Secrets Uncovered

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Backstage, after the previous chapter

3rd Person POV

"M" sets Gionna down on her feet before standing back up straight.

Gionna: You didn't have to carry me all the way back here. Not that I'm complaining though.

The Greatest Disciple looks at her before nodding. She can tell that her little comment made him smile behind the mask. However, it soon returns to his emotionless expression. The two begin to walk further backstage and towards the women's locker room. Gionna watches the man to her left with awe as he walks with her, admiring everything about him while also looking for anything that can help her figure out who he is behind the mask. Her thoughts about his overwhelming, threatening, dark presence are suddenly interrupted when "M" speaks.

"M": What are your tears supposed to symbolize?

Gionna: Uhhhhhhh what?

"M": The tears you wear on your face. What do they mean?

Gionna: I-I don't know. I thought they looked good. Why? Do they look bad?

"M": No. They do not.

The Problem Child releases a large sigh of relief. However, the Mystery Disciple still wants an answer behind her tears.

"M": Everything has a purpose, Gionna. What do your tears mean to you?

Gionna: I guess I use them to make myself unique. No one else has them and I like to be different.

"M": I see. They are an expression of your individuality.

Gionna: Apparently so. Now, it's your turn to answer my questions.

"M": As you wish.

Gionna: Why do you wear all black?

"M": I wouldn't have the same impression on people if I wore all pink, now would I?

His response forces a smile to cross her face. She quickly attempts to form a serious, intimidating face. Although he finds it amusing, "M" keeps an emotionless expression.

Gionna: Why do you wear the hood?

"M": It covers the rest of the mask.

Gionna: Can you take it off?

"M": I can.

Gionna: Will you take it off?

"M": I will.

Gionna smiles, thinking she made him agree to remove the hood. But when 'Taker's Greatest Disciple doesn't show any sign of removing it, she becomes confused.

Gionna: What are you waiting for, take the hood off.

"M": I will not.

Gionna: Ah ha! You said you would. Now take it off.

"M": You asked if I will remove the hood and I said that I will. That does not mean I will do it at this precise moment.

Gionna: You lied to me about taking it off?

"M": Gionna, you will soon find that I am capable of many things; however, lying is not one of those things.

Gionna: So you are going to take that hood off?

"M": Yes. Eventually, I will remove the hood and the mask will go with it.

Gionna: When will this be?

"M": Later.

Gionna: Which is?

"M": Not now.

She growls in anger as "M" used more loopholes and, if she's being honest, confused her. Her disapproval makes the large man smile and laugh to himself.

Gionna: What are you laughing at?

"M": Your attempts to discover who I am beneath the mask.

Gionna: You could just tell me and we could get this all over with.

"M": I could, but I won't.

Gionna: Will I ever find out who you really are?

"M": Yes.

Gionna: Will it be soon?

"M": That depends.

Gionna: On?

"M": When Hunter and Vince tell me to reveal myself to you.

Gionna: Does Lexi know who you are?

"M": She does and she doesn't.

Gionna: Does Bray?

"M": I do believe you have far surpassed the number of questions I asked you.

Gionna: Don't try to change the subject and answer my question.

"M": The answer you seek lies with the man in question. I believe we have arrived at your designated destination. Once you have gathered your things, wait until the end of the show and come to the parking lot. We will be waiting for you.

Gionna: Okay. Wait, who is we?

"M": All will be revealed in time. Until then, Gionna.

After finishing, the Mystery Disciple turns and walks away from a rather confused Gionna. She watches him walk down the hall before shaking her head and entering the locker room.

With "M"

3rd Person POV

Hunter: Is everything ready to go?

"M": We are waiting on the others to arrive. Other than that, everything is ready.

Hunter: That's good to hear. I want to thank you once again for going along with this.

"M": I get to wear a mask, hurt people, and mess with my friends. If anything, I should be thanking you.

Hunter: Glad to hear it. Have you told either of the girls yet?

"M": I have not. The only one who knows so far is Bray.

Hunter: Are you ever going to tell them?

"M": Possibly. Perhaps they may have to discover my identity on their own.

Hunter: I understand pulling pranks on people, I really do, but how long do you plan on keeping them in the dark?

"M": I will tell them when I tell them. The time may come today or it may come at a later date. For now, they know me as "M" and that's all they need to know.

Hunter: I get that, but you're a faction now. There has to be trust. How can they trust someone who never shows them his face?

"M": If you want me to reveal myself, then just say so. Don't pussyfoot around or beat around the bush. Tell me what needs to be done and it will be.

The Game releases a small laugh. His face forms a small grin before he speaks again.

Hunter: You're just like Mark.

"M": How's that?

Hunter: You and Mark are honest. Sometimes too honest. After the Montreal Screwjob, Mark barged into Vince's office and told him to go talk to Bret and fix what he did. Everyone admired him for the lack of fear to get straight to the point and be honest with Vince. He was always like that. I'm glad to see it passed down to his disciple.

"M": Mark always had a funny way of getting what he wanted.

Hunter: Yes he did. You don't have to tell them who you are tonight. Give them two months to figure out who you are. If they don't figure it out by Unforgiven, then you'll have to unmask yourself that night and show them who you are. Do we have a deal?

"M": Consider it done.

The Mystery Disciple extends his hand and shakes the awaiting hand of the Game. After their brief handshake, Hunter leaves "M" standing alone in the parking area. Undertaker's Dark Apprentice takes this time to find a dark, quiet area away from everyone. As he reaches the dark sector, which is a dark corner on the roof of a small office-like structure that allows him to see everything happening in the parking area, his phone buzzes in his pocket. "M" sits down in a corner, resting his back against a wall, and takes out his phone. It's Bray trying to FaceTime him. He answers the call to find Bray, still fully dressed in Fiend gear, driving and Lexi, also still dressed in her Firefly Fun House attire, sitting in the passenger seat. Because the picture isn't shaky, "M" determines that Bray's phone is in a small phone holder attached to the center of the dashboard.

Lexi: I swear I'm going to find out who he is, Bray. If he was here right now, I'd figure out who's under the mask.

"M": And how would you go about doing that, Ms. Kaufman?

Lexi: Aaahhhhhhh!!! What the fu-!?! How long have you been here!?

"M": The time that I artificially joined this conversation matters not. However, your plans to get under the hood and behind the mask do in fact matter. My question remains without an answer, so I shall ask you once more. Ms. Kaufman, how do you plan on discovering who I am?

Lexi: By interrogating you.

"M": Interesting method, Ms. Kaufman. Ms. Daddio used the same method minutes ago and found nothing.

Lexi: Maybe she didn't ask the right questions.

"M": Perhaps that is the cause behind her recent failure. May the interrogations commence at once.

Lexi: What is your name?

"M": My name is not for you to know at this moment in time. However, you may call me "M".

Lexi: Okay. Why did you choose "M"?

"M": There are many potential reasons behind my decisions. Perhaps "M" is an initial? Perhaps "M" simply stands for mystery? Perhaps "M" has no meaning at all and was randomly selected? This is for you to discover.

Lexi writes the answers the secretive man down onto a notepad she brought with her. It wasn't a small notebook either, as it took up a good portion of her lap. Rather than focusing on the confusing manner "M" answers in, the determined Goddess of WWE moves to the next question.

Lexi: Were you really trained by the Undertaker?

"M": I was.

Lexi: For how long?

"M": Long enough.

Lexi: Long enough for what?

"M": Long enough to become his successor.

Lexi: How old are you?

"M": I am neither old nor am I young.

Lexi: Why do you answer my questions with riddles and puzzles?

"M": I can tell you are desperate for answers and losing patience as we speak. I speak in riddles to prolong this little game of ours.

Lexi: Okay then. Do I know you?

"M": You do and you don't.

Lexi: Does Gionna know you?

"M": She does and she doesn't.

Lexi: Ummmm...Oh, when was the last time I spoke to you?

"M": Monday.

Lexi growls in frustration while Bray laughs.

Bray: You walked right into that one, Lexi.

Lexi:...I know.

"M": You may continue the interrogations when you arrive, Ms. Kaufman. Maybe with Gi's help you will find the answers you seek.

The Mystery Disciple hangs up and places his phone back in his pocket before closing his eyes.

About five minutes ago, with Gionna

3rd Person POV

The Problem Child walks into the locker room, gets her stuff, and goes to the showers. Before she can make it there, she's stopped by her friends Dori Prange aka Ruby Riott, and Pamela Martinez aka Bayley.

Dori: We saw your little segment with Corbin. You alright?

Gionna goes to answer, but the Role Model interrupts.

Pamela: Of course she is. Tall, dark, and brooding showed up.

Dori: So Livvy, who's your boyfriend?

Gionna: He's not my-! Y'know what, I actually have no idea who it is? The guy wears a mask all the time, he always answers your questions by twisting your words and using them against you, he has some kinda voice disguiser in his mask, when he speaks, it's either straightforward or it's in riddles! I can't figure out who he is!

Dori: Hunter didn't tell you?

Gionna: Hunter knows!?!

Pamela: Of course he knows, he's the boss.

Gionna: Do you think he'll tell me who "M" is?

Dori: "M"?

Gionna: It's what he told me to call him. I have no idea what it means or if it stands for anything.

Pamela: You're going to be riding with this "M" guy, Lexi, and Bray, right?

Gionna: Yeah, why?

Pamela: You should ask Lexi if she knows who "M" is.

Gionna: Oooooooh! Great idea, Pammy!

The Problem Child quickly latches onto the unsuspecting woman, nearly squeezing the life out of her with a hug.

Pamela: *cough* Okay, Gionna. Love me, don't break me.

Gionna releases the hold, settled back down, and says a small apology to the former Hugger.

Dori: Now that you're done hugging all of Pam's air out of her, you should text Lexi and ask her.

Gionna: Right!

She quickly whips out her phone, scrolls through her contacts, and comes across the one belonging to Little Miss Bliss, shooting her a quick text and eagerly awaiting the reply.

Gionna: Hey Lexi!!! Y'know that "M" guy? You wouldn't happen to know who he is, would you?

Lexi: I have no idea!

Gionna: Me neither! It's driving me crazy!!!

Lexi: Same! I tried to ask Bray, but he won't tell me. He kept saying "what makes you think that I know who he is?" so I gave up.

Gionna: I doubt Hunter'll tell us either.

Lexi: Damn. The only person that leaves us with won't take off the damn mask or speak normally.

Gionna: You've noticed it too!?

Lexi: That he speaks like some kinda prophet?

Gionna: Yes. Like he's keeping something from us because we don't need to know it yet.

Lexi: Maybe we don't need to know it?

Gionna: We're going to be riding with him for awhile, I think I need to know who he is.

Lexi: I know what you mean. Have you talked to him much?

Gionna: Yeah. Twice actually.

Lexi: Ok. Let's compare notes, shall we?

Gionna: Sounds like a plan. What do you know?

Lexi: I know that whoever he is, he's close to me. He knows me.

Gionna: How do you know that?

Lexi: Instead of calling me Lexi or Alexa or Alexis, he jumped to calling me Lex.

Gionna: Really?

Lexi: Yeah. When I tried to interrogate him on RAW, his only answer was "what's the matter, Lex? Don't recognize me?"

Gionna: That's weird. He knew my real name without me having to tell him. When I asked him how he knew it, he told me he "has his ways", like what the hell does that even mean?

Lexi: Idk but we need to find out.

Gionna: How are we going to do that?

Lexi: "M" suggested that we work together to discover who he is when Bray called him earlier.

Gionna: This reminds me of our days in NXT.

Lexi: Wdym?

Gionna: Remember whenever we'd watch TV before the show? And there'd be a bunch of different mystery shows on?

Lexi: Oh yeah lol. I remember.

Gionna: Too bad we don't have Caleb with us like we did then.

Lexi: Yeah. He's always good with mysteries.

Gionna: I wonder why he's so good at solving them.

Lexi: He told me that it's from watching and playing too much Batman.

Gionna: Lol. I miss that big nerd. Whatever happened to him?

Lexi: You didn't hear? At Takeover: Atlanta, he defended his NXT Championship against all four members of the former Undisputed Era, Finn Bálor, Tommaso Ciampa, and Johnny Gargano in a eight-man ladder match. When the smoke cleared, ol' Winters retained, but he was covered in blood. He told me that he aggravated and worsened his back and knee injuries, and got a nasty concussion.

Gionna: Damn. I know he's tough but that's a lot, even for him.

Lexi: I know. I went to see him while he was in the hospital and took some time off from the tour to help him get around.

Gionna: How did Ryan feel about that?

Lexi: Ryan had Caleb stay with us for a few days and went with me to help Caleb out.

Gionna: That was nice of him. How are you two doing?

Lexi: I'd rather not talk about it.

Gionna: Got it. So what are we going to do if we don't learn "M"'s identity by questioning him? Wait until he takes the mask off himself?

Lexi: We'll have to figure something out.


In the parking area

3rd Person POV

Hunter stands in front of a car as it pulls up to him. The headlights cease their glowing as the car is shut off. The driver and passenger doors open to reveal the Fiend and Alexa Bliss respectfully. At the same time, Gionna comes running up to the Game, her bags dragging behind her. The sudden noises cause the eyes of the Mystery Disciple to shoot open. He looks down from his vantage point to see the group below.

Hunter: Now that you're all here, I-

Gionna: Wait! Where's "M"?

The Undertaker's Disciple takes that as his cue to make his presence known and leaps off of the ledge, quietly landing right behind the unsuspecting Gionna Daddio. After his feet hit the ground, "M" bends his knees to absorb some of the impact and raises slowly, soon standing straight up.

"M": Hello there, Gionna.

"M" puts his hand on her shoulder and walks past her on her right. The sudden contact of his smooth, gloved hand on her shoulder and the unanticipated arrival of his evil, masked voice cause the woman to jump and place her hand over her chest, letting out an audible yelp. Meanwhile, the Undertaker's Disciple stands with his arms crossed over his chest, smirking beneath the mask at the small scare he gave the much smaller woman.

"M": You may proceed.

After making a "go on" gesture with his hand, the gloved arm returns to its home, crossing with his unmoved left arm.

Hunter: Now that we all are actually here and the surprise entrances are out of the way, I want to explain what the plan is for the four of you. As you know, the Firefly Family has gone from a simple partnership between Alexa and Bray, to a faction. The Firefly Family isn't going to participate in just one division. You four will go after anyone and everyone, whether it's singles competition or tag matches. Since it's in the name, you four will have to act like a family. That means at least two of you will have to be together during matches and promos, work in sync when you execute tag moves, compliment your partner, or partners, abilities with your own, and lastly, you must trust each other. Understood?

Everyone replies with a "yes, sir" or "you got it, boss". Everyone except "M", who chose to simply nod once.

Hunter: Now, you need to know each of your roles. Liv, Alexa, and Bray will cut the majority of the promos. "M" will be more like the Undertaker or Kane when they first debuted.

Lexi: So he's going to be the big, silent guy dressed in black that's agile, can go from moving really slow to really fast and then back to slow, bulldozes through competition, absorbs hits, and is basically unstoppable?

Hunter: Yes, he is.

Bray: Like a big ol' Southern Juggernaut.

Wyatt giggles to himself at his little callback to one of "M"'s former nicknames, earning a glance from the Mystery Disciple. The glance was one of both anger, semi-disbelief, and a hint of laughter, but Bray knew that beneath the mask, his friend was proud of the callback and if their roles were reversed, he would've done the same thing.

Gionna: Great, now we've got two Southern Juggernauts to deal with.

Bray: Who is the other one?

Lexi: Caleb.

Bray, playing dumb: Who?

Gionna: You remember Caleb, right? Caleb Winters? Big guy? Did the Winter's End?

Bray continues to keep his confused façade up as the four enter the car. As for the Game, he left to make a phone call and only received a goodbye from "M", who nodded in his direction. The car Bliss and Wyatt arrived in is definitely big enough for all of them, as it is a black Chevy Suburban. "M" and Bray load Gionna's bags into the back while the girls get into the car.

Bray, whispering: Where are your bags?

"M": It's just one bag, and it's in the back of the car I used to get here.

Bray: I'll cover for you while you go get it.

"M" nods in appreciation before walking away. Meanwhile, Gionna continues to try to get the other male member of the Firefly Family to remember their old friend, unaware that he is closer than she thinks.

Gionna: He has dark brown hair, wears sunglasses even when he's inside. Still nothing?

Bray: It sounds familiar but I still have no idea who you're talking about.

Gionna roars out in frustration from inside the black vehicle, not even noticing that "M" has come back to the car and is loading his bag into the trunk. While he is doing so, the rest of the faction climbs into the car with Lexi and Gionna in the driver's seat and passenger seat respectfully. Seeing that the two girls already got comfortable, Bray decided to sit in the middle row of seats, leaving the back row all to the Mystery Disciple.

Bray: What was his name again?

Gionna: Caleb Winters! He has a younger brother who works in NXT and a younger sister that just got out of high school!

Bray: I don't remember him.

Gionna: How could you forget him!? He was the guy Lexi had a huge crush on, but was always too nervous to tell him!

At this time, "M" is in the back row of the Chevy and suddenly shoots his head up, his wide eyes visible to Wyatt in the rear view mirror. Bray shoots him a laughing smile and mouths "what the fuck", knowing that the Mystery Disciple is sharing his reaction to the sudden revelation.

Lexi: Gionna!?!

Gionna: Oops...TMI?

Lexi: Ya think!?

Gionna: I'm sorry, Lex! It just slipped out! I was hoping that Bray would remember that you had a crush on Caleb and remember who he is!

Lexi: I can't believe this!

Gionna: I said I'm sorry! It's not like he's in the car with us!

While the two girls continue to argue, Bray texts Undertaker's Greatest Disciple.

Bray: The more you know, huh? To think, you had a crush on her too. Why didn't you ever make a move?

Caleb: Because I couldn't choose between the two of them and I wasn't going to lose a friend to gain a girlfriend.

The car rolls forward as Lexi starts driving, doing a U-turn in the parking area before heading out of the exit and out onto the road.

Gionna: How many times do I have to say I'm sorry!?

Lexi: You saying sorry isn't going to change anything! You just told Bray and our mystery partner back there my darkest secret!

Gionna: What do you want me to do, Lex!?

Lexi: Hmm...I want you to admit that you had a crush on him too.

Gionna: I did not!!!

Lexi: Yes you did! You were sad every time you couldn't find him backstage, you always wanted to be near him, you even said that you wanted him to-

Gionna: I had a crush on him! There, I said it!

Bray: They both had crushes on you!?! What the hell man!

Caleb: Don't look at me. I didn't do anything to make them feel that way.

Gionna: I mean, how could you not have a crush on him?

Lexi: I don't know.

Wanting to embarrass his friend, Bray decides to interject some questions of his own.

Bray: When did you first start crushing on him?

Gionna: For me, it was when he held the door open for me on my first day at the Performance Center.

Bray: You started crushing on him on Day 1, huh?

Gionna: Kinda. He was all sweaty, his muscles were showing, and he was being nice to me. I fell for him more and more whenever I talked to him every week.

Bray: He talked to you?

Gionna: Not at first. He would acknowledge that he knew I was speaking to him, but he wouldn't really speak back. If he did, it was only a few words.

Lexi: He was quiet around you at first?

Gionna: Yeah. But eventually my childish charm wore him down and he started talking to me more often.

Bray: What about you, Lexi?

Lexi: Well when I first met Caleb, he was still serving in the Marine Corps. He was on leave and came to a gym in Texas, which is where I was because I had a photoshoot or competition or something there the next day and I was preparing for it. Anyway, he came in with a friend of his that does Strongman competitions and they were working out together. They would tell a lot of jokes and make each other laugh in between reps.

While Lexi tells her story, the man of the hour, disguised by the dark helmet and hood, smiles.

Bray: You must mean a lot to her. She remembers the first time you guys met.

Caleb: That's what I hear.

Lexi: Anyway, Caleb caught me looking at him a few times and would smile and wink before going back to what he was doing every time he caught me. Eventually, he randomly started doing push-ups. But he'd only do them when I was looking.

Gionna: Maybe he was trying to impress you?

Lexi: That's what I thought at first. But then I saw his face and his friend's face. Caleb looked like he was angry although he was also laughing, meanwhile his friend was all smiles and laughing.

Bray: Were you trying to impress her?

Caleb: Hell no. You'll hear why I was doing them in a minute.

Lexi: Eventually, I went over to them to ask them what's the deal with all the push-ups. Whenever I got over there, I could hear them both laughing and Caleb telling his friend that he was gonna kill him. When Caleb saw me, he smiled and said "busted." I tried to be as nice as possible and asked them what was going on.

Lexi's flashback

Lexi's POV

The guy who kept doing push-ups saw me coming and whenever I got close to them, I heard him say something. I gotta admit, he's kinda cute.

Cute, push-up guy: Busted.

Me: Why do you keep doing push-ups whenever I look over here?

Cute, push-up guy: Why do you keep looking over here while I'm doing push-ups?

Me: You think you're real cute, don't you?

Cute, push-up guy: Nope. I actually find myself unattractive and annoying.

Cute, push-up guy's friend: Keep pushing. She's still looking at you, so it still counts.

Cute, push-up guy: Fuckin' hell. Okay...the truth buddy over there...made...a challenge for me.

I look over to see his bearded friend smile and do a small wave. I turn my attention back to the guy who is still doing push-ups. Every few words would have a pause in between them as he is doing push-ups while talking to me.

Me: Which is?

Cute, push-up guy: The challenge is...every' hell! Could you just not look at me for two seconds so I can tell you what the challenge is?

Me: No, you can just tell me what it is.

His bearded friend laughs before speaking.

Bearded friend: You heard her, Caleb. Keep pushing.

So the cute push-up guy's name is Caleb? Well that makes things easier.

Caleb: Shut up, Obie. I swear I'm gonna kick your ass when I get up.

Obie: With the way this is going, I've got plenty of time to watch and enjoy the show.


Me: What is the challenge?

Caleb: The that...any look at me...I have twenty...push-ups...I haven't pushed this much...since Parris Island. Dammit woman, stop looking at me.

I want to mess with this guy, now that I know what the challenge is.

Me: I will whenever I think you've done enough.

Caleb: As you wish, darlin'.

I don't know why, but I blush at his comment. He seems nice enough. I think I'll let him up. After five more.

Me: Five more and you can get up.

Caleb: You got...yourself...a deal.

I watch him as he lowers his body before lifting it back up. He back and arm muscles are all on display as he sweats through his shirt. I feel the corner of my bottom lip slide between my teeth slowly as I watch him. I get so caught up in staring that I forgot to count how many he's done. That's when I realize he's already done more than five.

Me: I said to do five. What are you doing?

I hear him mumbling something.

Caleb: One. Two. Three. Three. One. Two. Three. Four. One. Two. Three. Five!

He suddenly jumps up and holds onto his upper arms with his hands.

Me: Why did you do more than five?

Caleb: Because...

He wipes his face with the bottom of his shirt.

Caleb: Because I'm used to doing 4-count push-ups. I did five of my push-ups but to you, I did ten.

Me: Ohhhhh.

I look up at his face. He is much taller than me. His face is sweaty and he's clearly hurting from the push-ups, but a smile is still on his face.

Caleb: You better start running, Oberst. I'm gonna get you back for this.

Obie: Whatever you say. I'll see you around, Devil Dog.

Caleb: See ya later, American Monster.

The bearded guy leaves and now it's just me and Caleb.

Me: Why did he call you "Devil Dog"?

Caleb: Because I'm a Devil Dog.

The way he said it made it seem like I should know what that is. I stare at him confused, silently asking him to elaborate. He flashes a small smile and turns his arm over to show a tattoo on his right forearm that says "Always Faithful, Always Forward".

Caleb: I'm a Marine. "Devil Dogs" is a nickname given to Marines.

Me: I think we started off on the wrong foot. Let's redo this.

Caleb: As you wish.

Me: Hi, I'm Alexis Kaufman. You can call me Lexi.

Caleb: Hello there, Alexis. I'm Caleb Winters. You can call me whenever you like.

We both laugh while shaking each other's hand.

Me: That was a cheesy line.

Caleb: Yeah, I know, but if I didn't say it, I'd regret it.

Present day

3rd Person POV

Lexi: After that, we went out to eat. Then, he took me back to my car and we would talk to each other every chance we would get. Two or three years later, he retired from the Marine Corps and the rest is history.

Bray: That's a nice story, Lex. Why didn't you make a move on him?

Lexi: I don't know. I guess I was nervous. Plus, I got together with Murphy while we were in NXT.

Bray: Why didn't you make a move on him after you two met, Gionna?

Gionna: I was too scared to do anything. Then I had that whole thing with...him.

Lexi: Who? Enzo?

Gionna, starting to tear up: Yeah.

Bray: Sorry for bringing him up, Gi. I know it was rough for you.

Gionna: It''s okay, Bray. Luckily the big guy was there to help me out.

Bray: I'm assuming we aren't talking about Cass, right?

Gionna: Right. I meant Caleb. He would make sure everything was okay and he did his best to protect me from him. One day he said he was going to go talk to him and that was the last time I saw him for awhile.

Lexi: You don't know what happened that day, do you?

Gionna: No. Enzo came home all beaten and bloody and scarred. He told me a bunch of guys jumped him outside of Full Sail and asked me to take him to the hospital.

Bray: Caleb didn't come see you that night?

Gionna: No, he didn't. Wait, why? Why was he coming to see me?

Lexi: He was going to tell you what actually happened that night.

Bray: And why it did.

The two had solemn tones, their faces showing no emotion at all. Meanwhile, in the back of the car, "M" was remembering that night. The night he lost a part of himself. The night he almost went too far. The silence is suddenly broken by Gionna clearing her throat.

Gionna: I think that's enough about us. What about you, "M"? What's your story?

The Mystery Disciple lifts his head and shakes it a little.

"M": What do you want to know?

Gionna: Is there a Mrs. "M"?

"M": You are not one for subtlety, Gionna. To answer your question, no, there is not a Mrs. "M".

Lexi: Is there anyone you're interested in?

"M": There used to be two women that I found, as you phrased it, interesting.

Gionna: Do we know them?

"M": You know them quite well. Some would argue that they are your worst enemies. However, everyone agrees that you must know and be true to them.

Lexi: Can you tell us who they are?

"M": For the sake of their privacy and my own, I cannot and will not tell you their names at this time.

Gionna: Do you want us to set you up with someone?

"M": I do not. To keep the mystique and the menacing presence of the character alive, I cannot reveal myself to all just yet. Having to date a person who forces himself to hide behind a façade does not sound pleasant, does it?

Lexi: You really were trained by the Undertaker. He did that to keep his persona alive.

"M": Yes, he did.

Lexi: But he also found the time to get married three times. What's the deal with that?

"M": He married his first wife before he became one with the shadows. Throughout his reign, his identity behind the persona was open to find out because he wore no mask.

Gionna: Then why don't you stop wearing your mask?

"M": The mask buries the face of a dead man.

Lexi: So you wear the mask and the hood because you're dead to yourself?

"M": I wear the mask because the face it buries is now a dead memory in the minds and hearts of those who once cared for him and of those he once cared for. Someone amongst you forgot him before the other two, the other knows the most about him and shares the most history with him, but no longer recognizes him, and the last hasn't forgotten about him at all. The last knows the identity of the deceased, the other two are left with the unsainted monster shrouded in the darkness of mystery.

The girls try to decipher what "M" told them and combine it with the rest of the information they know about the hooded man. All the while, the Fiend and the Undertaker's Greatest Disciple continued their silent conversation.

Bray: Dropping clues all over the place, huh?

Caleb: Of course. They're smart girls, they'll figure it out eventually.

Bray: I know. What's with "buries the face of a dead man" stuff?

Caleb: Adds mystique, sounded cool, and there's some truth in there too.

Bray: Ok. How much time do they have to guess who you are before you unmask yourself?

Caleb: They have until Unforgiven.

Bray: That's over two months away.

Caleb: Yes, it is. If they don't figure it out by that night, then they will learn who I am along with the WWE Universe.

Bray: What if they find out before Unforgiven? Do you still have to unmask yourself?

Caleb: If they find out before Unforgiven, then Hunter can't make me unmask myself. I am free to reveal who "M" is after Unforgiven.

Bray: You want a big reveal?

Caleb: I want a slow, gradual reveal that allows fans to get immersed into the character. My only fear is that my identity being revealed will ruin the mystique of the character.

Bray: Is there a storyline you're apart of that you aren't telling us about?

Caleb: Maybe.

Their text conversation ends with Bray looking up from his phone and looking back at the Mystery Disciple, who is wearing a small smile behind the mask. Wyatt smiles too and shakes his head before turning his attention back to the puzzled women at the front of the vehicle.

Lexi: Okay, we need to put everything we've learned about him together and see if that helps.

Gionna: Good thinking.

Lexi: In his little riddle, he said that one of us has the most history with him, but no longer recognizes him.

Gionna: Right.

Lexi: When I tried to get him to tell me who he was on Monday, he said "what's the matter, Lex? Don't recognize me?".

Gionna: Which means that you're the one that can't recognize him!

Lexi: Exactly! That's one identity revealed. Now we have to figure out who the other two people in his riddle are and who the deceased is.

Gionna: He said that one of the three didn't forget about him and knows who he is. We know that you're the "no longer recognize" one, so you're not it. Clearly, I wouldn't be involved in this investigation if I knew who he was, so that leaves Bray!

Lexi: How do you know it's Bray?

Gionna: In his riddle, he was talking about the three of us. As in the only people in this car other than himself.

Lexi: So that means you're the one who forgot about him first!

Gionna: Yeah! This is great, but I don't remember forgetting anyone.

Lexi: We can find out who you forgot about by asking Bray. Bray!

Bray: Yes?

Lexi: We know that you know who "M" is! Tell us who he is!

Gionna: Pleeeaaaaassseeeee!!!

Bray: I'm sorry, I am unable to do that.

Gionna: What!? Why not!?!

Bray: Because he's sitting right behind me and I was sworn to secrecy.

"M": Your loyalty is appreciated, friend Wyatt. As for the two of you, the speed at which you figured out my riddle was impressive. Most impressive. However, you both have to search your minds for the answers to the questions that I have not asked you.

Gionna: If you didn't ask the questions, who did?

"M": The answers you are searching for belong to the questions you have asked yourselves.

Lexi: Looks like we'll have to sleep on it for now. The hotel is right here.

"M": You will have to sleep on your questions for now. In the morning, you may find me and ask more questions.

End of chapter

A/N: Sorry I kept y'all waiting for this long. Don't worry, I'm not dead yet. I just don't have as much time to write as I used to. Hopefully this chapter makes up for my absence. Thanks for reading and I'll talk to y'all later.

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