Chapter 4

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When I follow my new siblings to Rouge Plaza, I am surprised to find 13 more people waiting there. The plaza is bustling with activity, filled with vibrant colors and the hum of conversations. A girl rushes to Golly and exclaims, "You guys have finally arrived! What took you so long?"

Golly apologizes, "Sorry, but we have some news that we want to share." She then drags me in front of everyone and continues, "Everyone, I want you to meet our newest member of the family, Ash Ketchum!"

The 13 people all look at me with surprise. Among them, a girl catches my eye—she looks just like Serena...

"Really? A new member of the family?" a boy with glasses asks, clearly intrigued. "So it's just like Minami's situation?"

Mark steps in to explain. "Well, not exactly... we found him lying on our doorstep, and strangely, he has the same blood as us. We all have different DNA, but his is almost 100% identical to Golly's, which might confuse us into thinking he's Golly's twin."

The group murmurs in astonishment, exchanging glances. I feel a mix of emotions—nervousness, excitement, and a tinge of homesickness as I think of the real Serena. The girl who looks like her steps forward, eyes wide with curiosity.

Minami then steps forward, "First, let me introduce everyone. Nate loves history and literature. He's always got his nose in a book and loves discussing classic novels. His favorite Pokémon type is Normal, and he has a sister named Rosa who is studying in Unova. Helen is a talented chef who won a famous cooking competition show. She experiments with different recipes and often brings delicious treats to share. Her favorite Pokémon type is Fire. Reisa is good with all kinds of musical instruments. She can play the piano, guitar, and violin, and often performs at school events. Her favorite Pokémon type is Water. East, Reisa's brother, wants to become a pilot. He's fascinated by airplanes and dreams of flying around the world. His favorite Pokémon type is Flying. Drandon is great with social skills and is a model student. He's involved in student government and is always organizing events. His favorite Pokémon type is Dragon."

Insey takes over the introductions, "Elline is our cousin. She wants to become an actress and has been in several school plays. She's always practicing her lines and perfecting her performances. Her favorite Pokémon type is Electric. David, Elline's brother, likes to create and fix machines. He's a tech whiz and loves working on new inventions in his spare time. His favorite Pokémon type is Steel. Tox wants to become a doctor. He's always reading up on the latest medical advancements and volunteering at the local clinic. His favorite Pokémon type is Poison. Daniel has a fascination with space. He loves stargazing and is a member of the astronomy club. His favorite Pokémon type is Psychic. Luke enjoys collecting rare things, from stamps to rare Pokémon cards. He's always on the lookout for unique items to add to his collection. His favorite Pokémon type is Rock."

Trenor steps forward to introduce the remaining three, "These three are siblings. Flora wants to become a fashion designer. She's always sketching new designs and experimenting with different fabrics. Her favorite Pokémon type is Grass. Eve, the second in their family, wants to become a teacher. She's passionate about education and often helps us with our homework. Her favorite Pokémon type is Dark. And finally, Alice. When it comes to Pokémon, she is the best among us. She knows all the stats, strategies, and battle techniques. Her favorite Pokémon type is Ice."

Mark continues, "Flora, Eve, and Alice are the daughters of Ray, the one who worked with our father."

I nod, taking in the information. "It's nice to meet all of you. My name is Ash, and this is—" I catch myself, suddenly remembering that Pikachu isn't by my side anymore. The familiar weight on my shoulder is absent, and the realization momentarily throws me off.

Elline steps forward, her smile reassuring. "It's great to have another family member join us. Welcome to the Pokémon Club, Ash. Even though we already have 18 members representing different types, we're happy to have you with us."

Trenor jumps in with excitement, "And you wouldn't believe it, but Ash here was actually from the Pokémon World! He was the Satoshi in the Pokémon anime!"

"For real?" Nate exclaims, his eyes wide with astonishment. "How is that even possible? The Pokémon world really exists?" His voice is filled with disbelief, but there's a spark of excitement in his eyes.

I glance around and see everyone's faces light up with curiosity, eager to hear more. What surprises me the most is Alice, the girl who looks like Serena, staring at me in shock. Her expression is a mix of surprise and intrigue, as if she's trying to piece together a puzzle.

"So how did you come to this world exactly?" Daniel asks, leaning in with keen interest. "Can you share it with us?" His curiosity seems to echo everyone else's thoughts, and all eyes are now on me, waiting for an explanation.

I am taken aback and ask, "Wait a second, you guys actually believe that? I mean, if you think about it, it doesn't sound believable at all."

"Come on, all of us are huge Pokémon fans, and we like to believe that it's real," Drandon explains, a playful grin on his face. "It's what makes it so exciting! We immerse ourselves in the fantasy because it's more fun that way."

"Well, the thing is, I was fighting Giovanni who was using Team Rainbow Rocket to take over the world," I begin, feeling the weight of my words. "I won against him, but he had already set the bombs and was planning to take me down with him... It was a close call, and I barely made it out."

"That was so sad..." Helen frowns, her expression mirroring the group's somber mood. "I know Giovanni has been written as an evil person in those games and even in the anime... but to think he would go that far, it's horrifying."

Eve suddenly turns to Alice. "Hey, isn't that the same nightmare you told us about this morning? The one that woke you up in a panic?"

This causes everyone to turn to Alice, who looks startled by the sudden attention. Golly steps closer, concern evident in her voice. "Wait, you had a nightmare this morning? What happened?"

Alice frowns, her expression troubled. "Well, it was just like Ash said... he won the battle against Giovanni, and when Giovanni was about to explode the base, Satoshi... or should I say Ash... yelled for Serena, Leon, and Lance to leave. I saw Leon and Lance, but I didn't see Serena... and that's when I noticed that I was Serena... I was yelling, crying when Ash sacrificed himself... then I locked myself in my room for days, ignoring Grace's calls and wishing to see Ash again... until what I assume was Arceus' silhouette appeared, glowing with white light, and that's when I woke up..."

After hearing Alice's nightmare, I kneel down with tears forming in my eyes. "Ash? What's wrong?" Insey asks, her voice filled with concern. The others gather around, equally worried.

"Serena... if only I had managed to escape with her instead of yelling for Lance and Leon to take her away for safety... she wouldn't have to suffer like that," I mutter, my voice choked with emotion. "And now something must have happened to her... I couldn't be by her side..."

Alice rushes to me and kneels in front of me. She gently places a hand on my shoulder and says, "Ash, you did everything you could in that moment. You acted to protect the people you care about, and that's all anyone can ask of you. Serena wouldn't want you to blame yourself. She knows how much you love her, and she's strong. She will find a way to be okay, just like you will. You need to keep moving forward, for her and for yourself."

I look at Alice with shock. "Your tone... it sounds just like Serena... but..."

Trenor, looking bewildered, asks, "Is this the same Alice who is usually shy and not much of a talker? I can hardly believe it. She's always been so reserved."

Eve nods thoughtfully. "You know, since this morning, Alice seems like a completely different person. It's almost as if she's been possessed or something... It's really unusual for her to be this outspoken."

I can hear their conversation, and I notice Alice's eyes widen at Eve's remark. She quickly shakes it off and focuses back on me. "Anyway, remember, never give up until it's over. It's your motto, isn't it? I don't know why you've come to this world or why I have memories of Serena's, but we have to move forward in life. We can't let the past hold us back, no matter how confusing it is."

I nod, feeling a deep sense of gratitude, before hugging her tightly. The room falls silent, everyone taken aback by my sudden action. The warmth and comfort of the hug bring a sense of relief. "Thank you, Alice. I needed that."

As I embrace her, I can feel her body temperature rising, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. Her eyes widen slightly, but she doesn't pull away immediately. Realizing the situation, I quickly let go and step back, apologizing hastily. "I'm sorry! I... I didn't mean to..."

Alice smiles gently, still slightly flushed but understanding. "It's okay, Ash. We're all in this together. We need to support each other, especially in times like these."

Tox steps forward, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You know, we are now clubmates, so we also have to care for each other as well. Today sure has been interesting. We met the real Satoshi, and Alice seems to be acting just like Serena."

Helen tilts her head, curiosity evident in her eyes. "I wonder... does that mean sparks are going to happen between those two?" she asks, her tone playful.

Everyone around us starts to grin mischievously, and I can feel my face beginning to heat up. The teasing looks and nudges from my new friends make it clear that they're enjoying this development far too much. I shift awkwardly, unsure of how to respond to their playful banter.

Alice, noticing my discomfort, steps in to diffuse the situation. "Alright, everyone, let's not jump to conclusions. We're just here to support Ash and help him adjust," she says, her voice calm and reassuring.

Despite her attempt to steer the conversation, the playful atmosphere lingers, and I can't help but feel a mix of embarrassment and warmth. It's strange, but amidst the teasing, there's a sense of camaraderie that makes me feel more at home.

"Well, guys." Golly claps her hands to get everyone's attention. "Don't forget what we are here for, and since we have Brother Ash joining us, we also need to help him out as well."

"Help with what?" I ask, feeling a bit confused and curious.

Mark grins mischievously. "You'll see. Now, let's go."

As we all start leaving, I follow them, still puzzled about where we are headed. The sense of mystery and anticipation grows with each step. The friendly chatter and laughter among the group make me feel more at ease, despite the uncertainty.

As we walk through the bustling streets of Lumiose City, I can't help but wonder what they have planned for me. The excitement in the air is palpable, and my curiosity continues to build. Wherever we are going, I know it's going to be something special.

Here is a new chapter, and Ash gets to meet the other characters of the story. I hope you like it.

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