A Question

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Emerson's POV

"Why didn't you tell one of us?" Wilford asked.

"I didn't think it was important. I knew she was living in my head, but I didn't know that she was going to kill me!"

"You could've at least known something!"

"I didn't, Wilford! I had no clue!"

"She was forcing you to do those things!"

"She convinced me to join Erik! He asked me for help, she convinced me, and I joined him! It wasn't her fault!"

"Yes it was, Emerson!"

"Guys!" Dad screamed out, getting our attention. "Can we not do this right now?"

"No, we have to." Wilford said calmly to me, then continued to yell at me. "You do realize that the demon that was living in your head is the same one that killed Elaine, right?"

"I do now. How come you couldn't tell me about that then, but you show no emotion talking about it now?"

"Because I was very emotional then. You don't know what she went through. I do. Every moment of it."

"But it was so hard just to tell me that she died from poisonous gas?"

Wilford's eyes became full-on pink. "Listen, Emerson! You just don't understand! When your parents pass away, you'll understand then!" He turned away and started walking off.

"You're right- I don't understand! I don't understand how you can be so complicated and not tell me how my own birth mother died! Seriously, how low can you be?"

Wilford turned around in rage, and a knife appeared in front of him. The knife flew towards me, but it deflected once it got close.

I glared at him. "You do realize that you can't hurt me, right? Not while I have Elaine's locket on."

Wilford glared back. "Why you little-"

Dark intervened, placing a hand on Wilford's shoulder. "Okay, that's enough." He looked at me, Mom, and Dad. "I think you all should go. It's best not to be around when he's like this."

Wilford shook Dark's hand off. "I'm fine, Dark."

We were just leaving, when Anti raced in. "Wilford, Dark, there you are-"

A circle of pink flame sprouted around Wilford, and he sprouted a large pair of gray wings. "GET OUT."

Anti quickly backed out. "And I'll come by later." He waited until we were out before closing the door to Dark and Wilford's  bedroom. "Well, that was Wilford's crazy, murderous side." He turned to us, grinning. "So, how are you three this fine evening?"

Mom shook her head. "That was the scariest thing I've ever seen."

Anti shook his head, starting to walk away. "No, the scariest thing you will ever see is Dark in his murderous mood." He shivered. "That is not a pretty sight."

I ran up to him. "Wait, Anti!"

He waited for me to catch up. "What's up, princess?"

I looked up at him, curious. "Is it true that you're pan?"

He smirked. "No. I can assure you that I am a demon that can pass as a human. I am not a pan, nor am I a pot, or a tea kettle, or anything-"

"That's not what I meant. Are you pansexual?"

He stared at me. "How did you know?"

"I was told that you were, but the person didn't know for sure?"

He was silent for a moment before narrowing his eyes. "Elena, I will kill you."

I stopped in my tracks. "How did you know it was her who told me?"

"I can read minds, princess. Don't forget that, either. That's how I found out about Eligor and Lilith." He walked away.

"Well, that was something." Mom commented.

I stared at him. "He knew about Lilith?"

"He knows about everything that happens in the castle." We jumped at the British voice, but instantly relaxed when we saw that it was only Elena. "It's one of the perks he has when he can read minds."

Dad stared at her. "How long were you there?"

She grinned at him. "Since he threatened my life." She walked up to me. "So, you saw Wilford's crazy side?"

I nodded. "Some of it, yeah."

She huffed. "Lucky! Most of us are lucky to just hear him say one simple curse word!"

I sighed. "Trust me, Elena. You do not want to see that."

"Hey, Emerson!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I turned around, seeing Rebecca race up to me.

I instantly became flustered- as what always happens when I'm around her. "R-Rebecca! How are you? What's up?"

She blushed as she stopped right in front of me. "I-I have a free day tomorrow, and I was wondering if, maybe, you wanted to come into town with me?"

I completely froze. This girl, who I liked ever since I met her, is asking me out! I couldn't believe it. I could barely breathe.

That is, until Mom tapped on my shoulder, making me jump. "Uh, Em, I think she's waiting for an answer."

I nodded frantically. "Of course I'll go with you!" Her blush deepened, and I realized that I screamed it. I coughed, calming down slightly. "I mean, uh, yeah, I'll go with you. Seems like fun."

She grinned. "Great! I'll meet you in the entrance hall at around eleven. And wear something casual. You don't need to be all fancy."

I nodded. "Okay, I'll be there."

She raced off the way she came. "See you then, Emerson!" I waved at her as she ran.

Elena grabbed my shoulders and shook me around. "Looks like someone has her first date!"

I shook her hands off of me. "Shut up!" I raced away.

"You can't make me!" She raced after me. "Em and Becca, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"Shut up!" We both laughed.

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