The End is Near...

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Screeching at the top of his lungs, Max opened his eyes. He was laying in his bed in his apartment. Duke was looking over at him from his own sleeping place, once again back to his normal self. "Are you alright Max?" he asked, concerned about his brother. Max slowly backed away from the big dog. "GIDGET!" he cried, running out of the apartment through the open window, almost colliding into Snowball. The white rabbit jumped out of the way, letting Max pass before entering. "What's wrong with Tiny Dog?" he questioned, glancing back. Duke shrugged his shoulders, answering, "I think it has something to do with the horror movie we were watching yesterday." Snowball slowly nodded his head in agreement.

I hope you guys weren't to scared by my Halloween story. Sorry if I mentally scarred someone for life. Enjoy the rest of your day, bye!

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