The Castle

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Your POV

You all were gathered in the living room at 5:30 in the morning. Elaine just got finished telling the real story on how she knows Wilford and Darkiplier, and you all were surprised about everything she had to say.

"Now," She continued. "I can take you all there, but we'll need to make some changes. I can put on a disguise, but you guys can't do that. (Y/n) and Ethan can dye their hair, Mark will have to shave his face, Ethan will have to put on makeup, and you all will have to wear colored contacts."

"All in the span of one hour?" Mark asked. "We can't do that!"

"True." Elaine thought for a moment before snapping her fingers. "There. Now we can go."

The four of you looked at each other and gasped. Mark had a clean-shaven face and hazel contacts, Amy and Ethan had brown hair and contacts, and you had purple hair and black contacts.

"Are you guys satisfied? Because in order to get Emerson and get back here, we need to go now." You all nodded and stood up. Elaine closed her eyes, and the next thing you knew, you were in a huge hallway in what looked like a castle.

"Here." She snapped her fingers, and you all wore servant's clothes, and she put on a disguise. "Now no one will be suspicious. Now look around, and try to find something."

You all split up- Amy and Mark in one direction, Elaine in another, and you and Ethan in a third.

You grabbed Ethan's hand, scared about what would happen if you all got caught.

Amy's POV

"Come on, Mark! Follow me!" I raced down the hallway, Mark following closely behind, until I heard footsteps. I skidded to a stop, and Mark ran right into me. He stared at me, until a woman turned the corner.

She looked at us and sighed. "There you are! It was like there were no servants in this castle for a moment there! Follow me, you two. We need to get the ballroom ready for the coronation."

She turned around. I looked at Mark for a moment before following her around the castle to a huge ballroom.

"Food and drinks will be over there." She pointed to a long table against the wall. "The throne will be up there." She gestured to a small platform. "And the royal family will appear through those doors." She pointed to the doors we entered from. "Got that?" We nodded. "Good. Now, go get the crown, and bring it back here." We nodded again and left the room, wandering the halls again.

Elaine's POV

"You there!" A familiar voice boomed. I froze in place. "Turn and look at me!" I turned around slowly and was face to face with Dark. "Why are you not helping everyone else? We have a busy day tomorrow."

"I-I'm sorry, Sir. You see, I'm new here, and I just got lost-"

"Likely story." He scoffed. "I'll let you off the hook this time. Now, get to the kitchen and help the cooks prepare the food!" I nodded and raced off, eager to get away from him.

I need to find Emerson. Where is she?

Ethan's POV

We turned down a hallway, and heard voices coming from an open room. (Y/n) and I raced down there and walked in.

There, in plain sight, was Emerson. She was wearing a light blue robe and had her arms stretched out next to her, letting another woman take measurements. Wilford was next to her, talking to Mark, although it wasn't our Mark.

Wilford turned and saw us. "You two, help Danielle with the measurements." We nodded and walked up to her, measuring Emerson's arms and legs.

"Wilford, this is crazy." Other Mark said. "You broke into a home and kidnapped a child, all because you want an heir to the throne?"

"Do you want a ruler, or not?" Wilford snapped. "Since Elaine refuses to become queen, and Emerson is her child, then she will have to take her place."

"Why? Why are you doing this? She isn't ready to live a royal life! She's not even a teenager!"

"Which is why I will be training her, like I did Elaine."

"And you're gonna make her run away, just like Elaine did. Face it, Wilford. This is going to end badly for you." Other Mark shook his head, walking out of the room.

Wilford walled in front of Emerson, dragging his fingers down her jaw. "You have your mother's beauty." Emerson looked away from him. "Good luck tomorrow." He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Danielle put everything away. "I think we're done for the day." She turned to us. "Now, can you two please tell me where Elaine is in the castle?"

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