The Wedding

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Emerson's POV

"Look at you!" Wilford grinned when he saw me. "You look absolutely stunning in that dress!"

I smiled back at Wilford. "Thanks."

Dark kissed Wilford, then turned to me. "See you out there, Emerson. Good luck." He walked into the chapel.

"Are you ready?" Wilford asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

Wilford messed with my veil. "I know you'll get nervous walking down the aisle. When you see Victoria up there, she'll look so beautiful that your breath will get taken away and you'll want to get out of there because you'll be thinking something along the lines of 'Why is this perfect human being choosing to spend their whole life with me?' The answer is because she loves you, and you love her. And she'll probably feel the same way. There's no reason to worry."

"Thanks, Wilford." I heard piano music through the doors and grinned. "Here we go."

Wilford linked arms with me. "You'll do great, Em. I'm sure of it."

The doors opened, and I smiled as I began walking down the aisle. I looked up at Victoria, and I gripped my bouquet even harder. She looked absolutely stunning in that gown.

Wilford must've noticed this and smiled, squeezing my arm. "I told you. Don't run away. She wants you just as much as you want her."

I took a deep breath, sighing. "Thanks. That's reassuring."

"You're welcome." We reaches the end of the aisle, and he turned to me, enveloping me in a hug. "You got this, Em." He turned to Victoria and held out a hand, which she took. He transferred her hand to mine, then walked away to join my family (since Dark was the minister). I walked up to join her at her side, and the wedding began. We ignored most of what Dark said and whispered to each other.

"You look beautiful." Victoria whispered first.

"So do you."

"Nowhere near as beautiful as you."

"Wilford said I'll get the urge to run away because you're beautiful. I didn't believe him until I walked out here."

Victoria blushed. "You're too sweet."

"And you shouldn't be marrying someone like me. You should've chosen better."

"And yet you were the best out there." She giggled quietly. "And you also have to remember that this wedding was arranged."

"Oh yeah, you're right."

Dark smiled at us. "Now, when the two are done talking to one another, it's time." The audience laughed, and we blushed out of embarrassment as we turned to face each other. "Victoria Claire Renaldi, will you take this princess to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, until death do you part?"

Victoria grinned. "I do."

"Princess Emerson Renee Nestor, will you take this lady to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, until death do you part?"

I grinned, as well. "I do."

Dark closed the Bible he was holding. "Then that does it." He moved off to the side, and when we didn't do anything, he rolled his eyes, smiling. "What are you two waiting for? Kiss already!" The audience laughed again.

Victoria stepped closer to me. "Ready to make it official?"

I put my arms around her waist and dipped her, grinning. "Always." I leaned down and kissed her as everyone around us cheered. We pulled away after a long moment, and I stood her back up. We faced the audience and held hands as they all stood up, applauding. We walked up the aisle together and disappeared through the doors.

"You're a really good kisser." Victoria stayed once we were alone.

I blushed. "Thanks, I guess. You are, too."

Wilford, Dark, Mom, Dad, Toby, and Anti joined us soon after, and we all teleported back to the castle. Immediately, a servant ran up to Wilford.

"Your majesty, you arrived just in time! The new royal suite is completed!"

Wilford grinned. "Excellent! Show the newlyweds the way, please!"

The servant bowed to him. "Of course, your majesty." He straightened up and smiled at Victoria and I. "Follow me, your highness and Lady Victoria."

We looked at each other, then at Wilford, who nodded. We followed the servant through the castle.

"We get our own room?" Victoria asked.

The servant nodded. "Of course. All married couples do." We turned down the hallway with Wilford and Dark's room and stopped in front of a set of mahogany doors. He opened both of them and let us walk in.

The room was beautiful. It had pale pink walls with white and gold trim, and a chandelier was hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the whole room. There was a sitting room, complete with a television and a comfortable yet elegant couch, that was completely separate from the bedroom. There was also a connected master bathroom with a hot tub, bathtub, and shower, and a huge walk-in closet filled to the brim with clothes, shoes, jewelry, and accessories.

The servant grinned when he saw our amazed expressions. "All of the items that were in your bedrooms are now in here, so there's no need to go back and move everything. The reception for your wedding starts in two hours, so you should have enough time to get changed and ready for it."

"Thank you." I said to him. He nodded and closed the doors, giving us some privacy.

"This room is gorgeous," Victoria breathed. She turned to me, smiling. "I can't believe it's ours."

I smiled back, placing my hands on her waist and pulling her close. "I can." I pecked her lips.

"Mm. Let's get changed before I drag you to the bed."

"I wish you would." I kissed her again, then bit her lip and pulled.

She groaned. "It's hard not to. Maybe after the reception."

"I can't wait."

"Neither can I."

Anti appeared next to us and pulled us apart. "None of that yet! We have to get you two ready!"

I smirked at him. "What about Amanda? Aren't you supposed to be with her?"

Victoria gasped. "You mean my aunt Amanda?" She grinned. "Oh, you will love her! She's like you in a lot of ways, Anti."

Anti blushed. "Let's not talk about her right now-"

"Why not?" I teased. "Embarrassed to talk about your soulmate?"

"Soulmate!" Victoria almost screamed.

"See ya!" Anti disappeared.

Victoria turned to me. "Was that a joke, or are they actually soulmates?"

I nodded. "She came to where I was just before the wedding started and started rambling. Anti rambled back, she invited him to sit with her... and Anti said that he'll know who he's destined to be with once he meets them. I think that person was her."

Victoria grinned. "That's sweet."

Elaine and Sam appeared where Anti was. "So, Anti came to us and was too flustered to say anything. What did you do? Tease him about Amanda?" I nodded. "Good."

"So now that he's gone, we'll help you get ready!" Sam announced. "To the closet!"

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