The Real Emerson

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Emerson's POV

"Two Harleys?" Someone yelled out as I stood up. I looked down at myself, realizing that I changed back to being Harley. I looked back up, seeing Lilith, also looking like Harley.

She smirked. "Well, what do you know? She can come out."

I snarled at her. "Get out of my face."

She snickered. "I think not." She snapped her fingers, and the whole building went back to normal. The two demons even went away. "You do realize that this was all a setup, right?" She pointed at everyone else, and they were instantly put into bubbles.

"Hey!" Deadshot yelled. "Let us out of here!"

"What is going on, Harley?" Dark yelled out.

"There is no Harley!" I screamed.

Lilith changed so she looked like me. "She's right- she's evil!"

"What?" I changed so I looked like myself. "Are you kidding me? You made me kill people!"

"Me? But I'm the princess! I don't kill people!"

"You are not the princess!" I screamed.

Wilford snapped his fingers, and Mom and Dad appeared next to them. They widened their eyes, but didn't move towards us.

Lilith turned towards them. "Dad! How can I prove to you that I'm the real Emerson?"

Dad shook his head. "I don't know!"

"I do!" Wilford yelled. We all turned to him. "And only the real Emerson would know it."

"So out with it already!" I screamed at him.

"How did Princess Elaine pass away?"

Lilith smirked. "Oh, that's an easy one. She choked on poisonous gas in her bedroom."

Everyone turned to me. I had a confused look on my face. "I... don't know. I asked you about it, but you never told me because you couldn't talk about it."

Lilith smirked at me. "That's not a real answer. Hah! I win!" She turned to Wilford. "Wilford, can we please go home now? I'm sick of this place!"

Wilford stared at her, smiling to himself. "No, not quite yet."

Het smile fell. "And why not?"

Dark glanced at Wilford, grinning. "Because you gave the wrong answer." He pointed to me. "That's her. That's the real Emerson."

I breathed a sigh of relief. I could finally go home! Sure, I'd face the consequences of murdering and terrorizing people, but I could still go home!

Lilith snapped her fingers again, trapping Mom and Dad into a bubble, like the others. She lost her "disguise," so she looked like a totally different person- she had my face, but red slitted eyes and deep purple hair.

She turned to me with a glare. "You mother-" She tried pouncing on me, but I pushed her back. "You totals ruin  everything! I was supposed to be queen! I was supposed to rule!"

"Emerson! Be careful!" Mom screamed at me.

I was so distracted with Mom that Lilith jumped on me, making me fall to the ground. She tried punching me, but I brought my forearms to my face, making an ice shield. Her fist made contact, and it bounced off. I kicked her off of me and jumped up.

She growled at me. "Listen here, princess. If I push you down, you stay down."

I smirked. "Well, listen here, Lilith." I heard Dark and Wilford gasp. "No one tells me what to do." She held her hands out, and a mist started coming out of them.

"Emerson, watch out!" Dar screamed. "That mist is poisonous! It'll kill you!"

Lilith growled. "Oh, shut up, Darkiplier!" She shot some of the most at his ball, and he fell backwards.

"DARK!" Wilford screamed, pounding on his bubble.

"Calm down, Warfstache, he only fainted." Lilith turned her attention to me, and the mist started coming towards me. "Say goodbye, princess."

I shot ice at her hands, freezing them. The mist disappeared. "Try again."

She stared at her hands, trying to make her mist come back. While she was distracted, I ran up to her and did a tornado kick, making sure my foot hit her face.

"Go, Em, go!" Mom and Dad both cheered me on.

I heard a noise from behind me. "Care if I join the party?" A British voice said.

I smirked. "Not at all, Elena."

She stood by me, grinning. "Then let's beat this demon up."

And that's exactly what. Attack after attack, blow after blow, we landed on Lilith. She was left in a bruised, bloodied, and unconscious mess by the time we were done. The bubbles encasing everyone disappeared, and they all fell to the ground. Wilford instantly ran to Dark, who was finally waking up, the "group" started talking to each other, and Mom and Dad ran up to us.

Mom encased me in a hug. "Are you okay?" She pulled away and winced. "Oh, Em." I brought my hand up to my lobe, and instantly sucked in a breath. I looked at my hand, seeing the tips stained with blood.

"I'm fine, Mom." I told her.

"No, you're not. You're hurt."

"Babe, calm down." Dad told her. "She'll be fine." He turned to me with a smile. "You kicked ass out there."

I grinned. "Thanks, Dad. I tried."

Elena walked up to Lilith's unconscious body. "What should we do about her?"

Wilford and Dark made their way over here, staring at Lilith. "I don't know." Dark told her.

Wilford turned to me. "What do you think we should do?"

I stared at Lilith. "I want her to pay for what she did, but she's already weak as it is. Besides, I think I could crack her and bring her good side out." I turned to Wilford. "Maybe lock her up somewhere? In a prison cell, maybe?"

"A prison cell will make it too easy for her to escape." Dark pointed out.

"But we do have that glass cell in the basement." Wilford commented. "Nothing can escape from it."

"That's true." Dark nodded. "We can put her there." Dark turned to me. "It's settled. We'll put her there."

"As for you, Emerson." Wilford narrowed his eyes at me. "We have a lot to talk about."

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