Chapter 16- Faces Of The Company

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As Genevieve led Marinette down the hall, the curious girl couldn't help but continue to admire the scenery. It was evident that whoever owned this building was of rich background. Pictures lined the walls, many of familiar models and actors. When the woman finally stopped at a room at the end of the hall, Marinette had almost ran into her because of how distracted she was.

"Okay, Marinette. This room here is one of our many dressing rooms in the facility. Inside are some other models that we should help out."

"What do we need to do?"

"Make sure they have the correct outfits, hairstyles, and makeup and take them where they need to go."

"That's all we do?"

"Oh no, there's more," Genevieve grinned, "But for now, that's our job."

Marinette nodded and walked through the now open door. It looked like a dressing room from the movies - racks of fancy clothing laid in rows to the left of the room. There were individual changing rooms and vanities with lights to do makeup. Inside the room were three models, all pretty girls looking the part.

"Hello, girls." Genevieve greeted professionally.

"Hey Gen!" One of the girls chirped. She had long black hair that fell to her waist and heavily applied makeup to match her navy blue dress.

"Who's that?" The girl beside her asked. She wore the same dress but had her blonde hair styled differently, in a bun on top of her head.

"This is Marinette Dupain-Cheng." Genevieve introduced Marinette, and she waved her hand shyly.


The last girl in the room stood up from the vanity and pushed her way between the two other girls in blue dresses. She looked Marinette up and down.

Holy crap, these three girls could be the Plastics from Mean Girls.

"Oh.. I've heard about you." She smirked.

Marinette's heart skipped a beat.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Don't worry. I'm sure we aren't possibly stupid enough to believe those cliché rumors." She waved her hand sassily and pulled her hair to the side.

Marinette let out a sigh of relief and thought for a second. These girls couldn't possibly be like the Plastics if they were nice, right?

"I'm Brielle." She smiled to show her white teeth and shook Marinette's hand.

"Nice to meet you.." Marinette whispered, her face red from embarrassment of the subject being brought up.

"And I'm Jasmine-" The black haired girl greeted Marinette with a giant hug and kiss on the cheek.

Brielle and Jasmine turned to the blonde girl who stood with her legs crossed. She chewed on her bottom lip and looked away.

"And that's Samantha. She's just... shy."

"Nice to meet you as well." Marinette smiled, attempting to make the girl comfortable.


Genevieve cleared her throat. "Glad that you guys have all met. Marinette, these girls are our best models and could practically be the faces of Francis' company."

"Wait, I thought Francis was just a talent agent?" Marinette asked, confused.

"Oh, he is indeed. He also owns this building and runs the agency."

"Alright." Marinette raised an eyebrow suspiciously. Surely he was new to Paris like he expressed, considering that there were many things about this building that seemed brand new. Marinette was sure that within a few months, the outside of the building would be just as fancy as the inside.

"Anyways, don't we have a job to do?" Marinette asked, bringing Genevieve back to what she was saying before.

"Right. Well, Jasmine, Samantha, you'll be modeling at the east side of the building with Hailey. You already know the formal setting. Marinette, I'll take care of getting them ready, why don't you help Brielle?"

"Okay, can I see...?" Marinette pointed to Genevieve's clipboard. The woman happily pulled off the sheet explaining Brielle's gig and flashed Marinette a hopeful smile.

"Good luck. See you later Brielle."

"By Genny!" Brielle chirped. The three girls left the room as Genevieve instructed Samantha to let her hair down.

"Okay so...."

"So, you live with Adrien Agreste now?"

Marinette blinked. "What?"

"Of course I know you live with him... do you even have social media?" She scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. The stance that she was in, definitely didn't suit the pretty pink silk dress she wore. Marinette faked a smile and nodded her head.

"Yes, that is true."

"And are you Gabriel's intern?"

"No." Marinette snapped, frustrated with the gorgeous girl for asking so many questions that for some reason had a lot of similarity to the rumors that were going around about her.

"Good, I wanted to make sure I still had a chance."

"You're a fashion designer?" Marinette asked softly, nerves kicking in. If she was, how could Gabriel say no to a model who can design her clothes?

"No, I pay for my clothes like normal people,"

Marinette pursed her lips.

"But you do know that Gabriel isn't just looking for an intern that can do fashion design."

"What do you mean? He's a fashion designer, so wouldn't he be looking for a designer intern?"

"He'd accept models too."

"You mean like a fashion designer and model?"

"Who knows." Brielle peered at her nails before turning to look in the mirror. She fixed her pretty red curls. There was something about her that struck Marinette as suspicious, but she tried her best to ignore it, not wanting to jump to conclusions.

"Okay... well, I wish you luck as well."

"Don't think he's gonna choose you just 'cause you slept with his son, and you're living with them now."

The bluenette dropped the paper in her hands, and it went fluttering to the side. Marinette dove to catch it and tripped over her shoe. Luckily, she regained her balance, only to look at the girl's expression in shock.

Maybe I assumed too soon... because this girl is acting just like Regina George.

Confusion struck when Brielle laughed. "Oh, I'm just kidding,"

Marinette relaxed a little but didn't let her guard down.

Still Regina?

"Okay..." She whispered.

"But do you and Adrien have anything going on? Are you a thing?"

She turned to face Marinette, whose face lit up immediately. She scrambled for the right words.

"Uh n-no, we're just f-friends..." She shook her head frantically. Brielle smiled.

"Oh, of course. I guess he must only be into models." She shrugged before heading to the door.

"Alright boss, ready to take me where I need to go? You can do that right?" Condescension dripped from Brielle's words.

Marinette still stood there, the paper clutched between her hands angrily.

"Yes. I can."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

By the time they reached the correct room, Genevieve had caught up to them. She seemed to be out of breath from jogging down the hall.

"Man, this place is huge." Marinette sang as the woman halted to a stop.

"Yes. Did you get to the right room?"

"I think so. It's the first one, right? The one by the entrance?" Marinette said doubtfully.

"That's right. See! You're getting the hang of this."

Marinette smiled, appreciating Genevieve's words of encouragement.

"Thanks, Marinette." Brielle flashed a fake smile and strutted into the room, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Marinette looked to Genevieve for directions, but the woman just motioned to go inside as well. As soon as they walked in, Marinette caught sight of Adrien in front of the cameras. The set had a small white bench with a green screen, and a few different backdrops lined up to the side. Pots of flowers, such as daisies and tulips, sat around the area. Genevieve snapped Marinette out of her thoughts as she walked over to her boss, Francis.

"Okay, Uncle Francis, I have-"

"What did I say about calling me that? I am not your uncle when we're working." Francis bellowed. Genevieve looked taken aback for a second but quickly brushed it off.

"Right, yes sir."

"Let me see Adrien's form."

"Um, sir, you need permission from his manager to view the forms-"

"I'm his new manager and talent agent, I'm sure I have plenty of authority to do so -" He snatched the clipboard from Genevieve, who in turn, gasped. He skimmed the pages, his knuckles turning white from clutching the board so hard.

"This is good; it looks as if Adrien can do what I've been expecting him too."

Marinette was curious as to what the forms said, but decided not to overthink it.

"Right, sir. Well, after this, the photographers wanted him to do the bad boy look and give Brielle Evans the same-"

"We'll see. You've done enough. And where's my coffee?"

"Sir, you never asked-"

"Well, I'm asking now."

"Okay, thank you, sir." Genevieve turned away, clearly distressed. Marinette looked down to avoid staring at the man. He was so fake! All happy, cheery, friendly-like in the beginning, yet so rude to his own niece, who he wouldn't even call family!

Genevieve walked out of the room, Marinette not far behind.

"Gen, wait!" She called, catching up to her.


The woman had tears in her eyes, and her hands were shaky enough to notice from her inconspicuous glance. Marinette reached out for her and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the side and lowered her voice to a whisper.

"Does he always talk to you like that?"

Genevieve looked away for a second, seemingly making sure that the man wasn't near. "Yes."

Marinette hesitated for a second, suddenly thinking of how Audrey Bourgeious treated Chloe. Although, this was nothing like that, and Gen was nothing like Chloe Bourgeois.

"Why do you let him treat you like that?"

"It's not really... my say..."

"But you need to stand up for yourself."

"He's my boss," Genevieve argued.

"Yes, but he's also your family!"

With that, Genevieve lifted her hand to wipe a fallen tear. She took a deep breath before responding.

"There is no family in business." She turned to walk out, Marinette calling after her.

"Where are you going?"

"To get his coffee."

A few seconds later, one of the photographers called out.

"Alright, let's begin! Brielle, Adrien, sit on the bench here and look this way, then at each other."

Marinette turned to watch the photographer give directions. Her eyes drifted to Adrien as she backed up to lean against the wall. His hair shone in the spotlight, lighting up the rest of his face. For a second, Marinette was sure he had glanced over at her, but he seemed so focused on Brielle that Marinette couldn't tell. When they turned to look at each other, Brielle bit her lip in a seductive matter.

Marinette blushed bright red at the model's forwardness.

"She's totally flirting with Adrien!" She whispered.

It was almost painfully obvious. When they were directed to hold onto each other, her hands almost immediately went to his thighs, his arm awkwardly draped over her shoulders. There was no chemistry whatsoever. Or maybe she couldn't tell. Still, Marinette visibly cringed and turned away.

I can't watch this.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

"Please stand."

They stood and posed again. Adrien was uncomfortable when Brielle pressed herself up against him, but he knew he couldn't say anything, so he tried his best to focus on something else. His gaze drifted over to Marinette, who stood in the corner, eyes clenched shut and looking away. Even in the shadows, her hair still reflected blue from the light that shone on him. She seemed quite fashionable in her outfit, and he thought of how much she wanted to be his father's intern.

Maybe I should talk to my father about that.

His heart dropped.

Maybe I should talk to her about the rumors... Or talk to someone about it... there's got to be more to this story.

It was true, Adrien didn't know much about them. He didn't want to care, but everyone else seemed to, so he couldn't help it. After he finished modeling, he desired to pull his friend into a hug and tell her that it would all go away soon. The way she sobbed the day it happened, or how her eyes were still red from crying last night... There must have been so much going on through her head right now.

He was knocked out of his thoughts when the photographer spoke once again.

"Face each other and look longingly into each other's eyes- show the romance! Formal love!"

He did as told, and turned to look at the redhead and smiled at her. She smiled back, her eyelids fluttering to look up at him. Slowly, she leaned in.

Wait! HOLD UP!

"And that's final."

Adrien tore away from the girl and offered her a grin.

"Uh, thanks..."

"No problem." She whispered, still standing close to him. He stepped back and awkwardly waved.

"I'll go... get ready for the next shoot..."

"Can't wait."

"Thank you, M. Adrien! Mlle. Brielle! Please go change into your swimsuits and move on to room 35C for the next set of photos."

Crap. Swimsuits. Shirtless.

"Can't wait. It's a pretty hot bikini." Brielle said out loud, to nobody in particular. Adrien cringed and started walking towards the door. That's when he noticed that Marinette was no longer standing there.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Marinette made her way to the dressing room she'd first set foot into, practically dragging her feet behind her. She slumped forward and knocked on the door, hoping nobody was inside. When there was no response, she opened the door and shut it behind her. Shortly after, Tikki came out of the purse; her eyes squinted as if she had just woken up.

"Did I wake you?"

"Oh, Marinette. You're always so kind and thoughtful! But no, I've been up for a while. I heard a lot."

"Oh." Marinette walked over and sat in front of one of the vanities as Tikki floated above her.

"Wow, this place is beautiful!" She sang, her voice more high-pitched then usual.

"I know." Marinette forced a smile, but it didn't fool Tikki.

"What's wrong?"

Marinette didn't respond, but leaned her chin down on the desk and stared at her reflection.

"That was a silly question. I know what's wrong." Tikki sat down on the white surface and sadly looked up at her owner.

"I'm sure Adrien didn't feel the same way as that selfish girl."

"But did you hear the things she said?"

Tikki hesitated. "Some of them."

"She's... scary."

"No, she's not!" Tikki flew up and pushed herself in Marinette's face. "You're Ladybug! You're strong! Cheer up!"

"I'm... trying."

Tikki's expression dropped. "No your not."

Marinette groaned and banged her head on the vanity, letting out a whiny groan. Tikki bit back a giggle.

"You're funny, but relax. Who's the one living with him?"

Marinette understood what Tikki was trying to express, but did not agree with her. Just because she lived with him didn't mean that Adrien was automatically going to develop feelings for her. She missed her parents more than anything, and they most likely had already flown out. She quickly pulled out her phone and sent a few texts, one to her mom to say she was thinking of her and dad, one to Alya to tell her about Brielle, and one to Nino to ask him if he thinks Adrien likes girls who model more then normal girls. Nino suspiciously asked why in an instant reply, and Marinette quickly changed her mind, saying she was asking because he had said something earlier about not caring. The door behind her opened, and Tikki dove into Marinette's pocket, not quite making it into her purse.

"Marinette?" A voice rung out, and the bluenette quickly turned around and raised an eyebrow. Brielle stood there with a cheery look on her face.

Oh no. What happened in there?

"Oh... hey..."

They may not have been friends, but Marinette knew how to pretend. She would get answers out of this girl if she needed too.

"So how'd it go?"

"Oh, amazing. But the stupid photographer ruined a moment between us."

"A moment?" Marinette's voice cracked, and she coughed to cover it up.

"Yes, he leaned in..." She sighed dreamily and practically skipped over to the racks, looking through for her next outfit.

"He did?!" Marinette gasped, standing up.

"Yes. Now..." She pulled out a swimsuit that made Marinette's eyes widen.

It had to be the skimpiest swimsuit she'd ever seen.

The strings were as thin as pipe cleaners and the top barely looked as if it would cover her boobs adequately. Brielle didn't seem bothered, yet seemed happy of the outfit choice.

"You're going to wear that?!"

"Yes, of course."

Marinette remembered the paper she had stuck in her purse and quickly pulled it out, unfolding it as Brielle continued to admire the bathing suit.

"It says that your swimsuit is to be green, not blue."

"Yeah, I brought my own." She smirked at the obvious.

Marinette knew how girls like this worked.

She knew she'd be modeling with someone of the opposite gender, so she brought the most revealing swimsuit she could find to replace the one that was bought for her.

Her heart pounded as she remembered Gabriel Agreste's words, If you ever slack off, I will send you to America to live with your parents. If she let Brielle wear her own swim suit and Francis told Gabriel...her days as Ladybug would be over!

"But, you're not supposed to-"

"Relax. When I come out there, I'm sure that even the photographers will be drooling over me. They'd totally let me keep this one on." She flipped her hair and tied it up as she made her way into the changing room. She drew the curtain closed, with a smirk. Tikki dove out to get in the purse.

Marinette sighed and squeezed her eyes shut to keep herself from crying out in frustration.

Tikki tensed.

"Marinette!" She whispered. Her owner looked over at the curtain to make sure Brielle wasn't finished yet. Of course, she wasn't, Marinette wished her silent luck in tying that swimsuit on her own.

"Tikki! Stay low!"

"Wait-" Tikki avoided Marinette's motioning hand and continued to speak.


"What is it?" Marinette stared down at her red kwami who didn't seem able to speak.

"I sense something."


"A-Akuma!" The bug stuttered.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

A/N: Hello dreamers! Winter break is unfortunately officially over! It's been back at school for a week. So sorry for not updating quick enough. Initially, this chapter and the one I'm writing after it was supposed to be one, but this exceeded the length of 3000 words. So what do you think? I know putting the Plastics reference in here might be a bit overused, but you know... Thoughts, comments, please tell me! And keep those reads and votes coming! I'm over 5k views!

Song Choice: She Wolf (Falling to Pieces) by David Guetta (feat. Sia)
In this chapter, Marinette is upset because Brielle gets to model with Adrien, and she's slightly afraid that he will fall for her.

Word Count: 3179

Bug Out!

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