Chapter 17

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It's been a week since I arrived in this world, and I'm starting to adjust to a new reality where Pokémon exist only as a game or franchise, not as living creatures. Thanks to my new siblings, I've met many new friends who share an interest in Pokémon. And of course, there's Alice, who in this world is merged with Serena from my world, staying loyally by my side.

Today, our family is invited to Alice's house, marking my first time meeting her parents. Minami, sensing my apprehension, asks, "Are you nervous, Ash?"

"Kinda," I reply, my stomach twisting slightly. "I just want to make sure I don't make any mistakes..."

"Don't worry," Trenor reassures me with a confident smile. "Mr. Ray and Ms. Emma are great people. They're probably going to like you a lot."

As the door swings open, Emma greets us with a familiar, warm smile that immediately puts me at ease.

"Adam, Delia, it's always a joy to see you," Emma says, her voice filled with genuine affection as she embraces them both.

Mom returns the embrace warmly. "Emma, thank you for having us again. It feels like coming home every time we visit."

Dad chuckles, sharing in the warmth of old friends reuniting. "Indeed, and each visit seems too far apart. How have you been?"

Emma steps aside, ushering us in with a laugh. "Busy, as always, but better now that you're here. Come in, come in—let's catch up properly."

As they move into the house, the familiarity and comfort in their exchanges ease any lingering nerves I might have.

As Emma welcomes Dad and Mom inside, her eyes then shift towards us. "Mark, Minami, Golly, Trenor, and Insey," she greets each of us with a nod and a smile. "Nice to see you all again." Her gaze lingers with a soft curiosity as it falls on me. "And this must be Ash, your new son who seems to be from the Pokémon World?"

I nod, slightly taken aback by her straightforwardness but relieved by her warm tone.

"So, I assume you know about this from your daughter?" Dad asks with a light chuckle, glancing between Emma and me.

Emma laughs, a sound of genuine amusement and delight. "Oh yes, Alice has been talking a lot about him. I've never seen her so happy with someone. It's truly wonderful to see."

Her words warm my heart, and the nervous flutter in my chest settles. I'm grateful for her acceptance and the clear joy she shares in Alice's happiness.

Once we settle in, we naturally greet Eve, Flora, and Alice, exchanging warm hugs and smiles. The atmosphere is cozy, filled with the light chatter of reuniting friends. After some time, Emma brings out a tray of steaming tea, setting it down with a clink of porcelain. Just as we start to serve ourselves, Ray comes downstairs, his presence adding a new layer of warmth to the room.

"So you must be Ash," he says, approaching me with a friendly grin. "I'm Ray."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Ray," I respond, extending my hand. As we shake hands, I can't help but add, "I heard from Alice that you helped Dad create the stories for the Pokémon games?"

"Why yes," Ray replies, his eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "And it's amazing to meet someone who actually lived through the stories I helped create." His smile broadens, reflecting a genuine intrigue and pleasure at our unique connection.

Alice adds, "Even though he has never been to Paldea, and he never participated in the Galar League, his experiences mirror those of Satoshi from the anime."

Dad, catching Alice's eye, joins in, "And I was surprised to learn that it's not just Ash who's special here. Your Alice has merged with the soul of Serena from the anime, hasn't she?"

Emma nods, a look of wonder crossing her features. "That was quite a surprise for us too. In her recent dance lessons, Alice has shown remarkable improvements in her physique. She's even pulling off moves she couldn't manage before."

Mom smiles, the conversation sparking a mix of amusement and fascination in her. "Life does have its strange turns, doesn't it? But I'm not complaining. So, you all understand the reason why we are here, right?"

"Life does have its strange turns, doesn't it? But I'm not complaining," Mom says, keeping the mood light. "So, everyone understands why we're here, right?"

Emma nods, her expression serious. "Yes, it's about the possibility of me attending Lumiose University. Normally, someone with my unique background wouldn't be directly eligible for admission, so it's quite a challenge."

Dad leans forward, hope mingling with concern. "Emma, do you think there's any way you could help with this?"

"I'll explore every possible avenue to assist," Emma assures him, her determination clear. She then turns to me, asking, "Ash, assuming we manage to navigate these hurdles, what would you be interested in studying? What captures your interest?"

Caught off guard, I hesitate. "Um, I'm not sure. What kinds of subjects do you teach there?"

Seeing my confusion, Emma smiles, clearly enthusiastic. "Well, I specialize in performance arts—that includes music, theater, singing, and dancing. But the university offers a broad range of programs. Perhaps something like environmental science might appeal to you, or even media studies, focusing on how stories like yours are shared with the world."

As Emma lists the subjects, I pause, weighing each option she presents. Music, theater, singing, and dancing—these aren't areas I've explored much before, yet they resonate with a part of me that's always enjoyed the performances at Pokémon Contests and Battles. Environmental science and media studies also catch my interest, especially considering how closely they align with my experiences in the Pokémon world.

But then, my thoughts drift to Alice. I recall the way her face lights up when she talks about her courses, and the shadows that cross her expression when she mentions the challenges she faces, like the bullying. It's clear how much she loves what she's studying, despite the difficulties.

I want to support her, to be by her side in a more meaningful way. "Emma, I think I'd like to join the Department of Performing Arts," I say decisively. "It's where Alice is, and I think being together in the same department will help us both. I'd like to learn more about the arts, and maybe, just maybe, I can make her smile more by being there with her."

"Emma, I think I'd like to join the Department of Performing Arts," I say decisively. "It's where Alice is, and I think being together in the same department will help us both."

At my words, Alice looks up, her expression a mix of surprise and hesitation. "Ash, you don't have to do this just for me," she murmurs, her voice tinged with concern. "I want you to choose something you're truly interested in, not just because you want to support me."

Her worry is evident, and it makes me want to reassure her that my choice isn't just about being supportive. "Alice, I know," I reply, trying to convey my genuine interest. "But I really am interested in the arts. The performances, the music—it's all exciting to me. Plus, I can't deny that being with you is a big part of it. I think this is right for me, too."

Alice searches my face for a moment, looking for signs of doubt, but finding none, she slowly nods, her cheeks tinting with a soft blush. Her smile, tentative at first, grows a bit as she takes my hand, squeezing it gently.

"A budding romance fueled by the arts, how fitting!" Emma teases gently, her eyes twinkling with mirth.

Ray adds with a playful wink, "Seems like you're not just learning about performance arts, but also performing a bit of your own, eh, Ash?"

Even my parents join in, with Dad saying, "It's good to see you making decisions that make you happy, Ash. And if it brings you closer to someone special, all the better."

The laughter and gentle ribbing make the atmosphere light and joyful. Alice and I exchange glances, her initial embarrassment easing into a shared amusement.

Once the laughter subsides, Emma becomes more business-like. "Alright, let's focus on what's next. I'll talk to my colleagues and set up an interview for you, Ash. We'll aim for a few days from now, so you have some time to prepare."

"Thank you, Emma," I say, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement about the opportunity to prove myself.

"We'll make sure everything is in place for a smooth process," Emma assures, her tone confident and encouraging.

After Emma's reassurances, Mom leans in, her tone serious but encouraging as she outlines what the interview will entail. "Ash, for the interview, you'll need to demonstrate a few skills. They'll ask you to perform on a musical instrument, act out a line from a script they provide, and submit a formal application."

Hearing this, a knot of nervousness tightens in my stomach. It sounds daunting, especially the musical performance—I haven't had much experience with instruments.

As I process this, I remind myself of my stint at Pokestar Studios. That experience wasn't exactly the same, but it had involved acting, and I had managed well enough there. Maybe I could draw on that experience now.

Dad notices my contemplative look and offers, "And I'll help you with the application, Ash. We'll make sure it presents everything you've accomplished and all the unique experiences you've had."

Their support lifts my spirits. "Thanks, Mom, Dad. I guess I've handled tougher challenges," I say, my confidence growing. Thinking about Pokestar Studios, I feel a spark of excitement—this could actually be fun.

Alice catches my eye and smiles, her expression full of support. "You'll do great, Ash. You always rise to the challenge."

After the discussion about the interview wraps up, Alice tugs at my sleeve, her eyes gleaming with a hint of excitement. "Come on, Ash. I'll show you my room," she says, leading me upstairs away from the adults.

Her room is a cozy, well-lit space with posters of various Pokémon on the walls and a shelf filled with books and movies. But what catches my eye immediately is a guitar resting against her desk.

"Do you play?" I ask, nodding towards the guitar.

Alice smiles and nods. "Yeah, I've been learning. Do you want to try it out?"

I hesitate for just a moment—I'm not an expert, but I know a few chords and songs. "Sure," I reply, picking up the guitar. As I sit on the edge of her bed, I tune it quickly and then start strumming a simple melody. Before I realize it, I'm humming, and then singing softly. The song is one that I remember from my travels, something light and hopeful.

Alice sits beside me, listening intently. Her presence is comforting, and it feels like the room is holding its breath, absorbing the music. When I finish, she's smiling, her eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and delight.

"That was beautiful, Ash. I didn't know you could sing," she says, her voice soft but enthusiastic. "With your talent, I don't think you'll have any trouble with the musical instrument part of the interview."

I laugh a little, feeling a bit shy now that the song is over. "Thanks, Alice. I hope it goes as well as it did just now."

Alice nods, her expression full of support. "It will. You have a natural touch. It's impressive."

The moment feels close, intimate, and I'm glad we have this time away from everyone else. It's nice, just being here with her, sharing parts of ourselves that aren't just about Pokémon battles or adventures.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter we get to have Ash meet Ray and Emma. I hope you like it.

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