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Emerson's POV

"Wait, if you're a lesbian... what about Erik?" Mom asked.

I sighed. "I don't know how to tell him. He really likes me, and he was my first kiss, but... I'm just not attracted to him."

"You need to tell him, though." Elena said. "You shouldn't be in that kind of relationship."

"I know, Elena. I just... I'm scared about how he'll react. I mean, I'm part of the LGBT group. What if no one accepts me?"

Elena smirked. "You do realize that almost everyone who works here is LGBT in some way, right?" Mom and I dropped our jaws. "Wilford and Dark are gay and married to each other. Mark and Jack are bisexual and married to each other. Anti... well, we're not sure about him, but we believe he may be pansexual. And you already know about me, since we have the same mindset."

"And let me tell you a secret." I turned to Mom, who was smiling slightly. "I'm bisexual, as well."

I gasped. "Really?" She nodded. "How come you never told me? And does Dad know?"

"Well, I never told you because you might've freaked out. And yes, Ethan knows."

"Knows what?" We all turned towards the doorway, seeing Dad lean against it. "You guys do realize that the bedroom door is open, right?"

Elena facepalmed. "Sorry about that."

Dad glanced between her and I. "Is there something I missed?"

I grinned. "Dad, this is my long lost twin sister, Elena. Elena, meet my adoptive dad, Ethan."

Elena smiled at him. "Hello, Ethan"

Ethan waved. "Hello, Elena. Now come on, or we'll be late to dinner." We all got up off the floor and followed Dad out and into the hallway.

On the way to the Great Hall, I ran into Erik. And I mean that literally.

"Emerson?" He asked, making sure that it was me. I nodded. "Where'd you run off to?"

"My room." I looked at Elena, who motioned for me to tell him. "Erik... I need to tell you something."

"What? That you're lesbian?"

My jaw dropped. Dad scared at me. "What... how did you know?"

He smirked. "I see the way you look at other girls- especially Rebecca." I blushed. "I knew the whole time. I just wanted to help you keep your cover until you were ready to come out." He hugged me. "It was fun while it lasted." He kissed my forehead and ran off.

"Well, that was something." Mom commented.

I turned to them. "You guys can go to dinner. I need some space."

They all looked like they were about to argue, until Mom walked up to me. "Be there as soon as you can." She kissed my forehead, took Dad's hand, and led everyone to the Great Hall.

You know they hate you.

I gritted my teeth. "Would you please leave me alone?" I whispered. "Who are you, anyways? Why are you in my head?"

I'm here to ruin your whole life, just like I did to your mother.

I gasped. "My mom? You knew my mom?"

I was supposed to be your mother. But, pans didn't work out. But this time, it will.

"You will never be me."

"Who are you talking to?" I spun around, seeing Wilford walking my way.

"Myself." I told him. "You know, sometimes I need an expert opinion."

"It's never good to talk to yourself." I heard him mumble. "Do you have someone living in your head?" I nodded. "What's their name?"

"She won't tell me." I explained. "I've been asking ever since she appeared. She hasn't told me a thing."

You don't want to know my name.

"I think I do!" I told her. "Please tell me."

You'll regret it.

"Just tell me!"


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