Chapter 19

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Astrid's POV

Last night while we were having dinner Hayden didn't join us. Is he mad at me? It was his fault, not mine. He didn't have to be inappropriate with me now did he? In my opinion he totally deserved it. This morning I got a message from the school saying the chemistry lab exploded. Before when I didn't know the twins I would've of thought this some technical malfunction, but now that know them. It was definitely those two troublemakers that I call friends.  

I smiled at the thought. I have friends. A happy squeal left erupted from my throat.

A sudden knock brought me back to reality.

"You're  not dying in there right?" Hayden's voice came through my door.

"Go away." I didn't shout, I didn't huff. I'm too happy to be frustrated and annoyed by this human being.

"Make sure you die, so I can live in peace." It was silence after that. I was sure he left after that.

My happy mood completely vanished. He doesn't like me as a friend. But then why did he introduced his friends to me. Why did he make sure I have all their number even Snotlout's? Why did he give me his number? Why did he want to hang out with me. Because of that idiot I went to the pub, and to only get haunted by my past every time I close my eyes or day dream.

I haven't slept a wink since yesterday. I'm likely not going to get any sleep any time soon, but I'm used to it. I quickly went through my morning routine, and once I was finished I grabbed my make up bag out of my suit case. From the bag I took out a concealer to cover the bags under my eyes. 

Who cares about Hayden. I'm just going to carry on with my life like I've been past eighteen years of my life. Why is this year different?

All I have to get through my final coming may because right now its December. My birthday is today actually the sixteenth of December. My parents and uncle Finn will probably call, but that's it. I don't like celebrating my birthday, I don't feel like the day I was born is worth celebrating.

I made my way downstairs, and into the kitchen with my phone in my back pocket.

"Hello my dear how did you sleep last night?" Valka asked sweetly.

"I slept well thank you for asking." I replied politely as possible.

"See Hayden, some people know how to be polite." I stared at the jerk who is sitting in front of me smirking. I huffed and looked away.

Why am I so bothered by the fact that he doesn't want to be friends with me?

Maybe because it looked like he wanted to be friends with me in the first place.

Who cares, just appreciate the friends you have now Astrid. Don't waste your life energy on this jerk.

"I don't find kicking people in the balls that polite mum, but if you do mum I won't knock it." Valka walked over to Hayden with a cloth in hand, and wacked it aiming it for his head, but Hayden ducked just in time to avoid the cloth. His smug smile was wiped off soon as Valka hit him with a unexpected blow with the cloth.

"Mum!" In response she gave him a stern glare.

"What was the reason you got hit?" Valka asked with crossed arms.

"I only said that I like her in dark blue." 

"My bra! You said you like me wearing dark blue bra!" I shouted just as Steven came inside the kitchen with his eyebrows raised high. I quickly realized what I had shouted, I blushed instantly.

Great. This exactly how I wanted my morning to go.

"And may I ask you how he saw your underclothing Astrid?" Stoick asked now as he sat down in the dinner table.

"He asked me to rest, but I got bored, and he ignored my texts so I went to the garden. To you know look at it. By the way I have to tell you it is really beautiful."

"I do try Astrid" Valka said smiling at me.

"You were saying Astrid?" Stoick interrupted me.

"Then he set the garden sprinklers on me, which made angry, but then again who wouldn't. So, I kind of chased him inside the house and hit with a pillow while pinning him to the ground, but then he flipped and saw my you know from my shirt because the water made it see through and stick to my body. I didn't like what he said so I kicked him." I finished.

Stoick patted Hayden's back with a smirk playing on his face. At least I know where Hayden gets his smirking from. Oh well, like father like son I guess. Hayden just grumbled muttering something under his breath. 

"Well since there is no school today for you two, I have the perfect job for the both of you." Stoick stated, but Hayden stood up all of a sudden.

"Actually dad, I've got to go somewhere that requires my attention."

I bet it's one of those blonde bimbos that suddenly requires his stupid attention. Why do I can anyway, it's him who's going to have STD in the future.

I smiled at Stoick probably scaring him with all the smiling I doing at the moment."What was that perfect job you wanted me to do." Stoick smiled at me and at Valka when she placed his plate next to him.

"How would you like to come with me,and help me at work. It could be like work experience, but there is no stress there for you." that really would be awesome.

I nodded eagerly. "Of course, I'll gladly help you."

Valka and Stoick laughed and after a while I joined in with them. 

I think this birthday is going to be the best I've had in a while even if there isn't cake and a party.

Yeah, best birthday.                                                                                                                                                                         

A/N: I was supposed to update yesterday, but I suddenly turned into a numpty and slept while I was typing this chapter. So yeah, sorry.

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this chapter.



Love Hiccstrid 

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