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Your POV

You got woken up by soft crying. You sighed quietly, carefully prying yourself away from Ethan's warm embrace. You made your way down the hall to the nursery, picking up Toby. He calmed down a little, but he was still crying. You changed his diaper and fed him. You glanced at the clock on the wall.

4:55. Ethan should be getting up by now.

You put Toby back down in his crib, making sure he was asleep. You walked back down the hallway, but stopped when you realized something.

Emerson's bedroom was open. It was usually closed when she was asleep.

You peeked into her room, looking around. No sign of her. You raced downstairs as quietly as you could, looking around everywhere. Still no sign of her. You looked at the front door, and widened your eyes.

The lock was busted, and the door was cracked open.

You raced back upstairs, not caring about how loud you were. You threw open your bedroom door, seeing Ethan halfway through getting dressed, with his shirt still off.

"Babe?" He asked worriedly. "What's wrong?" You burst into tears, burying your face in your hands. "Please don't cry!" He wrapped his arms around you, and you buried your face in his bare chest. "What happened? What's wrong?"

"E-Emerson. She's g-gone." You stuttered, still crying.

Ethan tensed up. "Couldn't she just be downstairs? I mean, it's not like she just-"

You pulled away, shaking your head. "No, Ethan. She's gone! She's nowhere here! And the lock on the front door is busted, and it's cracked open..." You cried harder. "He took her!"

Ethan took your hand, pulling you downstairs. He sat you down on the couch, and he ran back upstairs to put on a shirt and grab his phone. He came back downstairs, dialing a number. "I'm calling Mark."

You grabbed your phone out of your back pocket, thanking yourself that you grabbed it before checking on Toby. You searched through your contacts before finding Elaine's phone number, hitting the call button. It rang a couple times, but she picked up.


"Elaine, thank God you picked up."

"(Y/n) it's 5 o'clock in the morning, why are you calling me?"

"Emerson's missing." It was silent on the other line. "I think it was Wilford, but I'm not sure. The lock is busted, and the door was cracked open."

"I have no doubt that it was him." She sighed. "I'll be there in, like, 15 minutes."

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." She hung up, just as Mark and Ethan got off the phone.

"Mark's on his way over here, and Amy's with him. They'll be here soon."

"So is Elaine." You shook your head. "Just... why? Why do they need Emerson? What's so special about her?"

Ethan sat down next to you. "I have no idea, but we will get her back. She can't be far, right?" You nodded. "It'll be okay, babe. We'll find her."

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