The reasons you left

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Intrigued, I googled your name.

They said you ended your life with carbon monoxide from charcoal briquettes. 

Your sister said you sent her the farewell SM. According to a local news outfit, it read "'It's been too hard. Please send me off. Tell everyone I've had a hard time. This is my last goodbye.'"

I am sure you did NOT want to leave!

But DEPRESSION is the devil. IT kept hovering around you, and stole life from you in your most vulnerable instant. 

Yet, for a moment, I felt angry at you. Because you didn't win over IT. 

You were so full of life, full of love, full of smiles. You must have had to struggle so, so hard...fighting that gloomy hopeless feeling that was consuming you. Day after day. But it wasn't at all your fault!

So I thought to myself: "He couldn't take it any more. He probably couldn't sleep for days, couldn't enjoy his meals for days, couldn't feel loved for days. He must have been tired. He needed a peaceful sleep. Thus, he went to sleep."

You were a patient, suffered from a chronic condition. Yet, you still had to work continuously. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to take it either, all that damn mental and physical exhaustion.

You must have been contemplating that thought for thousands of times. You must have felt lonely and desperate. The physical pain that manifested itself from your psychological pain must have been too overpowering.

Leaving isn't the easy way out in my book! You must have summoned all your courage to make that decision--to give up on your talents, your future, your fortune, your fans, your family, and your love. You were brave in that moment, to say goodbye to what would be a magnificent future ahead of you.

So, rest well, you--the person I didn't know of while you existed. You needed that peaceful sleep. You did exceptionally well and you will be missed dearly by your loyal fans and ... by me. 

If you are from heaven above or somewhere else looking down at Earth, cast your soul down and have a seat at my tea table, let me tell you some little stories that I came to know of, starting from the day you left. 

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