A Newcomer

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Emerson's POV

"Presenting," Anti announced to everyone in the Great Hall. "Up and out of bed and walking around just fine is the one and only King Wilford Warfstache!" He opened the door, and Wilford and Dark entered. We all applauded as they walked towards us, Wilford limping with his arm wrapped snugly around Dark's shoulders to help him keep his balance.

Wilford smiled at all of us. "Thank you, everyone. I'm fine, there's no need for all of this."

Elaine approached them with a smile. "Nonsense. We're all glad to see you up and about." She helped Dark lead Wilford to a nearby chair and helped him sit down.

"Thank you, Elaine." Wilford turned to everyone else. "So. What did I miss?"

Anti shrugged. "Nothing much. Em and Victoria met with the press and pushed back the coronation a week, Ethan and Mark messed around and almost broke a vase, there's going to be special news in a few months, Em got a new personality-"

"Excuse me?" I choked out. "A new what?"

"You haven't noticed yet?"

I shook my head. "Not at all."

"Huh. I guess that makes sense, since she did arrive just a few hours ago."

Victoria glanced between us. "I'm lost- what's going on?"

"I'm lost, too." Mom stated. "What do you mean 'a new personality'?"

Anti thought for a brief moment. "Okay, do you all remember Lilith?" Mom and Dad winced, nodding.

Victoria still looked confused. "I don't. Who were they?"

"I'll put it this way. Lilith was a part of Elaine's psyche, also known as a separate personality, until Lilith killed her for the throne. Her plan backfired, since she didn't realize that if your 'human' dies in any way, you fade and become no more. Surprisingly, Lilith escaped from that, and attached herself to Emerson and tried to do the same to her, almost killing her in the process. We caught her, though, and trapped her in a glass cell near the mirror room."

Victoria winced. "Yikes. So... this new personality is like her?"

"Possibly. We won't know until it comes out for the first time."

"And when will that be?" Toby asked.

"Tomorrow, maybe. Or until Em shows a physical sign that something's not right."

Elaine smiled to herself. "I remember when I got my first personality. Remember Eligor, guys?"

Dark smiled, too. "She was amazing. She showed all of your best qualities."

Wilford was nodding in agreement. "Although, her first impression wasn't the best. She had us all scared to death that she'd try to kill us, but in reality, she just wanted to be left alone for a while longer."

I bit my lip. "Now I'm scared if they're going to be a good or bad personality."

"I'm sure you'll be fine." Anti put a hand on my shoulder. "Nothing to worry about." I smiled uncertainly at him, praying that he was right.

Timeskip: later that night

I awoke in a dark room. The air around me was damp and musky, and there was no light around.

"Hello?" I called out, then mentally facepalmed. If it was dark, then something might be out there.

"Hello." I jumped when I heard the voice coming from behind me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and let out an ear-piercing scream as I spun around.

"Oh my God!" The voice came again. I heard a snap, and suddenly the room was bright. I realized that we were standing in a library. "I didn't mean to scare you that much!" The woman in front of me stated. "Just a little jump scare is all!"

The woman looked scarily like me. She had red hair, and two different colored eyes- one was red with a purple iris, and the other was brown, like mine. She was wearing what almost looked like a black bathing suit, with a skirt at the back that faded to red. Her knee high heeled boots were like that, as well. She had what could only be a katana attached to her back. She wore a friendly smile, although I was almost positive she could kill me in an instant. Other than that, we looked the same.

I stared at her with wide eyes. "Who... who are you?"

Her smile grew wider. "Call me Eligor." She sank into a bow. "I'm your new personality."

I was still staring. "...you're beautiful."

She straightened up, and I caught a hint of a blush on her cheeks. "Thank you, Emerson. So are you."

I shook my head out of my daze. "Wait, Eligor? As in, the same Eligor we were talking about earlier?"

She grinned. "You've heard of me, huh? Yeah, I've been the personality of a lot of women before you. I have a bit of a reputation."

"Really? I've only heard of you with my mom... do you remember her?"

"I've been with about fifteen different women in the past 100 years."

"Oh. Sorry."

"You're fine." She reached over and touched my shoulder. "You have five minutes until you wake up with your right eye burning. Any questions?"

"Uhm, yeah. What do you do, and are you good or bad?"

"Of course- the basic question. I can assure you, Emerson, that there's no need to be afraid- I'm here with good intentions, unlike Lilith. I' mere to protect you, and to give you advice along the way. Think of me as a guardian angel, but I'm always a part of you and can literally take over your whole body." She took a brief pause. "You're starting to wake up. Goodbye for now, Emerson. I'll see you soon." She disappeared from the room.


I opened my eyes and shot up in bed, startled from someone screaming my name. My right eye instantly started burning, and I shut both of them immediately.

"Oh my God, Em..." Victoria muttered. "Your eye... it changed!"

"It really hurts, too." I stated.

"Wait, they said you'd change physically when your personality was ready to come out... is that it?"

"I don't know. Maybe."

"Let's try it. Open your eyes, please."

I took a deep breath and opened them, spotting Victoria smiling in front of me in the pale morning light that was filtering in through the windows. My vision started to go black, and I immediately closed them again. "I'm sorry, I can't, I feel like I'm going to faint-"

"We have to try, Em." I felt her take my hands. "Please."

I nodded and opened them again, and didn't bother closing them when it started going black again.

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