Chapter 3

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After being accepted into the family, I get to learn more about my new family and siblings. I am glad to discover they know Pokémon and are even fans of them. Though in this world, Pokémon don't exist, they have been turned into games, anime, manga, and even card games. And apparently, my new siblings have been playing a lot of them.

First, there's Golly, the eldest and probably the same age as me. She wants to become a police officer just like our mom, which surprises me a lot because my mother was never a police officer back in my world. Golly is also fond of Ghost Pokémon, and her favorite Pokémon is actually Giratina. I can see the passion in her eyes when she talks about it, and she has a collection of Giratina-themed merchandise that she proudly displays in her room.

Next, we have Mark, who seems to have won a lot of sports-related medals. His room is practically a shrine to his athletic achievements, with trophies and ribbons adorning every surface. He is training to become a professional athlete, a dream that seems within his reach given his dedication and talent. As for Pokémon, he is more into Fighting-type Pokémon, and it seems that his favorite gym leader is actually Brawly, the Dewford Gym leader. Mark often regales us with stories of Brawly's battles, his eyes lighting up with excitement as he describes each intense match.

Minami is adopted into the family, which is surprising since she looks just like Insey and Golly. Minami wants to become a detective, and she also told me she really likes the game Detective Pikachu, which is apparently about a Pikachu that can talk? Strange, but fascinating. Minami has a particular fondness for Fairy-type Pokémon, often expressing her admiration for their elegance and power. She even has a small collection of Fairy-type plushies that she treasures.

Trenor and Insey are twins, but I'll talk about Trenor first. He likes Ground-type Pokémon, especially those that are rideable like Rhyhorn and Mudsdale. Trenor is also taking horse-riding lessons at school, and it seems that my Dad owns a farm where he can practice. The farm is a sprawling estate with plenty of space for Trenor to ride and care for the horses, and he often invites me to join him, sharing his enthusiasm for the powerful creatures.

Finally, there's Insey, who wants to become a dessert baker. I have to admit, when she asked me to try out her macaroons, they were delicious and reminded me of Serena's. Insey has a natural talent for baking, her kitchen always filled with the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods. She likes Bug-type Pokémon, especially Scizor and Kleavor, and often incorporates their themes into her dessert designs, creating intricate and beautiful treats that are almost too good to eat.

As for my parents, my mom is an agent in the police force. She is highly skilled with weapons, always prepared to protect and arrest criminals. I often see her polishing her equipment and practicing her techniques, ensuring she stays at the top of her game. Her dedication to her job is inspiring, and she carries herself with a confidence that commands respect.

My dad, on the other hand, is the head of the Pokémon Company, the visionary who brought Pokémon into this world through sheer imagination. His creativity and business acumen have made Pokémon a household name worldwide. Because of his success, our family is now quite wealthy. Our home is filled with Pokémon memorabilia, from rare cards to life-sized plushies, a testament to my dad's incredible achievements. Despite his busy schedule, he always makes time for us, sharing stories about his work and the fascinating world of Pokémon he helped create.

Now I am sitting with my siblings in the room which I was sleeping in. It used to be the guest room, but I guess now it has become my room. The room still has a slightly impersonal feel to it, with neutral-colored walls and minimal decorations, but it's starting to feel more like mine as I add my personal touches.

Golly, sitting cross-legged on the bed, looks at me with curiosity. "So you said you are from the Pokémon world, right? What does it feel like to be surrounded by real Pokémon?" she asks, her eyes wide with anticipation.

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, thinking back to my time in the Pokémon world. "It's incredible," I begin. "Imagine walking through a forest and seeing a flock of Pidgey taking off into the sky or having a Pikachu playfully tugging at your shoelaces. Pokémon are everywhere, and they make the world feel so alive and magical."

Golly leans in, captivated. "That sounds amazing. Do you have a favorite Pokémon?"

I smile, remembering my partner Pokémon. "Yes, I do. My favorite is Pikachu. He's been my best friend and companion on many adventures. We've been through a lot together, and he's always been there for me."

Mark, who has been listening quietly, chimes in. "So you like Pikachu. Does that mean you like Electric-type Pokémon more?"

"Well, I like all of them," I reply, "I mean, the only Electric Pokémon I have is Pikachu..." I sigh, "I do have a bunch of Pokémon, most of them are staying at Professor Oak's ranch after all..."

Insey, who has been observing me thoughtfully, suddenly speaks up. "You know, back when we showed you the poster of Satoshi, you seemed to be crying and saying how you missed the world... and now you're saying things that Satoshi would have said... don't tell me... you are Satoshi?"

Insey decides to turn on the TV and shows the scene where I was riding a bike with Spearows chasing after me. The familiar scene brings a wave of nostalgia, but also a flush of embarrassment. It wasn't exactly my proudest moment, and seeing it again makes me cringe a little.

Trenor looks at me with a mix of curiosity and amusement. "So that was really you? Did you seriously steal Misty's bike and then get chased by angry Spearows?"

"I was just an amateur back then," I sigh. "But that was really me... but did this anime really show everything about me and my adventures? I mean, there were some embarrassing moments..."

"Like how you insulted perfumes and then got banned from Celadon Gym, and then you had to dress up as a girl to sneak in?" Minami chuckles, and my face turns as red as a tomato.

"Well, if that's the case, then there is a huge question that has been bothering every one of us in the Pokémon Club. Who is your girlfriend? Is it Misty or Serena?" Mark asks, his question causing the other siblings to gasp and my eyes to widen.

"Misty or Serena? Why immediately these two options?" I ask, slightly taken aback by the directness of the question.

"Because there are a lot of people fighting over you and Misty, and you and Serena. So please, tell us..." Golly adds, her eyes gleaming with a mix of curiosity and anticipation.

I take a deep breath, knowing it's time to clarify things. "Actually, my girlfriend is Serena. We've been through a lot together, and she's very special to me. Misty is a great friend and an important part of my journey, but Serena holds a different place in my heart."

My siblings exchange looks of surprise and excitement. "Wow, Serena!" Golly exclaims. "That's so romantic! We heard a lot about her and your adventures together."

"Serena must miss you a lot," Insey says thoughtfully. "If the anime shows everything, it must have been hard for her when you... well, when you were gone."

"It was," I admit, feeling a pang of sadness. "Being separated from her and the Pokémon world has been one of the hardest things I've ever faced. But even though I'm in this new world, I still carry all my memories and feelings with me."

The room falls silent for a moment as my siblings absorb my words. Then, Minami breaks the silence with a smile. "Well, we're here to support you, Ash. Even if we can't go on an adventure to the Pokémon world, we'll make new memories here together."

Their words warm my heart, and I feel a renewed sense of determination. "Thanks, everyone. Your support means a lot to me. And who knows, maybe one day we'll find a way to bring a bit of the Pokémon world into ours."

Their eyes light up at the prospect, and suddenly, the room is buzzing with excitement as they begin to discuss which Pokémon they would choose and what kind of trainers they would want to be.

"Well, our Dad is the one who created the Pokémon franchise after all," Trenor says thoughtfully. "Maybe he would find a way to do that."

"Maybe," I respond, feeling a glimmer of hope. "Since you've been asking me questions, now it's my turn. Can you tell me the place where we are living right now?"

"Oh, this is Lumiose City in the Kalos Region," Minami adds with a smile.

My eyes widen in surprise. "Lumiose City? The Kalos Region? But... that's impossible. How can we be in the Kalos Region if Pokémon aren't real here?"

Minami chuckles. "Well, not exactly. Dad created the Pokémon X and Y games based on this place. He loved the real Lumiose City so much that he used it as inspiration for the games."

Golly nods. "Yeah, it's pretty cool. We used to live in the Kanto Region before moving here because of university reasons. Dad's job and our studies brought us to this amazing city."

"Wow... this sure looks like the Kalos we know," I say, marveling at the surroundings.

Mark grins. "Yeah, and because of Dad's success in bringing this into the Pokémon world, there are even Pokémon-themed places to boost tourism of this place."

Ash asks, "So you say that Dad made Pokémon into this world... but how did he come up with those Pokémon and even the storyline?"

Trenor leans back thoughtfully. "Dad has always been a huge fan of mythology and nature. He drew a lot of inspiration from different cultures and real-world animals. But he didn't do it alone. He worked closely with a novelist named Ray. Dad created the Pokémon, while Ray developed the storyline."

Golly adds, "And for the evil teams and their schemes, Ray often consulted with Mom. Since she's a police officer, she has a lot of knowledge about crime and criminal behavior. Her insights helped shape the villains in the Pokémon games."

Minami nods enthusiastically. "Yeah, it was a real family effort. Dad and Ray would brainstorm for hours, and then Ray would bring in Mom to discuss the more intricate details of the villains' plans. It's pretty cool to think about how much effort and passion went into making something so beloved."

Ash smiles, feeling a deeper connection to his new family. "That's amazing. It's like the Pokémon world I knew was brought to life here through your Dad's imagination and the help of everyone involved."

Mark grins. "Exactly. And now, we get to live in a place that celebrates all of that creativity. It's like having a piece of the Pokémon world right here with us."

Minami suggests, "You know, today is the day when our Pokémon Club meets and greets. Why don't you join us?"

Ash looks curious. "Me? And what is this Pokémon Club?"

Insey explains, "Since we're all university students, we formed a club related to Pokémon. Ray's wife teaches performing arts at Lumiose University and became our advisor, which allowed us to get a clubroom. Today, we're going to play Pokémon together. You should come and join us."

Ash's face lights up with excitement. "That sounds like fun. I'd love to join you guys."

Minami grins, clearly pleased. "Great! Let's head over there now. You'll get to meet everyone and maybe even share some of your stories."

As they prepare to leave, Ash feels a warm sense of acceptance and anticipation. Despite the strange circumstances that brought him to this world, he knows he's found a new family and a place where he belongs. Together, they head to the Pokémon Club, ready to create new memories and adventures.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, I decide to change things up a little, I know that I try to make it as normal life as possible, but just bear with the fact that the Pokemon creation is not Nintendo in this story. I hope you like it.

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