Tide of Death

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Max and Gidget tore down the streets, luckily escaping the zombie dog pack. Duke's supposed to be dead! How is he still alive?! he wondered, knowing that know survives from a table leg sticking out of their chest. It was impossible! Yet the impossible had become possible. Eventually, they reached Gidget's apartment in time to see Snowball, Chloe, and Nitro sprinting towards them. Their eyes were wide with fear. "RUN!" Snowball shouted as a fourth figure suddenly came into view, streaking after the white rabbit. With a huge pounce, Ozone landed on his old friend, preparing to bite when Nitro bowled him over. The two cats attacked with equal strength and skill until Nitro lost his footing. Before he could react, Ozone swiftly tore a chunk of his friend's throat out. The feral cat was already dead by the time he hit the ground. Screaming in protest, Snowball leaped at the hairless cat and performed a powerful kick. Ozone's head snapped off from his body and landed a few feet away. His decapitated body landed in a heap.

"What happened?!" Max demanded, overwhelmed with dread. "We found Pops, Nitro, and a young kitten north of here. We were coming back when Ozone, Norman, and Tiberius came out of nowhere. They completely shredded the kitten and Pops to pieces!" Chloe answered, her tail twitching in terror. Suddenly, she let out a bone-chilling screech as Tiberius caught the fat tabby with his talons and flew off towards a building's rooftop. Max, Snowball, and Gidget watched hopelessly as the hawk ripped their dear friend's limbs off. Chloe's shrieks grew louder and louder until, at last, they stopped when Tiberius raked part of her spine out. Job completed, the hawk let the cat's remains plummet to the sidewalk below. Chloe's corpse crashed with a sickening crunch.

Staring at his dead friend in horror, Max didn't even notice what was going on around him until Gidget's scream invaded his thoughts. Snapping back to reality, he saw the pack of zombie dogs had caught up to them. Snowball was being mauled alive by his comrades and Leonard. Meanwhile, Gidget was the rope in a vicious game of tug-a-war between Mel, Buddy, and two other dogs. Before he could do anything to save her, there was a terrible ripping noise as her limbs were severed from her body, which collapsed on the ground. Max screamed in anguish. However, no sound came as Duke pounced on him and, in one swift motion, tore his head clean off...

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