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Your POV

Elaine came to visit again the next day. She was talking to you and Ethan about Emerson, and how she had a plan to keep her safe.

"But," She said, after she explained her plan. "I'll need to take Emerson. I just wanted to make sure that it was okay with you two before I did it. I mean, she's your child, and I completely understand and respect your decisions. I just want to keep her safe, especially from those two."

You and Ethan looked between each other. "We'll think about it." Ethan answered. "Thanks, Elaine."

She nodded. "Of course." The three of you said your goodbyes, and she left to go home.

You went into the kitchen, making a small glass of water. Ethan leaned against the doorway.

"I can't believe her." Ethan started, slightly frustrated. "We know what we're doing. We can keep Emerson safe from them. I mean, we've been dealing with Iris for a while now. What makes her think that we can't deal with those two?"

You sighed, putting your glass down. "Ethan, Darkiplier and Wilford are much stronger than Eligor. They could take Em in a split second. We don't stand a chance against them."

He eyed you. "So you're letting a complete stranger take our daughter?"

"She's not a complete stranger, Ethan. We've known her for about two months now." You put your empty cup in the sink. "And yes, I am. It's for the best. Elaine can protect her."

"And what makes you think that?" He stood up straight. "She's just like us, (Y/n). She has no special powers, no abilities. She's just as weak as us."

"But she knows about them. She knows their powers, their weaknesses, everything about them. She'll do a better job protecting Emerson than we can."

"No, she can't! She's a regular person, (Y/n)! There's nowhere on this Earth that Elaine could take her where she would be safe and out of harm's way."

"Listen to yourself, Ethan!" You threw your arms out. "You'd rather risk the kidnapping or our child than ensure her safety by letting Elaine protect her!"

"If anything, you should be listening to yourself." He poked you. "What do we really know about Elaine? Next to nothing! You'd really give her away to some stranger for God knows how long, just so she's 'safe'? (Y/n), if we did that, we'd probably never see each other again!"

You shook your head. "Ethan, do you love Emerson, or not?"

"Of course I love Emerson! Why wouldn't I?"

"Then why don't you want to protect her?"

"I am protecting her! She's safe here with us! As long as we make sure that she's with people we know, she'll be fine!"

"You know what? I'm done." You put your hands up. "I don't want to fight about this anymore. I'm going upstairs."

He glared at you for a moment before turning and walking into his recording room, slamming the door closed. You stormed upstairs into the nursery, checking on Toby.

Ethan's POV

I plopped down in my recording chair, instantly regretting what I said. (Y/n) was right- Emerson would be much safer with Elaine. I just didn't trust Elaine all that well. I mean, all of a sudden, she just came into our lives, and started acting like she wanted to take Emerson away.

I sighed, putting my head in my hands. I should be trusting Elaine. She only wants the best for Emerson, just like us. She wants to keep her safe.

I pulled my phone out and dialed Mark's phone number. He answered on the third ring.


"Mark, what do you do if you and Amy have a fight?"

"You two got into it, didn't you?" I sighed as an answer. "Usually what I do is I think about what the fight was about, think about our opinions on the matter, and decide who's idea was better. What did you two fight about?"

"Emerson. (Y/n) has this plan to keep her safe, but that includes giving her to a friend for God knows how long."

"Yikes. That's a tough one. So why don't you agree with her?"

I thought about it. "Because I don't want Emerson to go. Yes, I agree that she needs more protection, but I don't really trust Elaine to take care of her. I know she's a good person, but she just suddenly appeared in our lives, and for no reason whatsoever."

Mark was silent for a moment. "Talk with (Y/n) and ask her why she wants Emerson to go with her. Don't argue with each other, but just talk through it. Tell her about your worries. In the end, It's up to Emerson. I don't think that she SHOULDN'T have a say in the matter. It includes her, after all."

I nodded. "Thanks, Mark. You're right. I'll talk to her in the morning."

"Tell me how it goes. Goodnight, Ethan."

"Goodnight." We hung up.

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