I said, I think Mitch is getting to you." I stared at her. "Well, if he likes me, sucks to be him, 'cause I don't like him back." Or do I? I pushed the thought out of my head and listened to their conversation.

After having coffee, we headed back to the house. "Yo, we're having a livestream tonight." Brooklyn said. We nodded and started to set the livestream.

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