Chapter 15- First Gig

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┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐

September 22nd

└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘

The previous night, Adrien had brought Marinette back up to her room and gave her a quick rundown. He'd showed her the bathroom and left her to unpack all her belongings. But, she'd been so tired and stressed out she'd fallen asleep before even looking at her bags. On Saturday morning, Nathalie headed into Adrien's room and woke the tired boy.

"M. Adrien, did you not set your alarm?" She asked, tugging at the corner of his duvet. The disgruntled blonde boy groaned and rolled onto the other side of his king-sized bed.

"Sorry, Nathalie. I guess I was distracted."

"Well, try not to let the blue-haired girl distract you today. You've got a big photo shoot."

Adrien's face heated and he let out a sigh. "Yes, of course. Thank you, Nathalie."

When she closed the door, he headed over to his closet and looked for his usual modeling clothes, but was interrupted by Plagg's enormous yawn.

"Adrien..." His kwami muttered, "You have a box here."

"A box?" He turned around and eyed a blue container on his desk. He opened it to find many different clothes than those he'd worn before to his usual photoshoots. He picked up the note that lied on top. It read,

"Dear Adrien Agreste,

Do not be alarmed, but we would like for you to model a few different sets of clothes today then you are most likely used too. In here you'll find the following outfits:

A rock look, containing items such as ripped jeans and a leather jacket.

A tuxedo, containing a top hat and a red bowtie.

A pair of swim trunks.

Please show up wearing the tuxedo first, and you may change into different outfits throughout the shoot. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Thank you,

Your photographers."

Adrien bit his lip and stared down at the clothing before him. Yes, this was much different. Who's idea was it for these kinds of looks? Not possibly his father's... right? Plagg cleared his breath before laughing.

"Oh my god, that's awesome. You're quite the model now, aren't you kid?"

"Plagg, just eat your stinky cheese," Adrien complained, throwing the note on the desk and pulling out the tux.

"I'll be having a word with my father about this."

"Really?" Plagg asked a touch of sarcasm in his groggy voice.

Adrien didn't respond. Instead, he headed to the bathroom to shower. Afterward, he blow-dried his hair to the best of his ability and put on the tux. It was slim-fit and very attractive. It made him look in his 20's. The tie around his neck didn't come correctly. He tried to tie it into a bowtie but failed miserably.

"Plagg, do you know how to-"

His kwami rushed over and looked Adrien over.

"I would totally help you, but if you didn't notice- I don't have fingers." The little cat showed his hands and twirled around.

"You don't need fingers t-"

"So sorry. Anyways, do you have any more cheese? I want to bring some with me today."

Adrien sighed and pinched his temple. "I'll get you your cheese."

"You're the best, Adrien. Nobody feeds me like you."

After his kwami left him alone, he looked at the time. He hopped out of the bathroom and slipped on his shoes before grabbing the blue box and skittering down the hall. Because he was running so fast, he nearly trampled Aria.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, M. Adrien!" She cried out, covering her mouth in horror. Adrien shook his head rapidly.

"Not your fault! Not your fault! My bad." He apologized. Aria brushed herself off and offered him a sympathetic look. He turned to make his way downstairs, but she stopped him.

"M. Adrien!" She called. He turned to face her.


"Do you mind checking if Mlle - I mean, Marinette is up? Nathalie wanted me to do it, but I totally forgot." She shuffled her feet nervously. Adrien gave her a smile and nodded.

As he approached the room next to his, he put his ear to the door to see if he could hear anything. Slowly, he knocked a few times. When there was no answer, he opened to peek inside. He chuckled at the sight of Marinette asleep on her desk. He walked over and looked at what she was working it. It appeared she'd been doing things and grew tired. Her clothes were still scattered on the floor, and her sketchpad had a few designs she'd been working on. The one on the front page was a hoodie with cat ears, on the front, a Chat Noir logo. He smiled and flipped the page to a ladybug inspired hoodie that looked practically the same. The sleeping girl sighed in her sleep, and he flinched, feeling guilty for invading her privacy. He flipped the sketchpad back to how it as and leaned down to shake her awake. Adrien couldn't help but stare for a second. She was quite peaceful asleep. Her eyes were puffy, and it looked like she'd been under a lot of stress the night before. He remembered the rumors and sighed. That's all she must have been thinking about.

Adrien rested his arm on Marinette's shoulder and shook her awake.

"Marinette?" He chirped. She groaned in her sleep.

"5 more minutes..."

"We were supposed to be downstairs 5 minutes ago, prince-" He stopped himself before making that big mistake. He was Adrien, not Chat Noir. Only Chat Noir called Marinette princess. If he did, it would just be super awkward. Marinette didn't seem to notice, and she stirred before flicking her eyes open. When she saw who was in front of her, she flinched backward and toppled right of the chair.

"Marinette!" Adrien called, kneeling down and holding her up.

"Jesus, are you okay?"

Marinette's face flushed and she stuttered for words.


Adrien shook his head and offered a hand. She stood up using him for balance.

"I am so sorry!" She whispered. He shook his head and steadied her.

"You're fine. But we have to go soon, for my photoshoot. Remember?" He asked, looking at her with his bright green eyes. She shook her head quickly.

"Y-Yes! I'm so sorry... Oh god, I'm so late... Ugh, I'm an id- I fell asleep on my desk?" She asked, staring at it wide-eyed.

"You were probably tired."

"Okay shit.. Sorry so sorry, Adrien." She pleaded. The blonde boy groaned.

"Stop apologizing, Marinette."

"Sorry- I mean.. okay.." She ran over and picked up a change of clothes. Still, Adrien stood there.

"Uh-" She stared at him, her clothes in her hand.

"Oh- sorry! Right, um... I'll see you downstairs!" He blurted, backing out of the room and closing the door. Marinette let out a struggled breath and slouched forward. Immediately, Tikki came out from under her new bed.

"Marinette! That was-"

The little kwami thought if she should tell Marinette what she'd witnessed. Adrien looking at her designs and watching her sleep might distract her desperate owner. But, if the roles were reversed, Tikki would want to know.

"You should have seen it. He was looking at your designs in awe- and, and... And he smiled while you were sleeping. It was so cute, Marinette!"

Marinette snorted. "He what?" She sang.

"He did!"

"He did?"


Marinette looked at her kwami and took a deep breath.

"No way! I am not getting distracted today!" She took off her shirt and put on a new one before taking a peek at her phone. Instantly, she regretted it. Her social media was filled with comments about her sex life. Not to mention, the rumors. People were saying they saw Marinette do something suspicious, others were doubting it. She scrolled through her twitter feed and noticed Alya and Nino sticking up for her. Even Rose did. Marinette didn't care about what others were saying. She cared about how this was going to look to people she wanted to make a good impression on.

What about Juleka?

The girl came to mind, and Marinette scrunched up her face. It was early Saturday morning, and she debated whether or not to give her friend a call. She seriously didn't want her thinking that she was sleeping with her brother.

Before she could make the decision, the phone rang, and Alya's face popped on the screen.

"Hello?" Marinette croaked.

"Hey, Mari!" Alya chirped. Although, the sympathy and guilt could still be heard in Alya's happy voice.

"What's up?"

"Just checking with you. How's it like sleeping in the Agreste mansion? You will tell me later."

Marinette lit up a little. "It's really amusing. I will catch you up for sure. But I need to go because part of the deal was that I'd assist Adrien at his photoshoots."

"Right, right. Well, you will call me back, right?"

"How about I text you and call you tonight?"

"Deal." Alya agreed.

"Okay.. um, and Alya?"

"Yes, hun?"

"Can you.. do something for me?"

"Anything." She said, with a severe tone.

"Text Juleka and see if... she's okay."

It was silent for a moment.

"Why won't you do it? Do you think she really would care about Luka's sex life?"

"No... But there's something else."

"What is it?"

Marinette sighed. She was about to explain when footsteps were heard outside the door. A faint voice called out for her.

"Hey... Marinette? My father wants me to leave soon." Adrien said. Alya squealed into the phone and Marinette had to pull it away to salvage her eardrums.

"Ah- Okay! Just... one minute." She pulled off her pants and put on the skirt she was holding. She put the phone back to her ear.

"I gotta go. I'll text you, okay?"

"Okay, love you!"

"Love you too."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

After breakfast, the 4 of them, Adrien, Marinette, Nathalie, and Gorilla piled into the black car. As Gorilla, or Adrien's bodyguard, pulled out into the streets of Paris, Adrien turned to his blue-haired friend. She flashed him a sweet smile.

"Can you tie this into a bowtie for me?"

He motioned to the tie that was still not tied around his neck.

"Oh. Yes of course!" She said with glee. Her fingers traced the red fabric as she worked to tie it correctly. As her fingers brushed along Adrien's collarbone, she couldn't help but blush. There was something about this boy that had always made her feel this way - and there was a point where she couldn't go near him without nearly passing out. Now, sitting in the same car as him, living in the same house as him, tieing his tie around his neck. They were close enough to feel each other's breath. Marinette couldn't help but wonder if it was fate.

He thanked her when she finished, and she immediately pulled out her phone to text Alya. Unsurprisingly, she'd already received a text from her.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

9~22~18 [8:57 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : Ok, now can u spill ?

9~22~18 [9:03 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : Spill what?

9~22~18 [9:04 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : Why r u so upset about what juleka thinks?

9~22~18 [9:04 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : its just that, i guess when i'd go visit their boat, i would always be there to see Luka, and not her

9~22~18 [9:04 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : wait whaaa I didn't even know you visited Luka, i thought you said you weren't into him

9~22~18 [9:04 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : I'm not

9~22~18 [9:04 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : u sure ?

9~22~18 [9:04 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : Alyaaa!!

9~22~18 [9:04 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : Lol sorry

9~22~18 [9:05 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : not like that... i never told you but when i went to visit him to give him that sweater i made him a few weeks ago, he tried to kiss me !

9~22~18 [9:07 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : WHAT

9~22~18 [9:07 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : yeah and i pulled away and told him i couldn't

9~22~18 [9:08 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : wait so do you think that maybe someone SAW that

9~22~18 [9:10 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : alya... i think that maybe JULEKA saw it

9~22~18 [9:10 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : OMGGGGG

9~22~18 [9:10 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ :

9~22~18 [9:11 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : you think juleka started the rumors????

9~22~18 [9:11 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : idkkk... i dont wanna say that because she's my friend

9~22~18 [9:11 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : GIRL omfg. what if SHE DID? but like, why? why does she care what luka does lmfao

9~22~18 [9:12 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : im thinking maybe there's something else there. but idk what.

9~22~18 [9:12 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : ideas ?

9~22~18 [9:12 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : maybe it's not that she cares what he does but what i do . think about it

9~22~18 [9:12 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : i mean if you fucked one of my siblings behind my back i'd get mad

9~22~18 [9:12 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : BUT I DIDNT

9~22~18 [9:12 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : I know i know! maybe she just thinks that . want me to talk to her?

9~22~18 [9:13 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : ... i mean i guess. see if she thinks they are right or sum

9~22~18 [9:13 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : i can do that.

9~22~18 [9:13 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : you're the best you know that?

9~22~18 [9:13 AM] ♥ Alya ツ : duh.

9~22~18 [9:14 AM] ❥ Mari ❀ : i love you talk to you soon.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Marinette put her phone in her pocket and leaned her head back on the seat. Adrien eyed her dubiously but decided not to say anything.

When they finally arrived for Adrien's photoshoot, he was stunned to see that they were at an entirely different building than usual. Not to mention, one he'd never been to before. Quickly, he asked Nathalie the burning question.

"Nathalie, do you know anything about this strange photoshoot?"

The tall woman unbuckled her seatbelt and looked at him through the rearview mirror.

"Your father has arranged for you to be photographed with other people. He thinks it's good exposure for you."

With no other comment, both she and Gorilla exited the car. Adrien looked at Marinette bewildered, who gave him a silent shrug.

Entering the building, it was quite astonishing to Adrien. It had to be one of the fanciest places he'd been too. On the outside, it was an ugly white building, but on the inside, it was silver and gold. Marinette even gasped when they set foot inside. There were a few people seated on some fancy red velvet couches who stood up immediately.

"Hello, hello! M, Adrien Agreste, is that you?" A man with a beard walked up and pulled him into a hug. Adrien laughed and hugged the man back. Marinette assumed he was a family member by the way he hugged him.

"Um... And you are?"

Marinette bit back a giggle.

"Oh, so sorry. My apologies." He bowed his head. "My name is Francis Harold. I am one of Paris' famous new talent agents."

"Talent agent?" He and Marinette asked at the same time. They exchanged looks but Nathalie pulled Marinette back.

"Yes, yes! Your father and I have been in contact for quite some time. We are looking for a... let's say... partnership with your father, Gabriel Agreste."

"What.. does that mean?" Adrien asked cluelessly.

"It means you'll be working for us part time! And we'll offer you many more opportunities, including modeling and acting gigs."

"Acting?" He asked, looking at Nathalie. She gave him a nod and stared straight back at the cheerful man.

"Yes yes! You'll have so much fun! We're looking for the new face of Paris! And that seems to be you, don't you think?"

"I... well... I..." The model trailed off trying to think of something wise to say, but nothing came to mind. His only manager had ever been father and Nathalie, but now this man is in front of him claiming to have teamed up with his father to make him a better model? And an ACTOR?

What the fuck-

"So what do you say? Are you willing to be our go-to model?"

Adrien blinked. Before he could respond, Nathalie butted in, in almost a rude manner.

"Either way, M. Adrien, you have to. Your father has already signed the papers." Marinette scoffed from behind Adrien and received a glare from Nathalie in return. She smiled innocently and looked away, admiring the room she was in.

"I.. guess I have no choice then."

It was silent for a moment before the man bellowed out a cheer.

"Great! Let's get started! I see you're wearing your tuxedo? Great!" He put his arm around Adrien and led him to a room. Marinette stood there for a second, unaware of what to do. Nathalie turned to face her.

"Alright, Mlle. Marinette." She motioned for someone sitting on the couches. "This here is..."

"Genevieve." The woman nodded. "I've heard a lot about you. I also hear you want to be Gabriel's intern?"

"Uh.. yeah."

"Well, even though you aren't his intern, yet..." She winked, "We do need help here at the studio. I see that you are required to attend all photoshoots with Adrien so you wouldn't mind helping us out? With assisting me, you'll be helping him as well."

Marinette thought that over. She couldn't say no, obviously. But she did have the choice to be optimistic about it. She shook her head.

"That.. sounds great. What do I need to do?"

"Well, for now, let's head back with him and help direct where everyone needs to go. How's that sound?"

The woman wasn't too tall, but she had a bun on the top of her head that made her appear taller. She wore a yellow dress that made her stand out and a bright smile that ignited a spark in Marinette's heart. Already, she knew that this woman was going to be a great person to be around.

"That sounds awesome. May I ask... what's your job?"

She nodded with a smile. "I'm Francis' assistant. I also work for his company. We go way back, me being his niece and all."

"Oh, really?"

The two of them made their way towards the room, leaving Nathalie and Gorilla behind.

"Yes, ma'am!"

"And how old are you?" Marinette asked respectfully.

"I'm 20."

"Wow... really?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"I.. that's awesome. I'd love to work like this at that age. Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Mlle. Dupain-Ch-"

"Please, call me Marinette."

"I see. You don't like that either, do you?"

"I hate it when I'm referred to by my last name. Not that I don't love my last name, it's just that... I'm not just a Dupain-Cheng. I'm MARINETTE. Besides, it's a bit too fancy for my taste."

"Well, fancy has a whole new meaning here." Genevieve laughed, "So get ready for quite the ride."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

A/N: Hey dreamers! Ahh! I can't believe I wrote two chapters at 5 in the morning cause I can't sleep. What did you think? Did you like the text format? That took me literally forever. A LOT of copy and pasting. I'm excited about this since I'm adding my own flair to this book, like adding new characters and new scenes. That way, it's unique, right? Thanks so much for reading, like literally, I got 19 views in 3 minutes on my last chapter. See you soon!

Song Choice: Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
Marinette's needs to be stronger while she gets through this stressful time. Rumors don't kill.

Word Count: 3317

Bug Out!

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