Chapter 18

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The morning air is cool and filled with the bustling sounds of Lumiose City as I walk toward Lumiose University. The tall buildings of the university stand before us, signaling a new phase that's about to begin.

Thanks to Emma, Alice's mother and a professor here, I have an interview today that might let me join my friends as a student. It's a big step, different from any gym battle or league challenge I've faced.

Alice and Golly, both familiar with this path, lead the way, their confidence reassuring. They chat about their classes and friends here, making the big campus feel a bit more approachable.

Mom walks beside me, her steps steady and sure. She's seen me off to many adventures, but this one's different—it's about my future.

As we reach the main building, Alice squeezes my hand, whispering, "You'll do great, Ash." Her smile sparks a bit of courage in me as we step inside, ready to face whatever comes next.

Standing at the doorway of the interview room, the nerves build up despite all the preparation over the past two weeks. Emma nods reassuringly from her seat on the left, her presence a calming influence as always.

To the right is Mr. Owen, whose reputation for absolute hearing precedes him, and in the center sits Ms. Amber, the head of the music and performance arts department. Their faces, now familiar from Emma's detailed descriptions, seem almost welcoming.

Even with Emma's guidance—her insights into each teacher's expectations and her strategies for engaging them—the weight of the moment presses down on me. This isn't like any Pokémon battle; there are no opponents, only opportunities. Yet, the anxiety feels just as intense.

I take a deep breath, grounding myself in Emma's last piece of advice: "Just be yourself, Ash. Let them see your passion." With a final nod to Emma, I step forward into the room, ready to connect my past with my future here at Lumiose University.

"Okay, Ash Ketchum, you are endorsed by Emma here to join our Department of Music and Performing Arts, am I correct?" Ms. Amber asks, her tone formal yet curious.

"Yes, ma'am," I reply, trying to project confidence.

"Since you are joining the university in the middle of the school year, which might seem unfair to other students, we need you to demonstrate why you are serious about joining our department," Ms. Amber continues, her gaze fixed on me, assessing.

"I understand," I respond, nodding to acknowledge the fairness of her point.

"Okay, first, please introduce yourself," Ms. Amber directs, setting the stage for me to share my background.

Taking a steadying breath, I begin, "I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town in the Kanto region. My family recently moved to Lumiose City, where my siblings are also studying at this university. I've always been passionate about the arts, particularly music, and I'm eager to immerse myself in an environment that nurtures creativity and expression. Though my experiences may differ from the typical applicant, I believe that my unique perspective and dedication can bring something valuable to your department. I'm committed to learning and growing here, contributing to the vibrant culture of Lumiose University."

Ms. Amber nods thoughtfully as I finish my introduction. "Thank you, Ash," she says, her tone measured. "It's clear that you're passionate about pursuing music and the arts, and we appreciate your honesty about your unconventional background."

Before I can respond, Mr. Owen, seated on the right, leans forward slightly. His eyes are sharp, assessing. "After your introduction and by reading your application materials, it is written that you can sing very well." His voice carries a hint of curiosity, but also an expectation.

The room feels a bit smaller as his words sink in. I remember Emma helping me prepare for questions like this, but now that it's here, the pressure is real. I swallow and meet his gaze, ready to explain more about my musical abilities.

"Yes, sir," I begin, trying to keep my voice steady. "I've always had a strong connection to music, and singing has been a big part of that. I've used my voice to express emotions and tell stories, whether in small performances or just among friends and family. It's something that comes naturally to me, and I've worked hard to improve it over time."

Mr. Owen nods slightly, his expression still unreadable. "Can you tell us more about your experience with singing? Have you had any formal training, or is it self-taught?"

I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "Most of my singing experience is self-taught," I admit. "I've always enjoyed experimenting with different styles and learning by listening to others. I haven't had formal training, but I've made it a point to practice regularly and push myself to improve. I believe that even without formal lessons, I've developed a good ear for music and a strong voice."

Mr. Owen nods slightly, his expression still thoughtful. "Self-taught, you say? That's admirable. But as you know, talk only goes so far. Would you be able to give us a demonstration? I'd like to hear what you can do."

My heart skips a beat at the request, but I knew this was coming. I nod, trying to keep my nerves in check. "Of course. I'm ready."

I walk toward the piano, each step echoing the rhythm of my heartbeat. This is it—the moment I've been preparing for. I sit down at the piano, my fingers hovering over the keys as I take a deep breath, steadying myself. The song I've chosen is one I've practiced endlessly, a piece that challenges both my playing and my voice, but one that also resonates deeply with me.

As my fingers press the keys and the first notes fill the room, a wave of calm washes over me. The familiar melody guides me, helping me focus. When I begin to sing, it feels like everything clicks into place. My voice blends with the piano, each note carrying the emotions I want to convey. It's like the music is an extension of me, and for a moment, all the nerves fade away.

I hear Ms. Amber's comment, "Playing the background music and singing the main part at the same time? Impressive," but I don't let it distract me. Instead, it fuels my determination to give this performance everything I have.

As I continue, I can feel the connection between the music and my voice growing stronger. The pressure of the situation still lingers at the edge of my mind, but I channel it into the performance. Every note, every word, is an expression of who I am and what I've worked so hard to achieve. I'm not just playing and singing—I'm telling a story, my story, through this music.

The room seems to fall away as I lose myself in the song, letting the music carry me through. For these few minutes, it's just me, the piano, and my voice, working in perfect harmony.

As the final notes of the song linger in the air, I lift my hands from the piano keys, my heart still racing from the intensity of the performance. There's a brief, almost surreal silence before the room fills with applause. All three teachers are clapping, their expressions a mix of surprise and approval.

Ms. Amber is the first to speak. "That was truly impressive, Ash. Your ability to play and sing simultaneously, and with such emotion, is remarkable. You've clearly put in a lot of work, and it shows."

I can't help but smile, a wave of relief washing over me. The hard work has paid off, at least for this moment.

Ms. Amber then turns to Emma, who has been watching quietly. "Emma, do you have any questions for Ash?"

Emma nods, her gaze shifting to me. "Yes, I do. Ash, while your passion for music is clear, our department also offers courses in performance arts, including acting and stage presence. If you're planning to major in these areas as well, how do you see yourself handling those aspects of the curriculum?"

I take a moment to think about Emma's question, recalling the memories of past performances. "I understand that music is just one part of what your department offers," I begin, keeping my tone steady. "I'm definitely interested in the performance arts courses, and I believe they would complement my music studies really well."

I glance at Emma, then back at the other teachers. "I've actually had some experience with performing before, although it was just a child's play. I was the main protagonist in the show, which gave me a taste of what it's like to be on stage and to engage with an audience. While it was a small production, it helped me understand the basics of stage presence and acting, and it sparked my interest in exploring those areas further."

I pause briefly, gauging their reactions. "I know there's a lot more for me to learn, especially at this level, but I'm excited about the challenge. I'm ready to put in the work to develop those skills alongside my music."

Ms. Amber listens carefully to my response, nodding slightly as I finish. The atmosphere in the room feels a little more intense as she leans forward, her eyes narrowing slightly in thought.

"Thank you, Ash," she begins, her tone measured. "Your enthusiasm and willingness to learn are evident, and we appreciate that. But before we conclude, I have one final question for you. This is a demanding program, not just in terms of the coursework, but also in the expectations we place on our students. We expect you to consistently push your limits, to not just keep up, but to excel."

She pauses, letting her words sink in. I can feel the weight of her next question before she even asks it.

"What will you do if you find yourself struggling to meet these expectations? How will you handle the pressure if things become overwhelming, especially knowing that you're joining midway and might have to work twice as hard to catch up?"

The question hits hard, and for a moment, my mind races. I knew this program would be challenging, but hearing it spelled out like this makes the reality all too clear. My palms start to feel a little sweaty, and I have to take a deep breath to steady myself before answering.

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. Ms. Amber's question is tough, and I can feel the pressure mounting. But I know I need to face this head-on.

"I won't lie, the thought of struggling is intimidating," I begin, my voice steady but with a hint of vulnerability. "But I've faced challenges before, and I've learned that giving up isn't an option. If I find myself struggling, the first thing I'll do is seek help—whether that's from my professors, my peers, or through extra practice. I'm not afraid to admit when I need assistance, and I know that asking for help is part of learning."

I glance at Ms. Amber, then at the other teachers, gathering my thoughts. "I'm prepared to work twice as hard if that's what it takes. I understand that this program demands a lot, and I'm ready to give it my all. I've always believed that persistence is key, and I'm committed to staying focused, even when things get tough. I won't back down from the challenge."

The room is quiet for a moment after I finish, the weight of my words hanging in the air. I can feel my heart beating fast, but there's also a sense of relief that I've said what I needed to say.

Ms. Amber finally nods, her expression softening just a bit. "Thank you, Ash. Your honesty and determination are qualities we value in our students. It's clear that you're ready to take on this challenge."

She glances at Mr. Owen and Emma, who both nod in agreement. "With that, I believe we have everything we need for now. We'll be in touch soon regarding our decision."

As I stand to leave, Emma gives me a reassuring smile, and I can feel a sense of accomplishment despite the nerves that still linger. The interview was tough, but I gave it my best. Now, all that's left is to wait and see what the future holds.

I step out of the interview room, closing the door quietly behind me. The tension from the interview still clings to me, but there's also a sense of relief that it's over. As I walk down the hallway, I spot Alice, Golly, and Mom waiting for me. They immediately turn their attention toward me, anticipation written on their faces.

Alice is the first to reach me, her eyes filled with concern and hope. "Ash! How did it go?" she asks, her voice a mix of anxiety and encouragement.

Golly, always the bundle of energy, hops up and down, barely containing her excitement. "Yeah, spill it! Did you knock their socks off?"

Mom approaches more calmly, though I can see the worry in her eyes. "You did your best, Ash. That's all that matters," she says softly, resting a comforting hand on my shoulder.

Before I can respond, the door opens behind me, and Emma steps out, her expression warm and reassuring. She walks over to us with a confident stride, and I can see the approval in her eyes.

"You did a great job in there, Ash," Emma says, giving me a proud smile. "You handled their questions well, and they were definitely impressed by your performance."

Alice lets out a sigh of relief, her smile growing wider. "See? I knew you'd do great!"

Golly grins and punches the air, her confidence in me unwavering. "Told ya! They'd be crazy not to accept you!"

Mom's smile softens with pride as she squeezes my shoulder. "We're all proud of you, Ash, no matter what."

I finally allow myself to relax, the reassurance from Emma and the support from my family and friends making the wait ahead a little easier. "Thanks, everyone. Now it's just a matter of waiting to hear back."

Emma nods, her confidence infectious. "I'm sure it won't be long. They know talent when they see it."

With their support, I feel ready to take on whatever comes next, knowing I gave it my all.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Ash has finished the interview and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be the school life.

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