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Emerson/Harley's POV

It's been a month since I came here. I've heard from the security guards that Wilford and Dark are looking for me. They don't even realize that I'm in a prison cell because of them.

One day, I was sitting in the corner, facing the wall and looking at my locket. It was the only thing I got when Elaine died. I opened it, looking at the picture inside. It was her when she was 16, and she was standing next to Mark in front of a sign that read Butterfly Orphanage. It obviously meant a lot to her, since Mark told me that she used to wear it all the time. She was really pretty, and she really did look like me.

All of a sudden, sirens and red lights went off. I quickly put my locket back into my shirt and spun around on my knees with my hands up. The door opened up, and security guards raced in. I glanced up, looking at Dark on the walkway above.

"Put your hands up!" The head guard yelled.

I slowly stood up. "Okay, I'm cooperating. See? This is me cooperating."

The guard gestured to another guard. "Get her." The other guard grabbed my wrist.

Time to shine.

"You got it, Lilith." I barely whispered.

I didn't waste a second. I grabbed the guards arm and spun him around, knocking him into the barred walls. Another guard came running at me, and I elbowed his stomach and kneed his face. He fell to the ground. I fought three more guards until the head guard gave me an electric shock, making me fall to the ground, unconscious.

The next thing I knew, I was in a moving van with three guys, one of which looked like a monster.

I grinned at them. "Hi, boys!"

The tattooed one put his head down. "You don't even know what's happening, do you?"

I shook my head. "Nope! But I like surprises, so I'll be happy no matter what."

The guy across from him chuckled. "You really are a blonde, aren't you?" He stared at me. "We're on a mission to kill two demons. After that, we need to find the princess."

I grinned. "Oh, I already know where the princess is." They all stared at me. "If you want me to tell you, that's a no no. It's another surprise!"

The van skid to a stop, and the door swung open. We all got out, and was met face to face with the royal family (including Mom, Dad, and Toby), a mob of soldiers, and two other bad guys.

I stretched, wearing a wide grin. "Hi everyone!"

"Quiet." Dark said. "I'm guessing you all know why you're here."

"A demon hunt." One of the new guts said with an Australian accent. "We're gonna kill us some demons."

"Yes." Dark told him. "They've been terrorizing the city for a couple days now. We need all of you to stop them. In return, we'll grant you your freedom."

That's our ticket out of here. Comply with them, then escape at the last moment.

"What's that?" I asked out loud. Everyone turned to me. "I should kill everyone and escape?" I glanced at everyone and grinned. "Sorry, It's the voices in my head." The still stared at me like I was crazy. "I'm kidding!" I bit my lip. "That's not what they really said."

Wilford directed all of their attention to him. "Anyway, all of your things are over there." He pointed to a bunch of crates, which were labeled for who's stuff it was. "You have ten minutes."

I raced over to mine, desperate to get out of these prison clothes. I flipped it open, reaching inside and pulling out a random outfit. I put it on, then found my makeup. I applied a thin layer of foundation and put on eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow, and red lipstick.

The guy from earlier that told me what we were doing grabbed a white mask. "I don't like this mask."

I turned to him. "And why not?"

He looked at me. "Because every time I put it on, someone dies."

I finished putting on my lipstick. "And how is that such a bad thing?"

Wilford walked over to us as soon as we all were done. "So, your mission is to kill two demons. Once your mission is complete, you find the princess. One that is complete, you will have your freedom." He gestured to a plane that was landing nearby. "Grab your weapons and get on."

I turned to my trunk, grabbing a bat and my lucky pistol and revolver. I raced towards the plane, eager to get this over with.

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