Chapter 17- The Wrong Bikini

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"Where!?" Marinette exclaimed. Tikki opened her mouth to answer but was cut off. It would have been rudely, but it wasn't because Brielle didn't even know Tikki existed.

"Where what?" Brielle asked from inside the changing room.

"Uh, nothing! I was just looking for something."

"What were you looking for?"

"Just a... um, a swimsuit."

"What for?"

"For the shoot."

"I'm wearing this one."

"Yeah, but I'm looking for a different one."

"What is it?"

Marinette gritted her teeth.

"Don't be nosy." She snapped, immediately regretting it after the words had left her mouth.

"Cut the attitude." Brielle shot back, surprised.

Tikki stared up at her owner as she thought of whether to apologize or not. Of course, kindness took over, and she let out a defeated sigh.

"I'm sorry, I'm just stressed."

"No biggie." Brielle responded blandly.

Marinette took a few steps back towards the vanity and lowered her voice to a whisper, bringing her face down towards Tikki. The red kwami shook her head in distraught.

"You need to calm down!"

"What do you mean? I'm calm, Tikki! Calm!"

"If I can sense an akuma nearby, that usually means it's coming after someone with a lot of emotions right now."

"It can't be coming after me, could it?"

"Well, you feel better right?" Tikki offered her owner a silly smile and received one in return.

"I mean, yeah... so who could it be going after?"

In the next moment or so, Marinette let out a gasp and buried her face in her hands. Her kwami started to reassure her, unaware of what was going on.


She was so upset after her uncle treated her that way in front of everyone. And on one of the first days, she was working for him. Instantly, Tikki locked eyes with Marinette, who asked a question.

"Is it still there? Can you still feel it?"

"Yes, very strongly."

"But... But... if my negative emotions went away then someone else is going to get akumatized!"

It felt like weeks since the last time someone was akumatized, so the feelings going through Marinette were mixed. She was excited to see Chat again no doubt, but for some reason the situation she was in made it seem like a bad idea to leave and transform. Marinette quickly told Tikki who must be in trouble.

"Are you sure?" The kwami whispered, wincing at the sudden singing that came from the changing room. The girl was about to come out any second, and they had a drastic matter to attend to!

"Don't worry, Tikki. I'll figure it out."

Marinette smiled at her kwami, who dove to hug her holder's cheek. She sank back into the purse, leaving Marinette nearly alone with Brielle, who was going to come out practically naked.

"Dammit. I can't tie this."

Brielle came out from the changing room, causing Marinette to avert her eyes. It was a pretty nasty sight, of course, all the men in the room she was about to go in probably wouldn't think so. The redhead flashed a smile and spun around, her butt jiggling.

"That... That's something else." Marinette bit her lip to keep from laughing.

Why did she want to laugh?

Maybe it was because it was absolutely ridiculous of Brielle to think it's appropriate for her to go out in public like this. The bikini was obviously made for pornstars.

"Help me tie it." She commanded, sending a shiver down Marinette's spine. Something told her that she didn't want to mess with this girl, someone who had a commanding presence such as her.

She traced her fingers along her back to find the string, which was so small it almost blended in with her skin. She took it between her fingers and awkwardly began to work it into a knot. When she was done, it became clear to Marinette that this was obviously the skimpiest bikini to ever make it to Paris. Thank god it wasn't summertime, or it would be pretty tough going to the beach. She was sure that if Brielle wore a bikini like this, the other models apart of Francis' agency would be wearing similar looks.

"Thanks." She said, turning to look at herself in the mirror. She reached up to fix her highlighter and did a sexy pose in the mirror, which made Marinette grimace.

"Okay... well... I'll bring this just in case-"

Marinette picked up the bikini that was supposed to be worn in the shoot and made her way to the door. "Ready?"

"Of course," Brielle said mischievously, walking out the door that was now open to her. On the way out, she 'accidentally' stepped on Marinette's foot. It didn't hurt much since she was barefoot, but it definitely was a petty and completely unnecessary thing to do. The dark-haired girl decided not to say anything as they made their way towards the new set. While they walked, Tikki popped out of the purse stealthily.

"Psst- Marinette!"

Marinette looked down and met Tikki's big eyes.

"Did you investigate?"

"Right! I will now." She whispered back, ushering Tikki back into the bag. As they reached the door, Marinette turned on her heels.

"You go on ahead; I have to run... and check on something."

Brielle blinked and pursed her lips, showing a slight smile. "Whatever you say,"

She walked through the doorway, only stopping to pop her head through once more.

"Take your time." She hissed.

Marinette let out a breath of frustration and started heading down the hallway, in search of her boss, Genevieve.

Well... boss.... right?

She reached the end of the corridor where the other two girls, Jasmine and Samantha, were being photographed. They seemed like they were enjoying themselves and were still in the same outfits as before. Marinette made her way inside, looking around for Genevieve. The brunette stood in the corner, staring at the models, then back at one of the cameramen. He had a smile on his face as he took the pictures. Of course, Marinette noticed the blush on Genevieve's cheeks.

"Gen!" She exclaimed, rushing over.

"There you are, feeling better?"

Her heart raced as she awaited her answer. Genevieve's face lit up, and she nodded, allowing Marinette to take a breather.

"Yes. I am." She grinned, still staring at the man. He was an attractive looking guy but seemed much older than Genevieve. Cautiously, Marinette brought up the topic.

"See something you like?" She taunted.

Genevieve got flustered and turned her attention back to the models, who were now in some cutesy pose.


"You sure?" Marinette leaned forward to try and make Genevieve look at her. But the woman refused.

"Oh come on, you can tell me! We're supposed to be buds now, right?"

Buds? I really am lame...

"Something like that." Genevieve looked down at her feet as she lifted her clipboard to hug it to her chest.

"Tell me, what's his name?"


"Cute name. Do you know him?"

"Well... we go to college together."

"Oh?" Marinette snuck a peek at the man who now bellowed out a laugh to one of his colleagues.

"Yes. He's majoring in photography. I'm going for... a more... fashion directed career."

"A photographer is fashion. Right?"

"Well... yes.. should I go for a photographer instead? I'd get to be with him more often-"

"Gen, don't be ridiculous," Marinette giggled, "Don't ever change something for a guy. I don't mean to be rude, but does he even know who you are?"


"Does he know you are staring at him 24/7?"

"I don't stare at him 24/7..." Genevieve pouted, hiding the blush that once again returned to her cheeks. Marinette playfully punched her on the arm. She checked to make sure it wasn't too weird or awkward since they'd just met that day and Gen was practically her boss.

"Alright, alright. Tell me about him?"

Genevieve sighed dreamily. "He's really popular. One of the best photographers here in Paris... his name is well-known. But he has a kind heart... a mysterious side to him. He had strict family and friends, so he wasn't allowed out very often unless it was for a gig. When he went to college, he got a little more freedom," She paused.

"I met him freshman year of high school. We went to a different school then you go too now. We didn't talk much until one day, I fell at soccer practice, and he reached down to help me up. I was too flustered to say anything. I always thought he was a wannabe... but..." She bit back a laugh.

"He wasn't. He was so much more about that. Now we have a ton of classes together in college... only a few main ones actually, but... we talk sometimes. I get shy though, and it's hard for me to continue a conversation for long. The way he looks at me makes me wonder if he likes me too..."

The story was going on for so long, Marinette hadn't noticed that Tikki was trying to get her attention. She peered down as Genevieve continued. Her kwami gave her a shake of the head. Slowly, she mouthed, "I can't sense it anymore."

But wasn't that a good thing?

Genevieve cleared her throat, "We're good friends though, I think. But I'm pretty sure that's all we ever will be."

Marinette gave her a sympathetic smile before realizing something.

"This sounds like a relationship I have with someone. Very similar."

"Really?" Her eyes widened, "What do you do around him?"

"I try to be myself... After a while, it comes like second nature to me."

"Maybe I should try that."

"But also... try and talk to him. You guys do go to college together, so it shouldn't be too awkward."

"Right.. tons of stuff to talk about that's college-related, right?"

Marinette nodded, thinking for a second about what would happen when she went to college.

"Thank you, Marinette."

She shot her a smile. "You're welcome." It was quiet for a moment as the cameraman shouted for a break.

"Anyways, I think I'm finished in here for right now. Let's go check on your friend's shoot, why don't we?"

Marinette nodded and moved out of the way so Genevieve could lead. Together, they made their way down the hall, feeling a little closer then they did before.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

Inside the room, Marinette came face to face with Adrien, who was preparing for the next shoot. There was only one word that came to mind when she saw him in his swimsuit.


Holy shit, did this boy have abs!

How can a model stay that fit all the time? Maybe had a secret workout routine he was willing to share.

Quickly, Marinette tore her eyes away from the boy's body and walked over to take a seat with Genevieve, who began to converse with one of the staff. Awkwardly, she sat up in the chair as she watched Adrien shuffle his feet awkwardly out onto the set. He sat down on the floor, due to the instructions, and stared at something behind Marinette.

Wait is he looking at me?

Her face flushed and she looked behind her but saw nothing, so instead, she gave him a small wave. He grinned and waved back, just in time for Brielle to make her way to the set. She was definitely wearing the same suit, but her hair was done differently, and even from a distance, her eye makeup could be seen that it was put on heavy. She grabbed something from off one of the tables and made her way next to Adrien. She slipped on a pair of sunglasses and sat down, almost on Adrien's lap, who moved away sheepishly. She smiled at the photographer as his mouth dropped in awe. Marinette couldn't tell if he was liking what he was seeing (pervert), or if he was surprised to see her not following directions.

Marinette noticed a few uncomfortable looks from around the area, so she stood up bravely.

They may have been people checking her out, but I certainly hope not. This girl is 16...

She cleared her throat, and a few eyes fell on her, including Adrien's.

"I have the swimsuit that she was supposed to wear." She put emphasis on the word and handed it to the person behind the camera, who stared at it in confusion. Quickly, she realized that guy was just for lights and snatched it back from him, before taking it to the right person. She giggled shyly and turned back around, feeling the burn from Brielle's eyes into the skin on the nape of her neck. Instead of commenting on it, the photographer merely put the swimsuit on his chair and stared into the camera. He opened his mouth to speak, dry words escaping him like sandpaper.

"Um. Move to the left, Brielle, please."

She moved in closer, wrapping her arm around Adrien and placing her hand on his thigh. Immediately, he tensed, his eyes widening at the sight of her hand so close to... you know. Marinette was feeling the pure rage building up inside her. It wasn't just jealousy this time; this was sympathy for the way Adrien felt! She could tell he was uncomfortable, but she also knew that he would not dare speak up in a situation like this. What was she supposed to do?

A few pictures were taken, divine and straightforward. That is until they were supposed to stand.

"I want to see pure romance!" The photographer croaked, looking into the lens. Adrien tensed while Brielle grinned brightly.

"Can you lift her, M. Adrien?"

"Uh..." Adrien stumbled for words but was cut off by Brielle hopping into his arms.

"Of course he can! I only eat once a week." She smiled into the camera while a few extra photos were snapped.

Adrien shifted the weight onto his left foot and stared into the camera, scared to move his fingers any more than he already had. He winced as she started to slip from his grip, his hands running dangerously up her back thigh. That's when, he was saved, by his knight in shining armor.

"CUT!" Marinette yelled out, shocking everybody inside the room. Even the lady next to her, Gen it seemed like, reached up to try and set her back down. But Marinette didn't have it.

"You can't yell cut! You're not the director!" The photographer angrily shouted.

"This isn't a movie." The man who she'd handed the bikini over to earlier exclaimed.

"I don't care." Marinette stomped over angrily and stared daggers at Brielle, who hopped from Adrien's arms.

"What are you doing?" She snapped, moving a bit closer to intimidate Marinette.

"I'm trying to save Adrien right now." She stammered, flustered at the words coming out of her mouth at the moment.

"Save him!? Just because you have the hots for a guy doesn't mean you get to determine who he's with." She scoffed, flipping her perfectly combed hair over her shoulder.

"With?" Adrien stopped both girls there immediately. "I'm not with anyone, Brielle."

"You know what I mean." She answered with a smirk, looking him up and down, her eyes stopping at his stomach.

"I know very well you just wore that skimpy swimsuit because you were going to have your hands all over him! Can't you see-" Marinette turned around to face the crowd of people, who now formed closer to the spotlight.

"He's uncomfortable! Not to mention, this is extremely inappropriate! This could be determined as child pornography- I mean LOOK at the way she's dressed!"

A few people, all men, looked at her, becoming quite nervous. She smirked, flaunting her body in their faces.

"This has to be illegal- and you guys are condoning it!"

Nobody responded so Marinette spoke up once more, blurting out another excuse angrily.

"A-And she didn't even follow the rules!"

Brielle laughed loudly at this.

"It was your job to make sure I wore the right outfit! I say fire her!"

Genevieve gasped loudly from the back and pushed her way between two people.

"That is quite enough out of you, Brielle."

Marinette noticed Adrien's eyes, which were locked on her. She grew red in the face and tried to calm her heart.

"But- she's wrong!" Brielle faked a frown and covered her face with her hands.

"My mom is going to be so mad at you and your stupid agency!" She screamed, turning around and running out of the room. Marinette stared after her, suddenly feeling bad about what had gone down. But even after all of that, she knew that an end had to be put to what was going on. Hopefully, she really was doing it for Adrien, and not herself.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

A/N: Hello Dreamers. So.. long chapter once again. What do you think? I think Brielle got what she deserved, but at the same time, I'm worried Adrien will be angry with Marinette for what she did. Hopefully, that isn't the case. Anyways, please vote, comment, and share! I always appreciate the love!

Bug Out!

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