Bucky Barnes and the Spiderling

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First, here are some pictures of my dog to bless you all bc he's floofy:

His name is Teddy :)

Now, onto Bucky!!! I love Bucky Barnes and I care deeply about him.

He was the only person who would be friends with Steve in the 30s and 40s. He looked past the surface and saw who Steve was when no one else would. He stood by him when he was beaten up and defended him. He got him dates with girls (even though Stucky is the best), he offered him a place to stay when Steve's family was all gone, and he went out to serve his country. Then, HYDRA tortures him for 70 years and puts him through unimaginable pain. But he NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG!!

Rant over. Peter and Bucky. Enjoy!

(R.I.P Stony shippers)

Bucky hadn't been doing well.

In fact; he'd been doing really, really not well. Poorly, one might say.

The guy was in continuous agony and suffering. Between nightmares and night terrors, flashbacks, and feeling like an outsider, it was difficult to find comfort.

Steve had been there for him, of course. He'd helped him cope, calmed him down in the aftermath of nightmares (even when Bucky stated he was okay, he was fine, I swear it, Steve-) and Steve had actually talked to him when no one else would.

Bucky wasn't... Rejected, per se. But tensions were still high with the others. Especially Tony. Tony wasn't completely angry anymore, but he still found a small but if bitterness in him about his parents. About his mother. But Steve had talked enough sense into him that he didn't want to kill Bucky anymore. But Bucky still wasn't exactly the most loved.

So yeah, Bucky wasn't well. He was a complete mess.

He went around quietly and politely, not bothering the others. During meals, he never spoke up during group discussions. He sat silently apart from the group, sometimes not even at the table. He didn't feel needed, much less convenient for the others. He was a burden, he thought, so he did his best to stay out of the way.

Steve wanted to help. It pained him seeing Bucky so depressed, so quiet. He wasn't the Bucky he remembered from his childhood or army days, and he doubted he ever would be. But Bucky tried so, so hard to be strong for his Stevie. He tried, really.


Peter was a slightly different situation. He'd gotten past lots of his trauma, and though he still suffered from occasional side effects of PTSD, he was... okay. He was happy.

But Peter was also intuitive. Ever since Bucky had come to live at the Tower, he'd noticed how low he was. How sad he seemed.

This wasn't the man who was in Germany. That was a broken, hurt person who just wanted to feel safe.

It hurt Peter. But Tony was always so protective of the little spider, and he didn't know if he wanted Peter getting involved with Bucky.

It wasn't that Tony... didn't trust Bucky. He seemed harmless enough. It took some warming up to him, but Tony didn't think Bucky would hurt him. He was just a person, he reminded himself. Bucky was just another human being. He'd been a person, a good person before he was taken by HYDRA. He wasn't a machine. Well, mostly, anyway.

Peter had played a big role in showing Tony that Bucky had feelings and that he wasn't some unpredictable maniac. Peter had always been so compassionate to others.

Still, Tony didn't really want Peter around Bucky much. Just for precaution.

But Peter wanted to help. Because he saw a person who needed help and needed someone to talk to when Steve wasn't around.


Steve was on a mission.

He was out with Nat, Sam, Clint, Scott, Wanda, and Vision (Vision insisted on coming to watch over Wanda).

And Tony had just gotten a call from Steve saying the threat was bigger than they had anticipated, and Tony was needed.

So there he was, about to take off from the balcony.

"Peter," Tony said to the boy, who was wishing him goodbye and good luck, "you're gonna be alone with Pepper, Rhodey and Bucky for a few days... so just be safe."

Peter chuckled at Tony's concern. "Tony, I'll be okay, I promise. I can lift a warehouse if I want to, you don't have to worry about me getting hurt."

Tony nodded and smiled faintly. "Counting on it, kid."

And then he was gone.


Though there were a couple of others at the tower, Peter and Bucky were the ones who spent time in the communal area the most.

Pepper was off being the CEO of the most powerful tech company in the world, and Rhodey was getting physical therapy a lot and all that, so he wasn't really walking around much.

It was a Friday evening. Peter had just gotten home from patrol and he crawled into the common room to see Bucky sprawled out on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

Peter often times found himself surprised at how casual Bucky could look. Because the dude was the Winter Soldier. Or... he used to be. Peter was confused about the logistics of it all, honestly.

But Bucky wasn't in battle attire all the time (obviously) and wore t-shirts and jeans, usually. And it was weird for Peter. To see someone who you've always thought of in a more professional sense lay around in lounge clothes, eating Cheetos and staring off into the distance.

Bucky didn't seem to mind being in casual clothes, though. He was sometimes even just in a tank top and basketball shorts.

Peer wasn't sure what to do. His unfinished homework was on the coffee table in between the rounded semi-circle couch and the TV. He'd been working on it before patrol. But now that Bucky was there, his anxiety didn't even want him to walk in front of Bucky because it might block his view of the television. (Relatable???)

"Kid, why're you just standing there?" a voice suddenly said, snapping Peter away from his thought-fogged mind.

Bucky had spoken to him, not even looking in his direction. Peter assumed he'd noticed he wasn't moving after walking in.

"No reason, Mr. Barnes. Sorry."

"Formality? That's not something I get much of around here."

Peter smiled awkwardly as Bucky's head turned back toward him slightly, hair brushing his shoulder.

"Why not?" the younger make questioned.

Bucky chuckled. "Most of the team are either mad about me killing someone they love or just think I'm a time bomb."

"Well, Mr. Barnes-"

"It's Bucky, kid."

"Sorry. Bucky, I think they should respect you more. You're just another person, you're not crazy or anything."

Bucky turned fully so he was facing Peter in a criss-cross position on the couch.


"You're welcome."

There was a brief moment of silence before Bucky spoke again.

"You wanna watch Flip or Flop?"

Peter looked up at the TV to see that yes, indeed, Bucky was watching an episode of that cheesy HGTV reality show. It struck him as amusing, actually.

Peter, forgetting about his homework, nodded. "Sure." He walked over and plopped down on the couch a few feet from Bucky.

Their attention fixated on the screen, the room growing peacefully silent.

That is, until they got a little too invested in the story.

"Don't get the marble, dAMMIT! You should've gone for the granite!" Bucky seemed extremely angry about the decision made for the bathroom counters.

"They're spending way too much on the dining room, the yard is a lost cause," Peter mumbled rather loudly.

The duo yelled at the screen until the show ended and commercials started playing.

Once it was all over, it felt a tiny bit awkward sitting there. So a hesitant Peter stood up and spoke.

"I've got...homework."

"Alright, have fun."

Peter nodded and headed off to his room, were he laid everything out on his desk and immediately FaceTimed Ned.

A few seconds later, Ned's face appeared on the holographic screen being projected from the desk.

"Hey, dude. What's up? Is it you-know-what business?"

Peter chuckled. "No—well, a little, maybe. It's Avengers stuff... mostly Winter Soldier stuff."

The tan skinned boy on the other side of the screen visibly became excitable. "What? That's awesome—I think. What's your news about?"

Peter grinned. "Dude, I just watched Flip or Flop with Bucky Barnes."

Ned paused for a moment before cracking up.

Peter laughed, too. Because it was funny, really. In fact, it was hilarious.

"We started yelling at the TV and everything. I feel like I sorta... bonded with him? I dunno, but he seems like a cool guy. Who's really into crap television."

Ned nodded and kept wheezing.


Peter was right.

Bucky was into crap television.

His taste wasn't all bad, he'd still watched the super hyped up shows like Stranger Things, Orange is the New Black, Sherlock, and he'd even started Supernatural.

But he also watched Keeping up with the Kardashians. Yeah. And he watched tons of baking shows. Tons. Peter had only just noticed how much the man loved to bake and cook. He was constantly in the kitchen when he wasn't watching TV or working out (or making out with Steve in private).

Bucky was nice, though. Peter hadn't talked much to him so far, but he seemed... gentle. It really was hard to believe that he'd killed so many people or that he'd been at the Battle of Leipzig (Yeah, it had an official name. That's what society called it because it's where the Avengers had their big brawl against each other).

Sometimes, Peter even saw something—or at least he thought he did—that was the old Bucky. From before HYDRA. Sure, Peter wasn't alive, his grandparents weren't alive, but it shone through in a way that stood out so differently from the rest of him.

He was typically silent around the tower, Peter noticed. Bucky would greet him and make a little small talk, but he didn't go into full on conversation. He usually avoided sharing opinions, too.

But on day four of Tony being gone, Peter climbed through the Tower window bleeding heavily from his side. He didn't even notice Bucky on the couch until he heard him go "Jesus, kid!"

"Oh, sorry for interrupting, "Peter rambled, slightly slurring his words. "Imma go sew myself up."

Bucky jumped to his feet and ran over.

Peter's immediate reaction was panic.

"Don't tell Tony!"

Bucky shook his head and cane to a halt in front of Peter.

"What happened?"

"I just got stabbed, it's not too serious. It's a flesh wound, it's fine-"

"You're not fine, kid. You're bleeding. A lot. What happened?"

"I had to jump in, okay? This dude was harassing some woman and I asked him to stop. He said no, so I tried to tell him again, but one of his buddies stabbed me. No biggie, see? You know I had to do it to 'em!" (Everyone in the comments: I understood that reference!)

"Oh my god," Bucky muttered, "this is Steve all over again."

Peter tilted his head in confusion. "Huh?"

"Nevermind, you need to go to the MedBay."

"I'm okay, I'll just stitch myself up in my room," Peter said, alarmingly calm.

"How often are you doing that?" Bucky was frustrated, but mostly worried.

Peter shrugged, slightly wincing in pain. "I dunno."

Bucky let out a deep sigh and shook his head. "Alright, I won't tell Tony, but I'm helping you patch up."

Peter decided that it couldn't do any harm, so he complied and let Bucky follow him to the MedBay.

The walk was short, and Peter was shortly on a hospital bed, grabbing the needles and thread while Bucky got the alcohol and rags.

"Thanks for helping me, Bucky," Peter said softly.

Bucky nodded, not saying anything else.

Peter propped himself up on an exam table and Bucky gave him a cloth.

"Bite down on this," the soldier instructed, "keep your breathing deep but don't move a lot."

Peer smiled lightly. "You seem experienced at this."

"This isn't the first time I've had to play nurse," Bucky laughed emptily "Steve was getting into all sorts of trouble back in the day."

Peter's face softened. But before anything else could be said, a rag was held up to his mouth, and Peter bit down in it.


The stitching process wasn't too bad. It was definitely easier than doing it alone.

When the final remnants of blood were wiped away, Peter thanked Bucky again.

Then, Peter said something in a softer voice.

"When do you think Mr. Stark and Captain Rogers will get home?"

Bucky sighed. "I dunno. I tried calling Steve, but he said he was held up. Trust me, I miss them, too..." his voice trailed off, and a little smirk came to his face. "Mostly Steve, though."

Peter chuckled. "Someone's lovesick."

Bucky grinned in response. "Yeah, well I guess I just miss-" This is a child— "Uh, I miss... fondue."

Peter's face scrunched in confusion. "Fondue?"

Bucky laughed a bit. "Yeah."

Peter elected to not ask what that meant and stood up to walk out of the MedBay with Bucky.


The next few days were great, actually.

Peter had now set a good foundation for his friendship with Bucky, and they hung out when they were bored.

Peter taught Bucky how to play Mario Kart (he was addicted) and Bucky taught Peter some interesting facts about the 1900s. (wHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO BANANAS?!? THEY DIDN'T LOOK LIKE THAT WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE!)

Peter enjoyed it immensely, and it helped him forget how much he missed the others temporarily.

One breezy afternoon, two weeks after the team had departed, Peter and Bucky were in the communal room playing—you guessed it—Mario Kart.

Then, there was a ding!

Bucky perked up like a dog hearing a door knob turn.

Peter's head whipped around.

The elevator doors slid open. And out came a group of tired Avengers.

Bucky immediately tossed the controller onto the cushion next to him, leapt out of his seat, then bolted and threw himself at Steve.

Steve, off guard and not expecting an attack the second he got home, fell backwards clumsily.

It was a funny sight, Peter had to admit. Seeing the Captain America fall over backwards like that.

"STEVIIEEE!!!!!" Bucky yelled excitedly, clinging onto Steve for dear life.

Steve couldn't even get a word in before Bucky kissed him, still directly on top of him.

Steve broke the kiss with a laugh, nudging his boyfriend to at least sit up.

Tony looked around and quickly spotted Peter, who was grinning ridiculously and getting up to run over. Tony, unlike Steve, was prepared for the hug and immediately engulfed Peter in his arms.

"Mr. Stark, I'm so glad you're back. I missed you guys," Peter rambled off excitedly.

Tony smiled and ruffled Peter's hair affectionately, having missed the kid equally as much.

"Glad to be back, kid. Hope you were okay without me," he joked.

"I survived, Bucky and I had tons of fun."

Tony slightly but noticeably stiffened, unsure of how to react to that.

"Relax, Stark, we played Mario Kart and AirDropped memes, I'm not a psycho."

Everyone looked over at Bucky to see that he and Steve were both still on the floor (sitting upright this time), Bucky's arms around Steve's neck.

Bucky may have also been in Steve's lap and had his legs wrapped around his boyfriend, but that's beside the point.

To be honest, it did make Tony happy. To see that the Winter Soldier wasn't anywhere to be seen. To see that the post-HYDRA Bucky wasn't there, either. It was a relief to see the man so happy.

Even with the metal arm, Tony had never seen anyone look so human.

"I know, Barnes," Tony quipped with a smirk, "now keep kissin' your boyfriend."

Bucky happily obliged.

"God, get a room, you two," Natasha whined, looking like she could drop dead from exhaustion any minute.

Bucky grinned evilly. "Nah, not now. Getting a room is reserved for fondue."

Steve looked at Bucky incredulously.

And then, Peter's eyes widened.


A moment of silence for the Stony Shippers who read this.

I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long, I just had the most stressful week of my life and it's finally about to come to a close.

As you may have heard, pretty much the whole Bay Area and Northern California is having their power shut down by PG&E for a few days because CA is so fRICKIN HOT AND DRY that they wanted to avoid the risk of fires like last year's.

And somehow, I got lucky enough to get into a zone where they can't shut down the power bc I live next to a bunch of elderly care homes and hospitals where they need power.

But yeah, almost a million Californians have their power down. A munch of my friends don't have power in their apartments/houses, which sucks. And all their food is going to go bad and stuff.

But I'm good. After multiple mental breakdowns over homework and stress and stuff, I'm good. And I finished a chapter.

So I know it's kind of a sad excuse for not updating but it's the truth. I love you all so much, bye!!!


October 10th, 2019

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