Me too - By @sayitaloud

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If you have visited Twitter or strayed into Facebook sometime back you would have noticed what seems to have become a rallying cry for women all over the globe: the words "me too". Suggestive messages from senior colleagues; unwelcome gropes, bruises and kisses; that deceptively harmless-sounding practice of eve-teasing; forced penetrative sex are all bound together by that common hash-tag #MeToo, exposing the scale of sexual assault in the world today. And that campaign today had reached million. Millions of women social networking sites like these and wrote about their personal stories with a hashtag Metoo. This is one campaign where girls and women throughout the world came out and voiced out their sufferings and pain.

So many cases. Where is the world heading to? It's so disheartening to see so many eve-teasing, rape cases and domestic assault cases. Take a look at our own India, it might be true that we have grown a lot all through these years economically, we're gradually turning into greatest manufacturers. India's economic growth rate is increasing. But its population of girls in relation to boys is declining. In that contradiction lies a truth that many in India choose to ignore: that economic growth does not automatically mean gender justice. We all are living in an illusion bubble. We're talking about such serious issues but have anything happened? They say things are changing but really very slowly. But really are they?

In many places in India, Girls are still seen as a burden even though women are in par with the men. You see, girls have to be loaded with goodies when they marry these other men. Hence they are an additional expense. Boys, on the other hand, bring home the goodies when they marry – plus an additional hand to do all the chores around the house. *slow claps*

And the talk about menstruation cycle.... sometime back one of my friend who goes to Nepal to her maternal grandmom's house, she told me that there in her house whenever she has periods she's asked to stay away from the house and live in a room outside the house, she would eat in a different plate and wouldn't touch anything at home. Seriously? Common man. And we say the people are modernised. Heights.

My grandma's sister she once commented on my dressing sense. I was wearing a sleeveless tee and jeans. And I was really angry at that point of time, before I could say anything my mom intervened and she fought with her on this. Now we girls have to wear clothes of their choice. Ya right.

Few days back I read in a newspaper that around 6 or 8 rape cases were reported in Haryana in just freaking 4 days. Why men believe that they are the strongest and can do anything they desire?I know not all men are same but largely there are those devils who are doing such horrendous crimes against women. I really just don't understand the psychology of men who commit such crimes. Oh yes they all find pleasure. In this patriarchal society they need to show who are the most powerful sex. But sorry to burst their bubble women are really strong. Such cases are so common in today's India. I want to ask everyone doesn't these cases provoke an internal turmoil within those men, don't they look at themselves and humanity in general and ask "Who gives us the right to?".

Men have become those animals who're let loose to commit such crimes. Are those men really animals? Oh no animals are much better than them. They think they have the right to do so because "they're men".Who bring them on earth in the first place? What makes them men? To be able to earn money for their family? To be able to do what they desire? To be able to rule over the other half of humanity- women?Or is it the capacity for compassion, to acknowledge "right and wrong", to look at the women with all respect? To actually be able to help them? A woman would always yearn for and need a man to be her emotional support. Because sadly it's the truth of life no one would ever want to live alone not even the men. No one can be always strong they do break down and need someone to pick them up. Aren't the "gentlemen" worthy to be the support that every women yearn? They cannot because they themselves become the reason for a woman to break down. When a woman suffers from such cases, damage doesn't stop at one person, it rolls down generations. It's an emotional tornado that ruins lives yet to be called into existence.

And to top it all even few of the family member (including few of the women of the house) ask the girl and the woman who go through sexual harassment to stay put, to stay quiet. You see, what would society say? Society is important. At one time as per the culture Navratri takes place, where girls are worshiped and on the other hand such cases happen and girls are discriminated. *slow claps again*

Reading about those brutal cases against women always stirs something inside me. It's heartbreaking. Can't the girls and women be safe? Can't they live their lives without any fear?

I'm talking about all this but can this be changed? Does anyone has a solution to this?


So, this was written by @sayitaloud . Give your reviews regarding this and also go check out her account. 

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