Hearing your name for the first time

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My sister came charging into the kitchen, panicked.

"Sis, Jong Hyun died!" 

"Who died?" I said.

"JONG HYUN! SHINee lead vocal!" She shouted.

"WHO? Who are they?" I ignorantly asked, sticking out both hands, expressing my honestly clueless dumb-face.

She shook her head, went back to her room, slammed the door, probably weeping. 

It must have been an hour later, I came to her lion's den. She was playing some Korean music loudly. I pressed my left ear to the wood, listening. This must be the voice. It sounded BEAUTIFUL! But all I could hear clearly was "Kaji mara Hyeya" and a soulful hum for the ending of the song. My curiosity was aroused. I went to my room, googled "Kaji mara Hyeya" on my Mac. 



Your live performance was so captivating. Your voice was so emotional. You were singing your heart out. I could feel the hurt, the longing, the anger, the pleading that your aching soul was trying to express. You entered my heart, your be-lated admirer. 

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