Story #1 - The girl named Selene

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Come! Try some cold-brewed piccolo tea from Lupicia that my sister just made this morning. It's a beautiful day, isn't it? Don't you just love this gentle Summer breeze? Ahh, life feels so great on this Saturday afternoon! 

Stop smiling at me like that! It makes me giggle. 

So! I know this girl named Selene via Facebook. She is one of the two admins for a fan page of yours. It's called "Jonghyun Forever". You probably haven't heard of it. The page has over 13K followers. Can you believe that? You are soooo loved, did you know?

I am telling you she is one hell of a dedicated Blinger. She posts about you every day, multiple times a day. She wrote poems of you. She answers comments and private messages. And you know what? She is fluent in Arabic and French, too! So she can post in 3 languages. I am very impressed by her level of dedication. You should come give her a hug. She misses you profoundly.

Yesterday, she posted this beautiful poem. I am sure you will be touched. Here it is. Come closer and read it with me.

Come on, don't cry. Are her words touching you that much? See, if you hadn't left, imagine the heartwarmingly cheerful poems that she would write for you! Geez, you are really missing out on this. 

The problem is that she is in so much pain because you left. Apparently she still has these balling episodes in which she cries for hours, mourning the loss of you. Don't you think it's affecting her daily life? I bet it does! But her life includes you. So of course, it is impacted. What did you expect for leaving everyone behind? It's the bitter reality of the living! Sometimes I also cry when I think of you. But if you are that concerned about her, tell me what you want to say. I will make sure to convey the message. But don't be too cheesy, though. I can't take schmaltz very well. 

Come, just say it! I will jot all down right here.

"My dear Selene,

How have you been? 

I wish you could see the gentle smile I am having on as I look at you. Your love for me is so precious. I thank you for such amazing generosity--for taking me and my boys into your dearest heart and for allowing us to become a major part of you. I will cherish this for eternity.

The day I left, I wasn't really sure of what was materializing. It happened because of an action I momentarily decided to do. For giving you pain, I am sorry. 

I really wish I had not done so. I really wish I hadn't just left. I imagine I would be able to do much more if I had stayed. At least, I would be able to use my voice to soothe millions to sleep, including you. Or I could make you smile with my unexpected playful wink on stage. I am relieved, though, that I was able to leave you with fond memories. 

So, Selene, help me, will you? Live your life to the fullest. Spend your valuable time with your family and friends. Don't shut yourself behind the closed door of your room or of your heart to just think of me. Be happy! Be active! Be inspiring! Be positive! Awe others with your fabulous writing skills. Make the people around you feel loved. Surround yourself with people of the same minds, so they can love you back and support you. 

I really, really, really wish I had been able to find the right professional help that I earnestly needed while I was struggling to fight my darkest moments. I wish I had explored all my options and had reached out to more psychiatrists. I would have been able to physically stand in front of you now.

So, help me, again, my Selene. Reach out to people around you who need help. Guide them through their tough time. And if you think you may need help, seek it, for me! 

I want you to live well, live productively, live inspiringly, til the end of your natural time. Build a career you think would fit you. Build a relationship with a person you like. Build a family with the person you love. After you grow old and wrinkled and so finally leave Earth, let's reunite then! I am certain you will still be able to recognize me.

My Selene, 

Today I bid farewell. Say me a prayer. Send my soul a kiss through the wind. Remember me. Love me. And live your life for the both of us, shining brightly! You are my precious. 

Now help me find an embrace from someone who is close to you. Ask that person to let me borrow it for a moment, so I could make you feel that you are precious. Be gone the sadness in you! Be gone your sorrow! Fill your life with positive thoughts, positive actions! Be safe! Be sound! Be Selene!



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