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Ethan's POV

"I really don't like the idea of her dating someone."

(Y/n) giggled, sitting next to me on the bed. "Emerson will be fine, Ethan. She can handle herself."

"I know she can. I still don't like it." I turned to her. "I just don't want her heart to get broken. It hurts."

She nodded. "I know it hurts, but heartbreak is just a part of life. It happens all the time."

"She's just too young to have her heart broken."

"She's fifteen, Ethan. My heart was first broken when I was nine." I stared at her. "I had a friend who died in a car crash, along with her family."

"Mine was when I was thirteen, and it was for the same reason."

"See? She's not too young. Besides, I think that relationship will go somewhere."

I smiled. "Like ours did?"

She kissed me. "Exactly like ours did."


I looked at the ground, seeing Toby looking up at me with wide eyes. He reached his arms towards me, and I picked him up. I sighed. "At least we still have this little guy."

(Y/n) smiled, leaning her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, we do."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. (Y/n) looked confused, but stood up to open it. She smiled at who it was. "Hello, Dark. How are you?"

He avoided her question. "You need to come with me."

"Why?" I asked, standing up from the bed.

"It's Emerson. There's no time to explain. Come on!"

(Y/n) stared at me. "You go. I'll stay here with Toby." She nodded, gave me a quick kiss, then followed Dark out of the room.

Your POV

You and Dark raced through the halls and out of the castle. He led you through an opening of the forest and down a path to a metal bridge. A group of girls, Anti, and Wilford stood on it, while Emerson and Elena stood on the top.

"Oh my God!" You screamed. "Emerson, what are you doing?"

Dark turned to you, grinning. "Can't you see? She's getting ready to fly!"

"Fly?" You asked.

All of a sudden, Emerson and Elena jumped off of the bridge. You were about to scream, when they both sprouted wings and flew above the water.

"What the hell..." You wondered out loud.

"You see," Dark started. "Wilford and I are Fallen Angels. Well, he is. I'm a demon." You stared at him. "Long story. Anyways, when Elaine was just born, we transfered some of our magic to her, giving her wings like ours. Since she had wings, and Emerson is her daughter, Emerson also has wings."

"And since Elena is her twin, she has wings, as well." You added.

"What?" Wilford, Anti, and Dark all screamed.

You bit your lip. "I wasn't supposed to tell you that."

Emerson and Elena flew back. "Tell what?" Elena asked.

Anti turned to them. "So you two are twins?"

Emerson nodded. "Yeah, what about it?"

The three Fallen Angels stared at each other. "Does that mean...?" Anti started.

"Yes." Dark answered, turning to Elena. "Elena... you're a princess."

Elena grinned. "Yeah, I know. My godmother, Danielle, told me." She grabbed Emerson's hand. "Come on! We have to see what else you can do!" They ran off into the forest.

"That was..." Wilford started.

"Wow." Dark finished.

"Another princess." Anti sighed.

You giggled. "Seriously, guys. Step it up a little bit. I thought you would know by now." You walked away.

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