The Reception

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Emerson's POV

"Introducing the newlyweds, Victoria and Emerson Nestor!"

Victoria and I grinned at the reception attendants as they applauded, waving from the balcony. We joined hands and walked down the stairs together, and everyone bowed towards us. The party continued as we made our way across the ballroom to meet up with Wilford and Dark.

Wilford grinned at us. "Hey girls! Like the room?"

Victoria grinned back. "God, it's amazing. Thank you."

"Of course. We're not letting you two sleep in separate rooms, especially since you two are married now."

Amanda appeared behind Victoria, enveloping her in a tight hug. Victoria let go of my hand as Amanda lifted her up from the ground, squeezing her tightly. "There she is! I'm so proud of you, Vicky!"

I giggled. "Vicky? Is that your nickname?"

Victoria took a deep breath when she was placed back on the ground, letting the air filter back into her lungs. "Only she calls me that. She's the only one." She eyed me down. "Unless you want to call me that, too."

I smiled. "Nah. I like Victoria more." She smiled back.

Anti appeared next to Amanda, placing a hand on her waist. "Hey, guys! How's the wedded life so far?"

Dark raised his eyebrows, grinning. "We should be asking you about your dating life. Is she your soulmate?"

Amanda giggled, and Anti nodded. "Yeah, she is. We've been talking for a while now- we already know a lot about each other."

"Well, don't go too fast, Anti." Dark warned. "You may be soulmates, but you still shouldn't speed up the relationship. Take it slow until you're ready."

Anti rolled his eyes. "I know, Dark. You don't have to baby me."

"Just making sure you know."

Amanda smiled at us. "We were just here to say goodbye. I have to leave early in the morning."

Victoria pouted. "Leaving already? But you just got back from visiting Lord and Lady Cyten!"

"I know, Vicky, but you know how it is to be a wealthy Lady. You do a lot of traveling and meeting new people." She hugged Victoria. "I'll be back by the end of the week. Lady Agatha lives in Plytherian City, and it's not far from here. I won't be long."

Victoria pulled away, nodding. "Be safe, okay? I don't want you getting hurt on the way there."

"You know I won't." She took Anti's hand, waved us goodbye, and walked out of the room.

"Those two are adorable together." Wilford commented.

"And did you see the way Anti's face lit up when Dark asked about her? It was so cute!"

"What was cute?" A small voice said from behind me.

I spun around, grinning. "Hey, Toby!" I picked him up, spinning him around as he giggled.

"Congratulations, Em!" He exclaimed when I put him down. "You did amazing!"

Mom appeared behind him, holding her stomach (she's in her third trimester of pregnancy, and is actually due at any moment). "He fell asleep when it started."

"But you and Dad told me about it!"

Dad laughed as he came up behind them, holding a glass of sparkling water, which he gave to Mom. "You should've paid attention to your big sister's special day."

Wilford nudged me with his elbow. "Hey Emerson, isn't there something you wanted to ask your father?"

I stared at him as Dad raised an eyebrow. "Not now, Wilford. Can't we just enjoy tonight?"

"It's next week, Em, and you start practicing tomorrow morning."

"What's going on?" Dad asked. "What do you want to ask me?"

I sighed, seeing that there was no way out of it. "Come on, Dad." I said, taking his hand and pulling him onto the dance floor. "There's something I need to ask you."

A slow song started playing throughout the room, and someone stood up near the speakers holding a microphone. "I think it's time for the newlyweds to have a dance with their parents." Everyone cleared the floor as Dad and I walked onto it. Mom and Victoria joined, as well, but they were a ways away from us, so we could talk in private.

"What did you need to ask?" Dad questioned as we started to waltz.

I sighed. "Well, you know how the coordination is next week, right? Y'know, when Victoria and I become queen?" Dad nodded. "Well... Wilford told me that I can choose anyone I want to place the crown on my head, and... I want you to do it."

Dad gave me a puzzled look. "Wouldn't one of them be a better choice?"

"We're taking the crowns from them. They can't do it themselves."

"Well, what about Anti?"

"Victoria chose him. You're the only other option I have." I looked up at him. "So will you do it?"

Dad thought about it for a moment. "So all I have to do it take the crown and put it on your head?"

"Well, technically, you have to take it off of Dark's head first, because I'm taking his crown, but yeah. That's basically it."

"Why can't you get a servant to do that?"

"Because this spot is only for family, or someone who means a lot to me. Dad, please?"

He looked at me and sighed. "Fine. I'll do it."

I grinned, hugging him. "Thank you, Dad."

He hugged me back, smiling. "You're welcome, sweetie." The song stopped, and we stepped away from each other. Dad bowed towards me, and I curtseyed, giggling. We joined Mom and Victoria, and walked back to Wilford and Dark, where I got tackled into a hug by three little kids- Toby, and the twins from earlier.

"Chukhahamnida!" The twins screamed at the same time.

I stared at them, thinking they were speaking gibberish. "Uhh... what?"

The girl pulled away, grinning. "Sorry! Ever since Papa Mark taught us Korean, we've been using it whenever we get excited!"

The boy pulled away, nodding. "We said 'Congratulations', if you didn't know."

Elaine appeared, smiling. "Well, Em, looks like you've met Aya and Daniel."

The twins grinned and tackled her into a hug. "Mom!"

I smiled back at her, remembering when she told me about them a few months ago. "Of course- my younger siblings."

Elaine nodded, kissing Aya's head. "And I think it's time for them to go home." The kids groaned, and she laughed. "Sorry, but it's bedtime for you." She looked up at me. "I'll be back later so we can chat some more." The three of them disappeared.

"So where's the soon-to-be queen?" Mark said from behind me. I spun around and grinned when I saw the natural brown hair instead of the black and red hair. He grinned back at me and opened his arms.

"Uncle Mark!" I yelled, jumping into them and flinging his arms around his neck. He spun me around, laughing, as he's done so many times before. "I didn't know you were going to be here!"

He set me down on the ground. "Ethan managed to find a way for Amy and I to get here." He pointed behind him, where Mom was talking to Amy.

"How's the wife?" I asked.

"Better than ever, especially with Charlie on the way."

I clapped my hands together and squealed. "You're having a baby!?"

He grinned, nodding. "Yeah! Isn't it great?"

"So great!" We laughed together.

"So how's your wife?" He asked when our laughter stopped.

I took Victoria's hand, who was standing behind me, too nervous to say anything, and stepped aside. "Ask her yourself." She squeaked and hid her face in her free hand.

Mark laughed. "It's okay. No need to be nervous. I've known Emerson for almost nine years now. I'm basically her uncle." She shook her head. "Wow. You're really shy."

"She always is." I sighed, kissing her cheek. "But we can grow it out." She slowly let her hand fall as she looked at me.

She glanced at Mark, then quickly looked at the ground. "Hello." Was all she said.

"Hi!" Amy said when she joined Mark at his side. "You must be the beautiful Lady Victoria. Emerson's parents have told us a lot about you. They're really fond of you, and I can tell why- you seem like a very kind and amazing young woman."

Victoria gave a small smile, looking up at her. "You... really think so?"

Amy nodded. "I know so." Victoria's whole face grew red, and her hand started shaking in mine. I knew she had enough for tonight.

"Hey, Wilford?" I called, grabbing his attention. He walked over from where he was chatting with Dad and Dark. "Is it okay if Victoria and I call it an early night?"

He nodded. "Go ahead, none of us would blame you." He looked at Victoria's face and understood why. "I'll tell anyone who asks that you two were tired and are heading to bed."

I smiled. "Thank you." I squeezed Victoria's hand and led her out of the ballroom.

She took a deep breath, her shaking starting to get under control. "Thanks for getting me out of there."

"The compliments were getting to you, huh?" She nodded. "I'm sorry. Amy tends to do that a lot."

She bit her lip. "I feel really bad for leaving, though."

"Don't even worry about that. Now we finally have some time to ourselves. Don't you want to do some fun stuff?"

A smile slowly spread across her face. "Like what?"

So I told her.

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