Change of Plans

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3rd Person POV

Lexi wakes up in one of the two beds in the hotel room she has been sharing with Gionna for the last couple of days. In order to keep some mystery around their new found faction, Hunter ordered the group to stay away from doing LIVE events until they are told otherwise, meaning that Lexi and Gionna have had to share a room with each other for a day longer than they had planned. It wasn't all bad though. Gionna and Lexi got along fine. Plus, they came up with a new tactic at discovering who "M" is. None of this mattered to Lexi at the moment as she gets out of bed and begins her morning routine. Not too long after Little Miss Bliss woke up, Gionna woke up and began her own routine as well. Neither of them said a word as they showered, changed their clothes, and took the elevator down to the lobby. The hotel's lobby was large and had a café built into it and a gym across from it. The two girls get up to the counter and order their coffee before sitting at an empty table with two chairs, one on either side. They don't have to wait on their drinks for long as a young waitress comes over to them with two drinks on a black, circular tray.

Waitress: Alexa and Liv right?

Lexi: Yep, that's us.

The waitress sets the two drinks down on the table and goes to leave, but is stopped by a confused Lexi.

Lexi: Excuse me, miss. I'm sorry, but you didn't give us our bill.

Waitress: That's because they're already paid for.

Gionna: Who paid for my coffee, 'cause I swear I need to go marry them right now.

Waitress: Then you'll need to go propose to that guy over there in the gym.

Gionna, looking into the gym: Which one?

Waitress: The one with the sleeveless black hoodie with the hood pulled up. He came in here two or three hours ago and said that two short women; one with blonde and pink hair, and another with platinum blonde hair; were going to come in here as soon as they got to the lobby. He described you both so perfectly. He even knew exactly what you two were gonna order.

Lexi: Oh. Okay, thank you.

The waitress leaves the two women alone with the drinks that were paid for hours before they woke up.

Lexi: This is the second morning that this has happened.

Gionna: I'm not following.

Lexi: For the last two days, every morning when we came down here to get our coffee, it was already paid for by some guy who knew exactly who we are, what we were gonna order, and what we look like, hours before we woke up.

Gionna: Ohhhhh. We should go see who he is.

Lexi: Lead the way.

The two girls stand up, drinks in hand, and make their way over to the gym where the mystery drink-buyer is. They enter the gym and stand a few feet away from the hooded man. The man is much taller than them and doing barbell squats while they stare at him and prepare to talk to him.

Lexi: Excuse me.


Gionna: Excuse me, sir.

Still no reaction from the man. They aren't sure if he can see them, so they walk into his line of sight.

Lexi: Sir.

Once again, nothing.

Gionna: Big guy, listen up!!

The man drops the barbell with frustration, reaches up, and pulls his hood down, his headphones that were hidden by the black fabric now visible in the man's right hand. The loud clanging of the weights hitting the floor make the two women jump. The man has shoulder length, dark brown (nearly black) hair, which is wet with sweat. The lower half of his face is hidden behind a black face cover. The man angrily turns to face them, running a hand through his hair

???: Oh, it's you two. Mornin' girls.

Gionna: "M"!?

Lexi: You're the one who has been paying for our drinks?

"M": I am.

Lexi: Well Gio, looks like you're gonna have to marry him.

"M": Before we carry on with the ceremony here, can someone explain to me why Gionna has to marry me?

Lexi: Gionna told the waitress back there that she would marry whoever has been buying her caffeine.

"M": I see. Gionna, you are a very beautiful woman, but unfortunately I cannot marry you. I hope you understand and that we can remain friends.

Lexi is loving every second of what she's seeing while Gionna tries to process what is happening.

Gionna: What just happened?

Lexi: You just got rejected, Gio.

Gionna: Ohhhhhhh. Well, what about Lexi?

"M": What about Lexi?

Lexi, concerned: Yes, what about Lexi?

Gionna: You said I'm "a very beautiful woman."

WWE's Problem Child does her best imitation of "M"'s dark voice as she quotes him.

Gionna: But what about Lexi? What do you think of her?

"M": She is a very beautiful woman. You both are and have been since I met you.

Gionna: Awwwww. If you weren't wearing that mask, I'd give you a little kiss.

"M": Maybe I should take off the mask.

Lexi and Gionna: Really?

"M": No.

Lexi: One day we're gonna figure out who you are.

"M": Oh, I'm sure you will. But the question isn't whether you find out who I am or not. It's which of you is going to figure it out first.

Gionna: What do you mean?

"M": Whoever finds out who I am first will be the first to see me without the mask. She will get to help tease the other until I reveal myself to her as well. Do we have a deal?

Lexi: You're on.

Gionna: I'm so gonna find out who he is first.

Lexi: He said you couldn't remember him before he put on the mask.

Gionna: He said you can't recognize him.

Lexi: I know, but-!

Her voice trails off when "M" turns away from them and runs his right hand through his hair once again. His right forearm is visible and there is a tattoo on it. Though she only got a quick glance, she managed to make out what it says: "Always Faithful, Always Forward".

Gionna: But what?

Lexi: Hm? Oh, nothing. Nevermind.

Gionna: Whatever you say, Lex.

The two girls leave the gym and go back to their table at the café, leaving "M" to return to his workout. From behind a punching bag, Bray walks out and stands next to the Mystery Disciple.

Bray: So which one do you think will figure it out first?

"M": They're both smart girls.

Bray: You think Lexi too?

"M": Yep. I'm sure Gionna can figure it out, but Lexi has known me longer, knows me better, and can piece things together quicker.

Bray: I have an idea that can help them figure out who you are and give you the chance to mess with them.

"M": Let's hear it.

Bray: I was thinking...


Gionna and Lexi exit the elevator and walk into the gym, looking for their mysterious tag partner. Instead, they find their other tag partner and good friend, Bray Wyatt.

Lexi: Hey Bray, have you seen "M"?

Bray: He's over here, follow me.

The two follow him across the gym. After a short walk, they find "M" doing chin-ups with extra weight chained to his legs.

(A/N: Like this scene from Batman V. Superman, only "M" is wearing a mask and sleeveless hoodie.)

"M" carries on as if he didn't notice them and continues doing what he's doing, when in reality, he heard them come in and talk to Bray. Upon their arrival, both girls stop and watch in awe as his body raises and lowers.

Bray: "M", the girls are here.

Gionna: And very impressed.

"M": By what? You've seen me lift two different men above my head with one hand. Why does this feat of strength shock you?

Gionna: I dunno. Maybe it's because you're like 6'9", 280lbs and you're lifting yourself off of the ground with extra weight attached to your knees.

"M": Your guess on my height was close. I'm 6'10". As for my weight, I weigh somewhere between 295 and 300lbs.

(A/N: Yes, I changed his height and weight. His weight will continue to increase btw.)

Lexi: You're definitely not a cruiserweight.

"M": I am far from being one. Enough about me...

The Dark Disciple straightens his legs, allowing the chain and weights to slide off of them before letting go and dropping down to the ground and landing on his feet.

"M": Let's get a good look at you two.

The Mystery Disciple turns around to face his allies. When his gaze reaches Lexi and Gionna, he notices that they are ready to start workouts of their own.

(A/N: This is what they are wearing, minus Liv's headphones and pink hair.)

"M": You are quite impressive yourselves.

Gionna: Awww, the scary giant is really a big flatterer.

"M": If you say so. Before you begin your workouts, Bray has something to tell you.

Bray: What an introduction. Uhhh right, so I had this idea that would help you two figure out who our mysterious buddy is and build trust between you. Every week, you will spend one or two days with "M" each. How does that sound?

The girls both stay quiet for awhile. Their faces allow Bray and "M" to see that they are genuinely thinking this through.

Lexi: And you're okay with this?

"M": I am.

Lexi: Then I'm in.

Gionna: Well if she's joining, then I am too.

Bray: Great. Everything's settled.

Lexi: Not quite. Who's gonna get their day with "M" first?

Gionna: Wanna play Rock Paper Scissors for it?

Lexi laughs before turning to face Gionna. They get their hands in position.

Gionna: Best two out of three wins?

Lexi: You're on.

They both start and, after many ties, Lexi beats Gionna 2:1. Lexi raises her arms in victory before doing a victory dance. Meanwhile, Bray leans over towards "M" and whispers to him.

Bray: Uh oh. Looks like the most dangerous one won. Now you really have to up the mystique.

"M": I'll be fine, Bray. Who knows, I might just tell her and continue messing with Gionna.

Bray: You're evil.

"M": It's kinda my thing, Bray.

Little Miss Bliss eventually calms down after celebrating for a few minutes. After catching her breath and laughing with Gionna about her victory dance, she decides to ask the Fiend and the Mystery Disciple an important question.

Lexi: What if instead of spending just a few days with "M", we each got to spend a week with him?

Bray: Uhhhhhh is that okay with you, big man?

"M": She won in Rock Paper Scissors, she makes the rules. As long as my almost bride agrees to this, then I accept Lexi's proposition.

Bray stares in confusion as Lexi laughs and Gionna lightly blushes at the memory of what transpired earlier that morning.

Gionna: It's fine with me. Just remember big guy...

She gets closer to the gigantic masked-man and lowers her voice to a whisper.

Gionna: I give the best hugs.

"M", smiling beneath the mask: That remains to be seen.

Bray: Okay, what the hell is happening?

Gionna: We're just bonding with him. Ain't that right, big man?

"M" nods. Lexi suddenly catches his attention, causing his head to sharply snap in her direction.

Lexi: Come on, big guy. Our week together starts now.

"M": You haven't worked out yet.

Lexi: I can do that at home. Right now, I've got a zoo that needs to be fed.

"M": Grab your bags and we'll be on our way.

As "M" is about to follow Lexi out of the gym, Bray grabs his arm.

Bray: Wear the new mask you got on Friday.

"M" gives him a confused look. His glance causes Bray to roll his eyes.

Bray: The one that'll bring the Attitude Era back. You should make it your permanent mask and break it in during your time off.

"M" nods before turning back to the door and following Little Miss Bliss to the elevator.

Gionna, waving from the gym: Bye big guy! And Lexi, take care of my hubby!

Lexi, turning around: Don't worry, I will!

The two step inside and stand next to each other, the doors closing a few seconds after "M" takes his place next to the Goddess of WWE.

Lexi: What did Bray want?

"M": He told me I should wear the mask I got on Friday.

Lexi: I've never seen it, but I trust Bray's opinion, so I say that you should wear it.

"M": As you wish.

The two stand in an awkward silence for a few moments. In her mind, Lexi is debating whether she should ask him about his tattoo or not. Meanwhile, "M" is also debating whether he should reveal himself to her now or let her figure it out on her own.

Lexi: You're a Marine?

The sudden breach in the silence gets the big man's attention.

"M": What?

Lexi: Your tattoo. It is a Marine motto, isn't it?

"M": Yes, it is.

Lexi: Did you serve?

"M": I did.

Lexi: In the Marine Corps, right?

"M": Correct. I served as a Marine Raider.

Lexi: Huh. My friend Caleb served as a Marine Raider too. He had the same tattoo and everything. Did you two serve together?

"M": His last name is Winters, right?

Lexi: Yes. Yes, it is.

"M": I served with him.

Lexi: Really?

"M": Yes. We were very close.

Lexi: You were?

"M": We were inseparable.

Lexi: I wonder why he never mentioned you.

"M": We did things over there that even we can't comprehend. The worst part about what we did over there is remembering it. He more than likely shut out anything that reminded him of the things that scarred him during our time overseas.

Lexi looks down as she remembers the way Caleb would look and talk when he came back from his tours. Small tears threaten to leave her eyes as she remembers the pain her best friend would go through for their country and for everyone who lived, lives, or will live time and time again.

Lexi: He used to stay with me whenever he'd come back home. I'd go to the airport to pick him up. I remember...

Her breath is caught in her throat and a small laugh is barely audible from her. Her voice is shaking as more tears begin to build up.

Lexi: I remember we used to convince the people in the airport around us that we were dating or that we were married. We didn't do anything to try to convince them that we were together, everyone just assumed it. Caleb would tell me to just smile instead of correcting them and let the people have their fun. That was mainly due to him wanting to either eat or sleep.

She lets out a small chuckle as memories flood the mind of the Dark Disciple. He was always happy when he saw her waiting for him with a big smile and tears of happiness and relief. Before he met Gionna, Lexi was the only person who could help the Dark Disciple forget what he's seen. Forget what he's done.

Lexi: He used to put on a smile when he'd see me, but it wasn't the same smile he usually had. It was a genuine smile that showed that he missed me, but it was always hiding something. His smiles were hiding the pain. Whatever happened over there really got to him. He couldn't sleep. There were some nights where the only way I could get him to sleep was by laying next to him on the couch. Sometimes we would lay on the floor because the couch was too different from the ground he had to sleep on. I could never tell why he tried to hide the pain from me. Why couldn't he tell me? Didn't he trust me?

The Dark Disciple places a comforting hand on Lexi's shoulder as the smaller woman almost completely breaks down in tears. Although she doesn't know who it is under the mask, his touch felt familiar. Her body started to relax when his hand made contact. "M" tries to speak but struggles to find his voice at first. The memories from overseas and from those nights with Lexi where he could see the hurt, the worry, and the confusion in her eyes come to him, nearly bringing the bigger man, who rarely ever cries, to tears.

"M": Because...because he didn't want you to worry about him. He didn't want you to be afraid.

Lexi: I was, and always will be, worried about him. I loved him...I still do.

"M": He loved you too, Lexi. You were always on his mind when he was deployed. Every mission, every firefight, every night, morning, and afternoon. You are what kept him going. To be able to come back home and see you was all he ever wanted.

Lexi: How do you know this?

"M": Because I was the one closest to him during those moments. He would whisper your name and say "I'm coming back home. One way or another, I'm coming back to see you again." He loved you and if you ask him if his feelings for you have changed, he'll tell you that it'd be a cold day in Hell before he'd stop loving you.

Lexi: Then why didn't he ever ask me out? Why didn't he tell me how he felt?

"M": Because he was in love with another woman as well.

Lexi, her voice now a whisper: Gionna.

"M": He knew that if he chose one of you, he'd hurt and potentially lose the other. He couldn't take that risk.

Lexi: How could you possibly know all of this?

"M": You could say I was his confidant. One day, he confessed to a couple of us that he loved you both and wouldn't be responsible for hurting either of you. After a discussion of what to do, he decided to keep his feelings for you and Gionna hidden. He would rather have two best friends than potentially losing it all.

At this point, the elevator has already made it to their floor and they have been walking side by side to their rooms, which are across the hall from each other, while still carrying on their conversation.

Lexi: He kept everything bottled up so he didn't hurt us or get hurt?

"M": He thought it was for the best. If you do not believe me, ask Lacey Evans.

Lexi: You know Lacey?

"M": Though she wasn't in a Marine Raider, we did cross paths with her on several occasions. She's actually been a friend of ours for a long time. She already retired from the Corps when Caleb told us what was going on with him. She gave him some advice that helped brighten his day up.

Lexi: What did she tell him?

"M": She told him to "stay classy, ya nasty."

Lexi wasn't expecting the response that came from the Dark Disciple, causing her to laugh. "M" smiles beneath the mask, happy that he could cheer his old friend up. The two go their separate ways as they enter their rooms.

Lexi's POV

Caleb loves me? How do I know the big guy wasn't lying to me? Wait wait wait, okay Lexi, deep breaths. We can just ask Lacey and she can tell us if what he said was true. Yeah, that's a good idea. Let's do that.

"M"'s POV

I grab my phone and take it out of my pocket before unlocking it and searching through my contacts for a certain name. Once I find it, I hit call. While it's ringing, I begin to mumble to myself.

Me: Come on you long-haired bastard, pick up your phone dammit.

The man on the other end finally picks up the phone after a few rings.

???: Hello?

Me: Hey...

I remember that I have my face covering and voice disguiser on. I reach my hand up and quickly yank it down to around my neck.

Me: Hey, it's me.

???: How's it going "M"?

Me: Now isn't the time, Isaiah. Your girl up yet?

Isaiah: No. The Marine slept in today. Of course she's awake. What do you need, old man?

Me: Boy, you may be an inch taller than me, but I'm still your older brother and I'll kick your ass if I have to.

Isaiah: Alright, alright. Seriously though, what do you need?

Me: I need you to put Evans on the phone.

Isaiah: Alright, give me a sec. (yelling in the background) Hey Mace?! Your battle buddy wants to talk to you!

After a few seconds, I hear the Sassy Southern Belle's voice come through the phone.

Lacey: What do you need this time, ya nasty?

Me: Y'know how you owe me that favor?

Lacey: *sigh* Yeah.

Me: Well I'm cashing it in now. Lexi is probably going to ask you about what happened at that lunch we had six years ago.

Lacey: The one where you told me that you love her and Gionna?

Me: No, the one where I told you I love rainbows and unicorns.

Lacey: Y'know, just this morning I was thinking about how much I miss our talks.

Me: Yeah, I know, I'm real charming. I need you to tell Lexi the truth, only-

Lacey: You want me to act like "M" was there? Look, I'm not gonna lie to Lexi for you.

Me: Technically "M" was there. I am "M" and I was there, therefore "M" was too.

Lacey: I hate that your argument actually makes sense. I won't lie and say that there were three of us at that lunch, but I won't say "M" wasn't there either.

Me: Thanks, Sergeant.

Lacey: Any time, sir.

Me: What was that, Sergeant?

Lacey: Oh boy. Do I really have to call you by your rank, Staff Sergeant?

Me: No, Sergeant Evans, you don't. I just like messing with people. Thanks again for doing this.

Lacey: You're welcome, ya nasty. Before I hang up, I need to tell you something.

Me: You're pregnant?

Lacey: What? No. No no no.

Me: Heheheh. Sorry, what did you wanna tell me?

Lacey: I was gonna tell you that you need to come clean to at least one of those girls. The more time you waste behind that mask, the less time you'll have with them. Understand?

Me: Loud and clear, Sarge.

Lacey: Good. Now, I'm gonna go make sure your brother doesn't teach my daughter anything dangerous.

Me: You're the one who's engaged to him. You chose to put up with his shit. And if you're gonna go kick his ass, please get in a good shot or two for me.

Lacey: Deal. Stay classy, ya nasty.

Me: I love you too.

Isaiah and Summer, in the distance: Bye! Love you!

Me, laughing a little: Love y'all too.

I hang up the phone and set it down on the bed I've been "sleeping" in for the past couple days, which has my bag laying on top of it. In a quick motion, I pull the face covering over my head and hold it in one hand. My other hand grabs the zipper of the duffel bag and pulls it to the side, unzipping the bag. As it opens, my eyes fall onto my new mask. The mask stares back at me as I reach my hands down into the bag and lift it out.

Lexi's POV

After arguing with myself for a minute or two, I push the call button. It doesn't take long before it's answered.

Me: Hey Lacey, it's me.

Lacey: I see. He said you were gonna call me but I didn't expect it to be this soon.

???, from the background: Why is she on the phone again?

???, also in the background: Your momma's Ms. Popular today.

Me: Who was that?

Lacey: My fiancé and Summer.

Me: He popped the question?

Lacey: Yes he did. He had Summer and Caleb help him do it too.

Me: That's actually what I wanted to ask you about.

Lacey: I know, "M" told me.

Me: Oh. Okay then. Did you have lunch with Caleb six years ago?

Lacey: I did. He took me out to lunch and told me that he was in love with two girls and didn't know what to do.

Me: Did he tell you who the girls were?

Lacey: He told me it was you and Liv.

Me: Did you give him any advice?

Lacey: I sure did. He told him to "stay classy, ya nasty."

Me, whispering to myself: So it is true.

Lacey: Look, if you want to find your answers, go to "M"'s hotel room. You better hurry.

Me: Alright, thanks Lacey.

Lacey: No problem.

I hang up and quickly open the door. I practically sprint across the hall and push "M"'s hotel room door open. That's when I see him with his back turned to me and his face covering in his left hand. He slowly turns around and looks at me. When I see him, my jaw drops a little before a smile forms on my face.

Me: Hey...

End of chapter

A/N: That's right. I ended this chapter with a cliffhanger. It had to be done. I'll talk to y'all next time, whenever that may be.

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