Fit For A Queen

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Emerson's POV

I awoke in the bed, freezing to death. I didn't even know why. I had two blankets over me, and was wearing long pajama pants and a long-sleeve sweatshirt. I sat up and stretched, looking around the unfamiliar room.

"This is my life now." I whispered to myself. "I need to get used to it." I stood up from the bed, just as Anti walked into the room, carrying my dress for the ball.

He smiled at me. "Good morning, princess."

I shook my head. "Don't call me that."

He laid the dress on the bed. "Whether you like it or not, you are the princess now. You have to get used to people calling you that."

I looked at the dress. It was made of a light blue silk, with gems lining the sleeves and the bottom.

"It's so beautiful..." I said, reaching out to touch the dress.

He laughed. "Yeah, I realized that. And it's supposed to be very comfortable."

"I can tell." I told him.

He rubbed his arms. "It's so cold in here!"

I nodded. "I know, and I have no idea as to why." I picked up the dress and walked to the bathroom. "I'm gonna change now."

"Okay, you do that." He said, still shivering.

A couple minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom, doing a little twirl. "It fits perfectly." I commented. "I'll thank Danielle at the ball."

Anti nodded. "Okay. Now, stand over here-" He gestured to the podium. "so I can do your hair and makeup."

I groaned, walking over. "I have to wear makeup?"

He grinned. "Sorry, Em. I'm not saying you're not beautiful already, but it's required whenever you go out, or it's important."

I sighed, and he started pulling my hair back. "Fine, I guess."

"That's the spirit!" He joked.

I rolled my eyes. "Shut up and finish what you're doing."

It took about a half hour for Anti to finish what he was doing. Although it wasn't a long time, It felt like my feet were on fire from standing for so long.

He stepped back a little bit, nodding. "It looks good to me."

I sighed. "Can I sit down now?"

He didn't answer me. “Turn.” He commanded. I turned on the small podium, making sure the dress flared out slightly at the bottom. He nodded in approval, then turned to the door. “Wilford, what do you think?” I looked up, finally noticing Wilford standing in the doorway.

He smiled, walking towards us. “I think she looks absolutely stunning.” He moved in front of me. “Emerson... I’m giving you a choice here. You don’t have to do this. You can walk out right now, and return to your old life. Are you sure you want to do this?”

I looked out the window, thinking. If I say yes, then I get rid of all of my freedom and get the risk of Wilford and Dark making mom and dad leave the castle. But if I say no, then everyone will be disappointed in me and get the risk of Wilford and Dark running after me again.

I finally looked at me after a minute or so. “If I say yes, will I get free roam of the place?”

“Mostly, yes. There are some places in this castle that I don’t want you to see yet.”

I nodded. “And I get to do whatever I want?”

“As long as it’s in reason.”

I narrowed my eyes. “And mom and dad live in the castle?”

He sighed. “Emerson, I've already said yes about this.”

I grinned, although I was somewhat serious. "Just making sure that no one changed your mind.

“Finish getting ready. I’ll meet you at the party.” He nodded at Anti before leaving the room.

Anti grinned. "Okay, now you can sit."

I quickly walled over to the bed and sat down. "Finally!" He laughed.

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