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Emerson/Harley's POV

It's been an hour, at the least. The whole "team" and I have walked around this town ever since we crash landed, and we're still not at that train station. We've just been killing monsters. Funny, huh?

Just focus.

"I know that." I whispered. "Calm down."

"Who are you talking to?" Deadshot asked me.

I turned to him, smiling. "Just the voices in my head."

He smirked. "You have a voice in your head?"

I nodded. "Yep! Her name is Lilith and she tells me evil things to do."

Stop! Dark will notice you!

It was too late. Dark, who was at the head of the group, turned towards us as soon as I said her name.

"So, what would you do if you didn't have Lilith?"

I shrugged. "Probably be a good ruler and the best daughter I can be."

He chuckled. "You? A ruler? Please."

I smirked. "Keep in mind that I know where the princess is, and you don't." I walked away from him.

Dark fell back to walk with me. "You know where the princess is?"

I smirked. "I heard from the guards in that prison that you already suspected something."

"Where is she?"

"All in good time, good sir." I grinned. "You'll find out later tonight."

Why did you tell him that?

"Because I want you out of my head." I whisper-yelled to Lilith.

"Who are you talking to?" Dark looked around us, looking for someone.

"No one." I said quickly. He gave me a weird look, but let me walk off.

A few battles and a failed escape plan later, we were at the center of the town. The demon that we're supposed to defeat, along with her brother, were building a weird portal. The reason why they were killing people was because they needed souls to build it, and apparently they only needed one more. I felt like Lilith was up to something, but I didn't know what she was planning.

We were deep in the fight with the demon brother. We just wanted to finish this and go home. Wilford and Dark joined the fight. But even with their combined powers they couldn't defeat him.

All of a sudden, I appeared in a room with dark red walls and a large television and couch.

"Where am I?" I whispered. I looked down at myself and realized I was back to my normal, Princess self. I no longer looked like Harley.

"You're in your mind, Emerson." I heard a voice coming from nowhere. I looked at the television, seeing what I just saw on it- but it wasn't me.

"Lilith?" I asked out loud.

"Yes. I took over your body." I could basically hear her smirk. "They need one more soul. You will be that soul."

My eyes widened. I knew she was evil, but I didn't know she was going to do that. She was going to kill me.

"You can't do that." I raised my voice. "You can't kill me. I'm the princess!"

"I honestly don't care who you are. I just want to ruin everybody's life."

I grew silent after that. She told me that if I was to do what she told me, I could live. Now she was going to kill me?

I did the one thing I could think of- I thought of Wilford. I thought of him, and how kind he is, even though people call him evil. I thought of his pink mustache and hair, and chocolate brown eyes with a hint of pink in some lighting.

All of a sudden, my right eye changed sights. It was showing the battle on the "human world," and I knew it was Wilford’s sight.


Wilford's sight changed, and I knew he must be hiding so he could talk.

Elaine? Is that you?

Yes! It's me!

Where are you?

There's not much time. You need to stop Harley, now!

I disconnected myself from Wilford, and started banging on the walls. "Lilith! Let me out!"

Lilith's eyesight narrowed. "Stop banging on the walls. You're giving me a headache." The battle was over, and she was walking towards the demon sister.

The demon turned around to face her. "What do you want?"

Lilith stood almost in front of her. "You said you needed another soul. Take mine."

The demon smirked. "Are you sure? You wish to willingly give up your soul to complete this portal?"

Lilith nodded. "Yes. There is someone living in my head. I don't care how it happens, J just want her out!"

"No!" I screamed, banging on the walls again. I wanted out. I wanted to live. I thought hard about escaping and living and seeing my family again.

The next thing I knew, I was laying on the cold ground next to Lilith.

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