Harley Quinn

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Ethan's POV

I knew something was up with Emerson. She was quiet during dinner, and was distant for the whole week after. We all thought it was because of what happened with Erik, but we dismissed that because she never liked him in the first place. We tried hard to figure out what it was, but we could never figure it out.

A week after the breakup, there were news reports of two teenage lovers- a guy and a girl- terrorizing the whole kingdom because they were killing people. The guy was pale, has green hair, and was covered in tattoos. The girl was pale and has some tattoos, and her hair was white on the top and the ends pink and blue. They called themselves the Joker and Harley Quinn, the King and Queen of the kingdom. Everyone- Wilford and Dark included- is trying to hunt them down.

We first found out about it during breakfast. Emerson stiffened up when Wilford started talking about it, and excused herself halfway through. That was when I started to think something' was up.

I talked to (Y/n) after breakfast about it, but she shook her head. "Ethan, nothing's wrong with her. She's probably just upset at something." She shook her head. "It's not like there's someone in her head, telling her what to do."

Emerson's POV

"Seriously, Erik? You want to do this now?"

He was standing under the balcony of my room, wearing black jeans and a black jacket with the hood up, covering his green hair. "Yes, now. We'll be caught if we stay here any longer. They already suspect something."

I leaned against the railing. "No, Erik. I can't. I have to-"

Suddenly, paparazzi came out of the bushes and crowded around Erik. "Sir! Are you the Princess's lover?" I heard one say.

I snapped my fingers, teleporting him up here and away from them. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me in the room.

"See? People could find out about us and what we're doing. We need to go now."

I sighed. "Fine. We can stay in the cabin for as long as we need to." I quickly packed a bag full of clothes and dresses and teleported us to the cabin.

He took off his jacket, showing his bare chest and green hair. "That's better."

I rolled my eyes. "Cover that up. You know that some girls don't like that."

I grabbed an outfit and knee-high boots and moved into the bedroom to change into it. In the meantime, I took off my wig, letting my blonde, pink, and blue hair show, and wiped off my makeup to look at my tattoos. Once I was done, I walked back out to see Erik loading up two of his pistols. He handed me my lucky revolver, already loaded. I put it in my boot, and when he was done, we left for the usual club.

Things were going good- he was getting workers and money, killing the occasional guy because he upset me. Eventually, though, a bodyguard told us that we had to leave. I looked towards the doors, seeing Wilford and Dark walking in, looking around. Erik and I left immediately.

It was pitch black outside, which suited us just fine. I summoned a getaway car for us, and we sped down the streets, trying to get away as fast as we could.

It didn't work out, though. Once I looked behind us, I saw a black car catching up to us, and Dark getting out of the top and walking onto the hood.

I grinned. "Darky, Darky, Darky." Erik laughed.

All of a sudden, there was a thud on the top of the car. I looked behind us again, and Dark was no where to be found.

"Take my gun." Erik told me. "Shoot him. If it doesn't work, don't worry. I have another plan in mind."

"I don't want to hurt him, Erik." I told him. "He's technically my grandfather."

"Do you want to be caught?" He yelled.

I sighed, then raised the gun up to the roof and shot the gun. He didn't get hurt, luckily. Erik made a sharp turn, and I realized what his plan was.

"You're going to go into the river?" I yelled at him.

"Got any other plans?" He yelled back.

"I can't swim!" I screamed.

It was too late, though. He ran through the barrier, and we fell into the water.

I blacked out. The only thing I can remember was a long car ride to the middle of nowhere and being locked in a prison cell in the middle of a huge room.

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