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Ethan's POV

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered, faking an accent.

"You know exactly what I mean." Danielle said. "You're not from this dimension. If you were, I would've seen you around. No one here would've brought you here, and the only explanation is Elaine brought you. So where is she?"

The door opened, and we all turned towards it. Amy, Mark, and Elaine were standing there in their "disguises".

Emerson looked between everyone. "What is going on?"

Elaine walked up to Danielle, her disguise falling away. "Danielle, you can't possibly agree with Wilford."

Danielle sighed. "I don't. He's crazy. I don't understand why him and Dark can't just keep being the kings. It's stupid, really."

"I think I'm gonna faint." Emerson sat down on the bed, taking deep breaths.

Elaine walked up to her. "Em... how did you get here?"

Emerson shrugged. "I don't know. I was at the bottom of the staircase, talking to dad. I turned around and saw Wilford in the living room. He grabbed me, and... I was here."

"Do you know why you're here?" (Y/n) asked.

Emerson nodded. "Yeah. Something about 'if there's no new ruler who shares the bloodline, this whole dimension will perish, along with everyone inside.'"

Danielle snapped her fingers. "Of course!" We all turned towards her. "Wilford and Dark are like, 300,000 years old-"

"2,137." Elaine corrected.

"Whatever. If there's no new ruler by the time they turn 2,500, the world that they created will be gone. It's the law that was put upon them as soon as the castle was finished."

Elaine huffed. "Can't they just put some of their DNA into someone else?"

Danielle shook her head. "It doesn't work like that. It has to be inserted when they're a newborn, between 1 and 9 weeks old." She looked at Emerson. "Or they have to be born from a royal."

"And since you refused..." Amy trailed off. "All that's left is Emerson."

"Not exactly." Elaine commented. "I have Aya and Daniel, but they're both one year olds."

"There's no way out of this." I muttered.

"Maybe... being princess isn't that bad." Emerson said, unsure. "And, hey, maybe they'll let me visit mom and dad every once in a while."

I smiled. "Maybe you don't have to." (Y/n) stared at me. "Maybe they can live here. Do you think Wilford will let them?" I looked at Elaine.

She thought about it. "Since it's such a dire situation, and if Emerson begs them enough, they'll most likely let it happen."

"Was it really bad when you were princess?" Emerson asked with wide eyes.

Elaine thought for another moment. "Well, not exactly. It was fun sometimes, I got to meet a whole bunch of people, and the food the cooks prepared was excellent." We all laughed. "The things that I hated about it was that it was just suddenly thrust upon me, I never wanted to be in charge, and I was separated from my dads."

She sighed. "That part was especially hard. Other Mark hadn't even adopted me for a day and I was brought here. And although he wasn't my dad at that point, Sean was like a parent figure. I barely even knew him, but he was kind and compassionate enough to let me stay in his own home. I can't even imagine the pain they must've went through when I left."

"Aww, Elaine!" Mark said. "It's okay! You can talk to them now, right?" She nodded. "Why don't you try to make up for it? Try spending a lot of time together, whether it's as simple as talking for a few hours, or going to a movie with them. Make sure they know that you care, and that you love them. That's the most important part."

Elaine nodded. "You're right. Thanks. Now, as for you guys-" She snapped, and out disguises fell. She smirked. "You need to talk to Wilford."

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