The Ball

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Emerson's POV

Anti walked me down to the ballroom about an hour later. "Wait out here until the doors open. You know what to do, right?"

I sighed. "It's not like we went through it a million times yesterday."

He grinned. "Right. Good luck, although I'm pretty sure that you don't need it." He walked in the room.

I was submerged in the silence of the hallway for a long while, until I heard the sound of heels clicking against the floors. Is someone running in heels? I thought to myself.

Not long after, a girl turned the corner and ran into me. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She said in a British voice.

I held her by the forearms. "You're okay, I promise."

She looked up at me, and both of our eyes widened. "You... you're the princess..."

"And you look startling like me." I said to her.

She shook her head, backing up. "I-I'm sorry for running into you. Goodbye."

"Wait-" She entered the room before I could stop her. "Why do you look like me..." I looked around. "Well, now I'm alone."

I stood in silence for a long time, until I heard the room quiet down. That's my que. I stood in front of the doors, listening quietly to what was going on inside.

“Many of you will most likely remember the spell that was put on this castle all those years ago, about a new ruler.” I heard Dark announce. “Well, luckily, we have found that ruler.”

Wilford spoke up. “Will you please raise your glasses to our new princess, Emerson Mae Nestor.” 

I heard trumpets play, and the doors fully opened. I walked into the ballroom, smiling at the crowd. Don't freak out, don't freak out. They're your people, Em. Make a good first impression.

I walked to where Anti was standing at the bottom of the stairs. He held his arm out for me, and we linked arms, walking to the front of the ballroom. I looked at the podium with the thrones, and saw Elaine standing there with a small smile on her face. I stood beside her, standing tall, trying to not seem nervous.

Anti took the tiara off of Elaine’s head. “Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of this kingdom with justice, to be fair and kind to all? Do you solemnly swear to become queen of this kingdom, when the time comes?”

“I do so solemnly swear.” I answered. I was so nervous, I think my voice cracked.

“Then I dub thee Princess Emerson of the Iplier kingdom.” He placed the tiara on my head, then bowed, as did everyone else. I smiled and relaxed slightly as everyone started talking with one another and music started playing. I fiddled with the gloves on my hands, feeling the coldness through the fabric.

Erik walked up to me. "Nervous, Emerson? Or are you just standing here for no reason?"

I giggled slightly. "Yeah, I'm nervous. I just don't want to mess up around everyone."

"I promise you, you will not mess up." He looked around the room. "This is a big crowd."

I nodded. "It is."

He turned back to me and held a hand out. "Would you care to dance?"

I shook my head. "I can't. I don't know how."

He took my hand lightly and led me to the center of the room. "I'll show you. It's easy, trust me."

We stood in the very center of the room. He still held my hand, but placed the other on my hip. I placed my other hand on his shoulder, and he led me in a waltz. Soon, I got the hang of it, and stopped stepping on his toes. Other people, including mom, dad, Wilford, and Dark, followed us and started dancing.

"See? It's not so hard."

I smiled slightly, looking in his hazel eyes. "Yeah. You're right."

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