Chapter 2

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Astrid's POV

Hi, my name is Astrid Melody Hoffreson. I live in the mansion on the far side of Berk, which is pretty far from my school which is known as Berk Academy. My parents are famous lawyers and they travel around the world taking a lot of cases so, that means I have to stay at uncle Finn's house most of the time. Now uncle Finn is really nice and he cares so much about me, but he always asks about my friends to a point that I have to make friends up. Yes, I'm from a rich family, but I'm a nerd and don't really have a friend because I dedicate myself to my studies and nothing else.

Right now, I'm driving in my blue Citroen to my place because dad asked me to come home quickly and that means that I'm not able to visit the library. Also, the tone he used when he called me home isn't very good so I have a feeling that I'm not going to like this.

As I turned to my driveway and parked the car in my spot to see all my suitcases outside the door along with my parents.

"What in the name of Thor is going on!"

I went up to the front door and saw my mum and dad locking it. Okay, now I'm confused. Then it clicked.

"Am I staying at uncle Finn's?"

I asked in a concerned voice. They can't keep doing this to me. I'm 18 for Thor's sake! I'm going to university next year and they don't leave me alone in the house. It's just for a few weeks as well. Seriously, they have major trust issues. Don't get me wrong I love them with all my heart, but this is pathetic.

"No Darling you're going to stay at friend's house because uncle Finn's gone on a trip with his friends." Mum took my bags and brought them to my car and asked the butler to put the luggage in the boot.

"Who is this "friend" you're talking about?"

Mum turned around and smiled at me.

"You'll see"

"Why does that instil me with so much confidence" I rolled my eyes and open my car door.

"You'll be fine princess, just follow our car," dad said for the first time since I arrived. He opened the backseat door and got into the back seat with mum. My parents have their own personal driver for some weird reason when they both could drive.

"Somethings just never change" I muttered to myself and started the car and drove behind my parents one because I have no idea where I'm going.

It took us half an hour to get to this friend's house. I've never seen this house ever in my life and this supposed friend was their best friend. I mean how in Thor's name is that possible. Oh, dear Odin now I'm talking to myself. I've completely and utterly lost it.

"Princess hurry up, we are getting late"


I came out the shock and then walked towards my parents while absorbing the outside features of the huge mansion. The beautiful pathway with a fountain in the middle. The mansion had been beautifully etched, the design was just beautiful.

When my dad knocked on the door a man and women opened it. The man had big muscles and a big cherry red beard, he was also big so he looked outright terrifying. The woman, however, was thin with beautiful dark auburn hair and to match she had the most dazzling emerald eyes. They both seemed kind and friendly well apart from the man's scary look.

"Hello Steve, how are you doing?" The man, who appeared to know my dad, asked while holding his hand out.

My dad took the man's hand with a big smile and replied. "Good, good Stoick, you?"

"I'm doing great"

"Ingrid, Steve why don't you come inside" the women spoke for the first time we've arrived.

"Sorry we can't Valka, we have to leave ASAP, but when we come to pick her up we'll stay a little longer promise and you know how I don't break promises," Mum said with a sad smile.

"I definitely know about your promises Ingrid and I can't wait to catch up with you. It's been so long." The woman named Valka said with an excited glitter in her eyes.

"Bye, for now, princess we'll see you in a couple of months"

"Okay bye, daddy!"

I smiled and waved. I'll see them in a couple of months. I'll get to know about these nice people in a couple of months. I'll get to know how they met and why I haven't known about them in these couple of months.

Yes, in a couple of months.


"A COUPLE OF MONTHS!" I shouted out only to realize that my parents are gone.

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