Story # 9 - That person

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I am obsessed? With what? Isn't that what normal people do-- eagerly wanting to finish a project once they started it? I simply feel the need to finish this in order to concentrate on other things. But look at the perfectionist talking! You forgot how adamant you were when you stayed up all night to work on your music projects, huh? We are not that different from each other in this aspect, buddy.😌  

Speaking of obsession... weren't you obsessed with someone when you wrote Obsession? AndyBlue*heart* said it sounded like a "desperate but beautiful pain" and she (I discovered that AndyBlue*heart* is a she 😉) would like to know who inspired you to have such "deep and painful feelings". Is it too much of a curiosity? 😛

Ha ha. I understand. 

You, celebrities, are faithful followers of the sect called secrecy, aren't you? It is right to protect someone else's identity and privacy. But will that person know that this message is from you? I will not know who to reach out to, so I can't guarantee that it will be delivered.

You don't mind? It will be short? Alright, then. It's up to you. Here, take it. 


For allowing me to understand and enjoy the exhilarating feelings of being in love, thank you! 

Those emotions greatly flourished my artistic perception and helped me grow as an adult. For all the fun, the smiles, the laughters, the endearing messages, the heartaches, and the thrill of being in a relationship, thank you! I will cherish all that we shared and will forever hold them so dear in my heart. 

I wish that you will always be in good health, live in happiness, and enjoy meaningful relationships. I hope that you will receive all of the love and support you need in order to prosper on your chosen career path and achieve contentment in your life. 

Our relation now belongs to the past. If you believe that it was a mutual affection, please treasure its memories. If you think that it was unrequited, please fondly remember the tenderness of the flusters you had. I was genuine with my feelings so I expressed them as-is. I can't take them back and can't give away more than I did. Thus, please respect them for what they were. Whatever decision we made in the end, be it mutual or one-sided, it was already done. So, let's continue to accept it with style and grace. I have learned that time can gradually close even the most stubborn wounds. Thus you will soon forget that aching sensation because the human brains are evolutionarily programmed to forget pains well. For our glorious past, I remain thankful to you.

I may sound heartless or uninterested. But that is not so! I want to maintain a calm composure so we can both realize and accept that everything is now in the past. I have left. You remain. Thus, please be eagerly open toward an exciting future. I do hope you will find it fulfilling and stimulating. 

Please continue to take good care of yourself and know that I always wish the best for you.



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