Birth Parents?

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Emerson's POV



Who are you?

Is this Emerson?

That depends, who's asking?

Just answer the question

Yes, that's me

Who are you??

That's not important right now.

Listen to me carefully.

Okay, I guess

Emerson, I am your mother

That's not true. I have my mom's
number in my phone

No, not your adoptive mother.
Your real mother. Your birth

I almost dropped my phone. "Birth mother?" I asked myself out loud. "How is that possible?"

"How's what possible?" Mark asked, sitting next to me.

"My birth mom just texted me." I explained to him.

I want to meet up with you.

When are you free?

"She wants to see me again." I told him. "What should I do?"

Mark shrugged. "What do you want to do?"

I thought for a moment before typing in a response.


"Latte for Emerson?" The barista called out. I slipped out from the booth I was sitting in and walked over to the counter. I smiled to her as I grabbed my drink, turning back around and walking back to the booth.

Although, two women were sitting in it, both unfamiliar.

I walked over to them. "Uhh, I believe this was my booth."

One of them- she had red and black hair- smiled at me. "We know."

I was silent for a moment. "So... you're my..."

She nodded. "Yes, Emerson. I'm your mother."

I sat down across from them. "So... who are you?" I asked, gesturing to the other one- a blonde.

She smiled, too. "I'm your mom, as well. The two of us are together."

I glanced between them. "You know my name, but what're yours?"

The red and black haired one gestured to the two of them. "I'm Elaine, and this is Danielle." She looked at me for a while. "You're very beautiful. I bet you already have a boyfriend."

Danielle nudged her. "Or girlfriend. You never know."

I blushed. "Actually, I'm not looking for a relationship. I'm not into that kind of thing."

Elaine nodded. "No rush, I get you."

"So, where are your parents?" Danielle asked. "I mean, the ones that adopted you."

I grinned. "Oh, they're in Hawaii for their honeymoon. Speaking of which, I should probably check up on them."

"What if they're sleeping?" Elaine worried.

I shook my head. "No, they're definitely up by now. It's, like, 10 in the morning for them." I swiped into my phone and went into my contacts, hitting the video call button.

It rang a couple times. I rested the phone up against the wall, so the camera could get the three of us.

Finally, they picked up. Ethan was holding the phone, and he grinned at me. "Hey, Em! How are you?"

I grinned back. "Hi, dad! I'm good- I'm actually here with-"

I was cut off by (Your Name) in the background. "Babe, who was it?"

Ethan looked off camera. "It's Emerson. Hurry up!" He turned back to me. "Sorry, sweetie. What were you saying?"

I shook my head. "It's fine. I was saying that I'm here with my birth parents." I gestured to the other two. "Meet Elaine and Danielle."

Ethan squinted. "Your hairstyle looks familiar..." He snapped his fingers. "Did you copy Markiplier's hairstyle?"

Elaine nodded, blushing slightly. "Yeah, I did. You could tell?"

Ethan raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? For one, I work with him almost daily, and for two, it hasn't changed in more than two years."

Elaine blushed harder. "Oh, right. Sorry."

(Your Name) jumped into the camera frame. "Hey, Em? How's life with uncle Mark? And how's Toby? Is anyone hurt? And who are these people?"

I giggled. "Mom, stop worrying! I'm fine, Toby's fine, Mark and Amy are fine, and no one is hurt!"

"Wait, Mark and Amy?" Danielle interrupted. "I thought Mark was with-" She was cut off abruptly by Elaine elbowing her side.

"Anyway, these two are Elaine and Danielle, my birth parents."

(Your Name) smiled. "Well, It's very nice to meet you! I hope we can see each other in person sometime."

Elaine smiled. "Me, too." She looked at the time. "But we really must be going. We're extremely busy right now." We said our goodbyes, and they left the cafe.

I wonder if I ever will see them again.

Word Count: 720

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