Chapter 3

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Hiccup's POV

The world has stopped. My mind clouded with the thoughts that's running through my mind. Pregnant. My mum's pregnant. I'm going to be big brother again. Are they going to just going to forget about her? She was my sister. How could they just forget about her? Anger. That's all I ever feel when I think about mum and dad. I've been in my room for three hours and I'm not bothered to go downstairs.

"Hiccup come downstairs son"

"Leave me alone mum" I rolled my eyes and laid back on my bed

"We have a guest sweetie, please come downstairs" mum pleaded

I sighed and walked over to my door and opened it to find my mum standing with an hopeful face.


I ran down the stairs with her walking down slowly. Of course She would she's pregnant.

"who is it that I have to meet?"

I looked around the living room to see a blond chick sitting on the love seat. When our eyes met she had this look of recognition in her eyes while her jaw was dropped. I smirked remembering the school nerd.

"what are you doing here?"

"living" was my reply.

I smirked "what are you doing here?"

She blushed while looking down to the floor " I'm staying for a couple of months until my parents return."

Irritation crossed my face I turned to look at my parents " first pregnant and now this?! Am I not that important enough for you to tell me that this annoying nerd is coming to live with us? Oh right I forgot you're too busy for me. So sorry for forgetting that. Adopt her why don't you and let me leave!"

Mum's smile dissappeared instantly and she slapped me. SHE SALPPED ME! " Clam down Hayden Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third! You have no right to drag the poor girl into what ever things you accuse us for. We are looking after her...."

" clearly because you'll be needing practise am I right?"

"we are doing a favour for our friends okay we are your parents and we don't have to explain ourselves to you!" Mum said in a stern voice.

"when have you ever? Neglected remeber, You two don't give two shit about me. You know what I hope you have a happy life with that baby. And hope you both are happy with looking after this nerd because in a few months I'm out of here and never returning."

With that said I went to my room making sure to slam the door very hard. I don't even understand why I bother anymore. Why the heck am I trying? They are clearly getting the child they always wanted. Six years ago they brought home my beautiful baby sister. Now six years later she's gone and it's my fucking fault. I didn't protect her.

No Hayden stop crying! Stop! Stop! Stop! Guys aren't supposed to cry like chicks. Stop being a girl and man up. It happend three years ago get over it.

I can't. She was my everything.

A knock on the door brought me out of my trance.

"go away!" I shouted

The door opened and great the nerd came inside.


She came inside the room and grabbed a chair and sat infront of me. What the hell is she doing? She then pulled out a bag and stretched her hand out to me.

I gave her a confused look. She blushed and placed the bag on my cheek. The cheek my mum slapped me on. She kept blushing. Cute.

" Sorry, I didn't know that I was meant to come here. My parents are lawyers who get cases around the world. So I normally get left behind with uncle Finn, but apparently he's gone on holiday so my parents asked yours if I could stay for a couple of months."

" I didn't ask for your life story blondie. "  I smirked when she blushed more.


"what's your name nerd?"

"Stop calling me that! I'm not a nerd. And I'm Astrid Melody Hoffreson." my my where did this confidence come from.

" does it hurt?"


" does your cheek hurt?"

" oh it only stings a bit, nothing I'm not used to, but it's the first time mum ever laid a hand on me. So shocked nonetheless."

" your mum is right you know?" She said looking upset.

" you don't know anything!" I snapped " you don't know who I am..."

"yes, yes I do. Your are Hayden. The player that goes around kissing girls and bringing them to your bed. And let them warm up your sheets. Your Hayden Haddock everyone knows you."

Even someone as smart as her believes this.
Who cares, I don't care what she thinks.

"whatever, just stay away from me!"

She stood up and walked out my door smiling. What the heck? She popped her head back into my room.

"Bye Hayden, see you later"

What the heck?

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