Chapter 31

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Hey guys! 

I hope you guys are doing well and are safe. Its been such a long time since I updated this story. I've read every comment that I received, and I'm so happy that so many of you are enjoying this story. I'm really sorry it took me a while to update. I was going through something, and I couldn't give my total focus to this story and I truly want give the best chapter possible. I also had exams that I had to deal during this time, and everything has been stressful. But now that everything is better I will be updating 1 chapter every week.

Hope you enjoy this chapter.

Hayden's POV

She just stood there. I stared into her eyes; her empty eyes made it impossible to read what she was thinking. I should have told her as soon as I got with her. I don't know if what I feel for her is called love, but I know its strong. If she can accept this part, I knew we can get through a lot together. I know that we have said to each other that we loved each other, but that feeling grows each day.

"Oh my god?" she yelled, her voice laced in excitement and shock. That's all she said. She is much harder to read than anyone else. Her unpredictability is one of the reasons I like her. I didn't understand why she was excited, but the shock I understood. 

"Oh my god as in you okay with this, or ..." I didn't want to finish the sentence. I could feel my nervousness build up in my throat, my heart beating so fast, faster than toothless racing. I want her to be alright with this.

"Okay with this?" The question was so simple, but if so, why did it make me feel like I'm about to lose something precious. I didn't reply just looked down. I am ashamed. Not ashamed of racing. Never. I'm ashamed to have looked in her eyes and basically tell her that I didn't trust her enough. Didn't trust her enough to share this secret.

"Of course, I'm okay with this kitten. Why do you look like you're doing to die?" That smirk. She didn't smirk often, but when she does you know she is up to no good. I let out a gasp of air. My tense body finally relaxed. I've been worrying about this since the day I planned this.

"I don't look like that!" I'm too proud. I know that, and I know that she knows it too. To say I'm relived at her reaction is an understatement.

"He is so beautiful Hayden. But what I don't understand is why are you hiding him, and why Rider?" I knew these questions were bound to pop up, and the answers to these questions is something that even I don't understand.

The easy question was why rider. "I chose Rider because during my first race ever I had to register a name and I kind of panicked. Also, I thought Rider was a cool name." 

"You panicked?!" Astrid laughed. She looked at me like I was a imposter.

"Sorry yea, humans tend to panic during last minute decisions." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Wow! You're human. Damn, you really fooled me Hayden." She laughed loudly. She thinks she's so funny. 

"Haha Astrid. I didn't know you were such a jokester." stared at her with my eyebrow raised.

To be honest, I was stalling because I didn't want her to think differently of me. I'm not a coward who can't face my father.

I have to tell her. Taking a deep breath, I spoke. "As for your next question, I have to hide him Astrid. My dad would never understand. He doesn't believe that horse racing is a sport. If I was doing football, rugby and hell even cricket he wouldn't have minded, but racing is something he will never accept. Don't ask me how I know, I just do. Sometimes he'll catch me watching reruns of the race, and he would always make sure to tell me that I'm wasting my time watching because it isn't a real sport to him."

"But if you don't talk to him about it, you'll never know. Maybe, just maybe he'll understand why you love it so much. I mean Rider, you, are so good at it. You have won so many trophies!" Astrid cut me off with such excitement, but she didn't understand. she didn't get why I am so sacred. 

"Astrid, he'll never understand. One of the main reasons I was jealous with you when you first lived with us was that he was so understanding with you, but to me he acted like he never gave a shit about me..."

A frown formed on her forehead. She was confused, I know that. "But Hayden..."

"No Astrid, listen I know that now that we had a moment, and I told what I was feeling that everything is going to be okay. That we can be a family. My dad has been more involved recently with my life and told me that he is proud of me. I just don't want to lose it. Those words from him is so important to me. Toothless has to stay a secret right now and I get where you are coming from, I can't keep him an secret forever. It will come out one day. I already have so many reporters looking into me, and so many have tried to remove my mask. It will come out, but for right now I want to live in a world where my dad isn't disappointed in me."

Taking my hands in hers she looked up at me, having her here, and sharing this secret with her feels amazing. "He won't be disappointed; he might be upset that you did this behind his back. I mean he might get scared because if you get hurt if Toothless loses control, he might not able to live with himself. I think he will be proud to know that his son had made a name for himself without using the Haddock name. He is going to be proud to know that his son is a stubborn, proud, brave and smart young lad..."

"Young lad?" I questioned smirking at her. My eyes teared up. She always knew how to do that.

Astrid laughed "Well you are a young lad." I just smiled at her.

"Thank you, Astrid." I said as I engulfed her in a bone crushing hug. "I'm so grateful to have met you. I really do hope he feels that way when I tell him. But for now, Astrid can you keep this a secret for me. Please." I asked wiping my tears. I wasn't upset I was truly happy, and I haven't been this happy in a while. I must admit, I have forgotten how that felt.

"I will, on one condition though." That smirk was back, and her ocean blue eyes were screaming mischievous.

"Anything for you M'lady." I smiled. I trust her.

"I want a ride on Toothless. And I want you to teach me how to ride him. I must confess I'm kind of fangirling right now. I love Rider and Toothless. I can't believe I'm Rider's girlfriend." I shook my head while let out a chuckle. Astrid's eyes glisten with excitement, and with happiness. I love this look on her. She is so goddamn beautiful.

"Wow, okay that's a lot. I always knew you were only with me because I was famous." I blew at her face as stray stand of hair covered her eyes.

"I am not!" she stomped her foot on the ground while tucking her hair behind her ear. 

"Are too, listen nerd your secret is out. The whole world knows now." I smiled as her face got redder as each second went by. Suddenly, a force pushed me to the ground. It happened so fast that I didn't recognise what happened and how I am not lying on the ground. All I saw was Astrid smirking at me.

"I did not, and who ever said that I loved you." Oh, I knew you loved me Astrid. I quickly sat brushing off the dirt on my shirt.

"You don't do you?" I placed my hand on my chest dramatically. "M'lady you wound me!" I whined.

"I don't care." She was mad. I knew that, but I couldn't help myself.

"At least help me up?" I asked while reaching for her hand.

"No, I'm not stupid. I know what you are going to do."

"Nerd I think you broke something. My leg really hurts." I massaged my ankle and hissed loudly. From the corner of my eyes I could see her eyes lace with shock and worry.

"Oh my god Hayden! I'm so sorry." She spoke while reaching down to help me, but it was too late for her. I smirked and pulled her down to me.

"You don't love me then?" I asked while kissing her forehead. The little storm forming in her eyes slowly cleared as she hid her face in my neck.

"I lied. I do love you."

That was all I needed. Yes right now my life doing really well. I wouldn't call it amazing because I know there is so much, I need to get through, but right now in this moment everything was okay. I had her, and that's all I needed right now.

"I love you too princess."

Hope you enjoyed this, and as always...



Love Hiccstrid! 

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