Chapter 4

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Astrid's Pov

After a minute I arrived the nice lady named Valka went upstairs,  few  minutes later a guy runs  down the  stairs while Valka walks down slowly. I  looked at the guy,  he had auburn hair that looked shiny and  smooth. I have this weird urge to touch it.  He wore a smirk on his face, but his eyes were  saying a different  story  just for  a moment before it turned cold.  And my, his eyes were a mesmerising emerald green and I so badly want to touch them to see if they are real. I blushed when he caught me staring at him. It was then I  realised this was HAYDEN fudging HADDOCK! What was this womaniser doing  here?

"what are you doing here?" I asked confidently.

"living" was his reply.,

He lives here! That means theses kind, generous  people has Hayden for a son. I feel so  sorry for these  people.

He  smirked  " what are you doing here?"

I blushed furiously  realising that I questioned him in his own home. "I'm  staying here  for a couple of   months until my parents return."

As soon as I finish speaking his smirk fell and Irritation flashed across. I  actually was scared of him. "first pregnant and  now this?! Am I  not improtant  enough for you to tell me that this annoying nerd is coming to live with us? Oh right I forgot you're too busy for me. So sorry for forgetting that. Adopt her why don't you and let me leave!"

Pregnant!  Whose pregn.... Oh Valka is pregnant.  Why is Hayden overreacting? How dare he call me a nerd. Just because I love studying and I actually want to have  an successful career unlike some really disrespectful human beings. A slap brought me out of my trance. Serves him right for talking  to his mother like that. But why does Hayden saddened face, that only lasted for a second, made my heartbreak. He's the bad guy here.

"....I'm out of here and never returning"

Hayden ran upstairs probably to his room and  slammed the door. Wait! Where is her going? Why isn't he coming back?

"I hit him. Stoick I hit him! what have I done." Valka cried.

Stoick hugged Valka " it's alright Valka, you know we've all been living in a bad time and it effected Hiccup the most."

"He loved her so much, he broke when she left." Valka said nearly chocking on her words.

I honestly feel sorry for them. Maybe Hayden was nice and his girlfriend broke up with him and it must've broke him or something. It still doesn't explain why he treats his parents like this though.

"Just give him time Val." Stoick said soothingly.

I felt so sorry for them "shall I go check on him."

Valka looked at me with her tear stained face "I'm so sorry that you had to see and hear that."

"It's alright I'm used to his way in school."

"you know him." Stoick looked confused.

" Yeah I mean he's Hayden Haddock he's Mr. bad boy, player. I'm sure you know your son. He has never bothered me personally, but that's because he's into those bimbos with a cake full of makeup  in our school."

"He wasn't always like this." Valka argued, I smiled and nodded.

"I'll go speak to him." I went to the kitchen and opened the freezer. Taking a bag I put some ice inside and made my back to Stoick and Valka.

"Its the first door on your left" with that I smiled and made my way towards the stairs and ran upstairs and outside his bedroom door. I raised my hands which was curled into a fist and knocked the door. a few seconds later I heard a "go away."

I went  inside his room. To my surprise it was so neat. His bed was made properly with his dark blue duvet across his bed neatly with a white sheet underneath and a drak blue pillow. He had a book shelf full of books. Not a speck of dust. I went inside and  grabbed a chair and sat infront of him. I  then pulled out the ice bag and stretched her hand out to me.


He gave me  a confused look. I blushed at what I'm about to do and placed the bag on his cheek. The cheek his  mum slapped him on. I kept blushing.

" Sorry, I didn't know that I was meant to come here. My parents are lawyers who get cases around the world. So I normally get left behind with uncle Finn, but apparently he's gone on holiday so my parents asked yours if I could stay for a couple of months." I said feeling like I needed to give him the reason I'm here.

" I didn't ask for your life story blondie. "  he smirked when she blushed more.


"what's your name nerd?"

"Stop calling me that! I'm not a nerd. And I'm Astrid Melody Hoffreson" I was enraged. Alright I'm a nerd, but he doesn't need to know that. How dare he, he's lucky I don't want to hurt his pretty eyes. So I decided to change the subject.

" does it hurt?"


" does your cheek hurt?"

" oh it only stings a bit, nothing I'm not used to, but it's the first time mum ever laid a hand on me. So shocked nonetheless."

" your mum is right you know?" I said looking upset.

" you don't know anything!" he snapped " you don't know who I am..."

"yes, yes I do. Your are Hayden. The player that goes around kissing girls and bringing them to your bed. And let them warm up your sheets. Your Hayden Haddock everyone knows you."

of course I know him. Everyone knows him.

"whatever, just stay away from me!"

I stood up and walked out my door smiling. Before I left I popped my  head back into his room.

"Bye Hayden, see you later" I said ever so sweetly

I closed the door smiling to myself and my face heating up for some reason.

Just you wait Haddock I'm going to find out what your problem is.

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