Chapter 18

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Dedicated to ladddy64488

Hayden's POV

"ICE!" I shouted, and probably rang through the entire mansion, but I don't care I'm in pain.

"Son what exactly happened?" Dad asked trying to hold back the laughter.

"She kneed my balls what does it look like happened?" I hissed as I still lay on the floor.

Oh I'll give her ice alright, better watch your back nerd!

Mum rushed with a carrier bag in hand. "Well, you must've done something to the girl. She's a sweet girl, she wouldn't do this on purpose." I glanced at mum to see her trying her best to hold her laughter in.

What the hell do they find funny about this situation?!

I groaned, and tried to get up. It was unsuccessful the first, but after many time dad decided to help me up to my room.

"If I can't have children in the future, YOU KNOW WHO TO BLAME!" I shouted as we passed Astrid's room. A muffled giggle came as a response from her room.

I wanted to be angry. How could she laugh when I'm in pain. Yet, I'm struggling to be mad. A small smile made it's way to my face. I don't understand why I can't be mad at her.

She just comes into my life all of a sudden. Changing me, what the heck is happening to me? My friends act like they've known her all their life. And here I am smile at the fact she laughing after hitting my balls!

I'm fucking messed up!

"Come now Hayden, you're being overly dramatic about this." I looked at him bemused.

"How are you not worried?" I asked once gently placed me on my bed.

"Because I know you have a tendency to over dramatize things."

My jaw dropped while dad left my room with a stupid grin on his face.

After a few minutes passed, the pain started to go away I slowly got up, and walked over to my cupboard. Opening it I took out my towel and a fresh pair of clothes then I walked into the bathroom. I took off my shirt and stared at a scar running across from top left of my chest to the right bottom of my torso. I smiled while tracing the scar.

It was his secret that even Astrid didn't know. Sure, she found out about his sister, and only close friends know about her since she was kind of almost hidden from the cameras.

Of course, if Astrid didn't figure out that his family owned a famous hotel along with Snotlout then, she'll have an hard time figuring this out.

My parent don't know about this secret either because well, I don't want them to know, and I don't want to see dad's disappointed face when he finds out. He doesn't consider horse riding as a sport.

How this scar got here? well that's a long story. Not really. I was practising jumping over hurdles with Toothless when he suddenly, got scared which made me lose control, and I ended up falling into a patch filled with sharp stones. I was taken to hospital to get it stitched up, and was kept overnight. My parents were obviously scared since they called over a thousand time, but I didn't pick up one. I thought they should suffer like the way they made me suffer.

When I got discharged I went to a corner shop and bought a vodka bottle on the way home. I drank while I was driving, I didn't care that is was illegal. I walked inside the house swaying with the vodka bottle in hand. My mum screamed when she saw me, but I pushed her away and made my way to my bedroom. I tend my wound and fell asleep on my bed. It took around about three weeks for it to fully heal and it took two extra weeks for me to be able to ride toothless.

I stripped the rest of my clothes and got inside my shower cubical after turning the shower on. Once I knew it was a comfortable temperature I let the water touch my hair and let it touch my skin. I warmth of the water relaxed my muscles causing a sigh to escape my mouth. Closing my eyes I tried to forget the event of the day.

Nothing worked all I can imagine is two sad , broken, lonely and scared. Ocean blue eye filled with tears as the man went to touch her. She froze like she was having a flashback. I would like to know what flashed in her mind, but Why do I care? 

I  turned the tap off when I finished my shower. Grabbing the towel drying myself then putting on a fresh pair of night clothes. When I entered my room and laid on my bed my phone dinged indicating someone texted me.

Cuz: Are you awake?

Me: Yeah, why?

Cuz: Mum and dad are fighting again :(

Me: Do you want to come over?

Cuz: No, I just needed someone to talk to Hiccup.

Me: Hey, you got me no matter what ;)

Snotlout used to bully me when I was little, but when I found out that his parents where constantly fighting which lead to Snotlout being depressed. I comforted him even though he hurt me. Then after that he never hurt me again, there are still  some teasing and arguments between us, but we understand each other more now.

Cuz: yeah, I know.

Me: Good.

Cuz: Anyway, did you hear?

Me: Hear what?

Cuz: School is closed tomorrow because the chemistry lab exploded.

Me: So that's why the twins had to go back to school.

Cuz: it's funny how we know right away who the culprits are, but the principle doesn't.

Me: They don't?! Man, they really are stupid.

Cuz: WUU2?

Me: Laying in bed about to go to sleep. You?

Cuz: talking to you, and going to sleep at 8 in the evening? you bag of lazy bones.

Me: I don't feel like eating or staying  up. Plus after that fight I feel tired.

Cuz: go to sleep then cuz. Goodnight! ;)

Me: Night.

I dropped the phone next to me, and brought the covers up. As soon as my head hit the pillow darkness took over me.

A/N: anyway hope you had an amazing day ladddy64488. Here is the Chapter I promised.



Love Hiccstrid!

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