Back From the Dead

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Max led the way through the devastated streets of New York City, trying to feel brave. However, he felt more sick to his stomach than courageous. Already, he and Gidget had passed several corpses, strays and pets alike. Some of the animals he had never met before and others he had known for nearly his entire life. The thought of seeing some of his friends torn to pieces made him want to puke, which he did early. Gidget looked at scared as he did at the moment. I have to be brave for her, he told himself. Suddenly, he heard a chorus of barks and howls as a small pack of dogs surrounded the duo. Max and Gidget immediately recognized Mel and Ripper. But there were one pair of dogs that they didn't expect to see. One was a dachshund with a swollen eye and a broken leg. The other was a giant canine with a table leg sticking out of his chest. Not really wanting to say their names, Max whispered, "Buddy? Duke?" A moment later, the pack went for the kill...

Chloe stuck to the middle as she, Snowball, Pops, and Nitro, along with a young kitten, made their way to Gidget's apartment. The small group had shared news about who was killed and who had become killers. Nitro, saddened after the news about Ozone, had informed them that a majority of Flushed Pets and Alley Cats had changed. Pops had witnessed the death of his pal Myron. Chloe just couldn't believe that there could be so much death in a single day. As she stared at her paws, a dark shadow passed overhead. Curious, she glanced up in time to see a black figure fly above. "Probable a crow," Pops reassured her, though he also seemed unsure. Just then, a lithe feline caused the group to stop in their tracks. "Ozone, you're... alive?!" Snowball stuttered, knowing he had watched the hairless cat die himself. However, Ozone's eyes were pitch black. Scared, Chloe backed away just as Tiberius swooped down from the sky, Norman riding on his shoulders...

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