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Ethan's POV

Things just got weirder from that point on. Elaine didn't visit at all, Emerson kept telling us that someone was stalking her, and I felt like I was being watched when I was at the office.

One day while I was editing a video at the office, Mark stopped me.

"Hey, Ethan. Can I talk to you?" I nodded, saved my progress, and followed him into one of the recording rooms.

He turned to me. "Do you think you could bring Emerson here tomorrow?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Why? What do you need her for?"

He looked nervous. "Just a... sketch video. I need her because I need a kid in it."

I was suspicious, but I nodded anyway. "Sure, I guess. I trust you. Just make sure that nothing happens to her."

He nodded, relaxing. "I will, I promise." I left the room, finished my edit, and left.

Later that night, Elaine visited us shortly after dinner. This time, Emerson was downstairs.

"Ethan, do not bring Emerson with you tomorrow!"

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "How do you know about that?"

"Let's just say that I'm magical. Anyway, don't listen to Mark, and don't bring Emerson to the office tomorrow."

Emerson stared. "Why? I want to go."

"Because if you do, Mark is going to take her. Kidnap her, if you will."

(Y/n) shook her head. "Mark wouldn't do that. He's not that type of person."

"But he will if it's just someone posing as Mark." We all stared. She sighed and sat down in a chair. "The Mark that talked to you today wasn't actually Mark. That was Wilford. Wilford Warfstache. And he wants to take Emerson with him to a place far, far away from here, and is unreachable for most people. He wants Emerson to take my place as princess of his kingdom."

Emerson gasped. "You're a princess?"

Elaine nodded. "I was going to be queen, but I ran away before my coronation. Anyway, Emerson. Have you seen a man with pink hair and a pink mustache around? He kinda looks like Mark."

She nodded. "Yeah, I have! He stalks me at school every day! He's also around another guy who also looks like Mark, but with black hair and black eyes."

"Well, looks like I got here just in time. Guys, I'm being completely serious- do not trust Mark, unless you know that it's actually him. If you let your guard down to the wrong person, then Emerson will be gone. Promise me that you will, please."

(Y/n) nodded. "We promise."

Elaine nodded acceptingly. "Good. Now, I have to go. Remember what I told you." We all said goodbye, and she left out the front door.

"I wonder what that was about." (Y/n) muttered to herself.

If only we knew that things would get worse from there.

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